Homeopathy for back pain
Homeopathic medicines
As homeopathic medicines the following are possible:
- Acidum benzoicum
- Aconite
- Bryonia
- Colocynth
- Dulcamara
- Ledum
- Nux vomica
- Rhus toxicodendron
- Carduus marianus
- Chelidonium
- Phosphorus
- Kalium carbonicum
- Calcium carbonicum
Acidum benzoicum
- Drawing, tearing pains move from left to right, from top to bottom
- the characteristic symptom is the dark urine with a sharp smell of ammonia
- General tendency to increased uric acid and the resulting inflammation of the joints (gout)
- Sad and serious frame of mind (depression)
- restless sleep (Sleep disorder)
- Noises in the ears (Tinnitus)
Typical dosage of Acidum benzoicum for back pain: Tablets D6
Prescription up to and including D3!
- Back pain caused by dry, cold winds
- violent, very sudden onset with great restlessness and anxiety (fear)
- unbearable, shooting, tearing, also stabbing pains with numbness and tingling
- Complaints are worse in the evening and at night, in a warm room, when getting up after lying down
- improvement in the fresh air and after sweating
Typical dosage of Aconite for back pain: Tablets D6
More information on Aconite you get under our topic: Aconite
- Pain is based on a rheumatic-inflammatory process
- Result of hypothermia with stabbing pains, which at rest and with firm counter pressure better become
- Movement and local warmth aggravate the complaints
- annoyed, irritable patients
- dry mucous membranes with thirst for large amounts of cold liquid
Typical dosage of Bryonia cretica (bryony) for back pain: Tablets D4
More information on Bryonia cretica (bryony) you get under our topic: Bryonia cretica
Prescription up to and including D3!
- Spasmodic pain, shooting in like a flash
- Numbness
- Pain is caused by cold, stretching out the leg, also by anger; improve warmth and pulling the leg
- The hip joint hurts like being clamped in a vice
- Better by firm counter pressure and lying on the sick side
- Move aggravated
- The patient is restless, angry, angry and violently irritated
Typical dosage of Colocynth for back pain: Drop D4
More information on Colocynth you get under our topic:
- Back pain with clear dependence on the weather
- Result of wet and cold weather, soaking, cooling off in the evening after hot days, sitting on cold objects
- existing complaints aggravate themselves
- Tearing, twitching, feeling cold and numb
- improvement the pain from warmth, movement and rubbing
- restlessness
Typical dosage of Dulcamara for back pain: Tablets D3
More information on Dulcamara you get under our topic:
- Back stiffness like after long periods of sitting
- Pain develops from the bottom up and often occurs crosswise (right shoulder, left hip)
- Tendency to rheumatic inflammation of the joints and gout
- It is striking that the patients freeze very quickly and also have a lack of vital warmth
- nevertheless they do not tolerate the warmth of the bed and want to uncover themselves
- The pain is relieved by light, cold applications and cold pourings improved (nevertheless the patients are very frosty)
Typical dosage of Ledum for back pain: Tablets D4
More information on Ledum you get under our topic:
Nux vomica
Prescription up to and including D3!
- Back pain preferably at night
- cannot turn over in bed without sitting up first
- Lumbar weakness and numbness
- aggravation the discomfort while standing, in the morning and from cold
- improvement through warmth and calm
- Irritable, overworked patients who sit a lot and tend to overeat, drink, and smoke
- Do not tolerate contradiction
Typical dosage of Nux vomica for back pain: Tablets D6
More information on Nux vomica you get under our topic:
Nux vomica
Rhus toxicodendron
- Neck stiffness and severe back pain, especially in the lumbar region
- triggered and exacerbated by cold and soaking, but also by overexertion, straining, lifting
- Tearing pains, also pins and needles, tingling
- Patients are considerably restless
- aggravation through cold and calm
- Better through exercise (the pain initially gets worse, but then gets better) and local heat applications
Typical dosage of Rhus toxicodendron for back pain: Drops D4, D6
More information on Rhus toxicodendron you get under our topic: Rhus toxicodendron
Carduus marianus
- Back pain triggered by a Liver-biliary disease which causes radiating discomfort
- Right-sided Upper abdominal pain, better by curling up
- In case of liver disease, points constipation (also alternating with diarrhea) towards Carduus marianus
- Hip pain draws to the thigh and gets worse when bending over
- It hurts to get up after sitting
- right back pain common
Typical dosage of Carduus marianus for back pain: Drop D2
More information on Carduus marianus you get under our topic:
Carduus marianus
- To the right shoulder blade Referring back pain caused by an existing one Liver-biliary disease
- in Muscles and Joints sharp pain with bruised feeling
- Angry and irritable mood
Typical dosage of chelidonium for back pain: Drop D2
More information on Chelidonium you get under our topic:
Prescription up to and including D3!
- Burning back pain, especially between Shoulder blades
- Sensation of heat up the back
- Sharp pain in the hip joint
- lively patients who are quickly exhausted
- timid and sensitive to stress
- in the evening and at night all complaints worse, also worsen cold and cold air
- improvement through rest and sleep
Typical dosage of Phosphorus in rheumatism: Drop D6
More information on Phosphorus you get under our topic:
Kalium carbonicum
- Weakness and pain in the lumbar region and hip joint
- Shooting, tearing pains radiating from the shoulder to the wrist
- Feeling of weakness in the muscles even after little exertion
- Complaints made worse by cold and lying on the sick side
- Worsening mostly in the morning between three and five o'clock
- general weakness, profuse sweating, and back pain are very typical
Typical dosage of Kalium carbonicum for back pain: Tablets D4
Calcium carbonicum
- Pain in the hip and lumbar region, shooting, tearing, stabbing
- Discomfort is made worse in or caused by sitting, exercise, and exertion
- Flaccid patients with a tendency to become fat, especially in the abdomen
- Short of breath when exerting, physically and nervously hardly resilient, quickly exhausted, discouraged
- mental clumsiness
- Cold and wet aggravate the pain
- doesn't like milk, loves eggs
- in childhood, patients often had rickets
- in old age tendency to osteoporosis
Typical dosage of Calcium carbonicum for back pain: Tablets D6
More information on Calcium carbonicum you get under our topic: Calcium carbonicum