List of 38 Bach flowers

  1. Agrimony
    Common ormennig
    One tries to hide worries, tormenting thoughts and inner restlessness behind a facade of happiness and joy.
  2. Aspen
    Aspen / aspen
    One has inexplicable fears, fear of impending disaster, fear of expectation, "fear of fear", "tremors like aspen leaves".
  3. Beech
    European beech
    You judge other people without any empathy. One is addicted to criticism, arrogant and intolerant.
  4. Centaury
    You have a weak will of your own. You can't say no, the wishes of others are overrated, you are good-natured and easily exploited.
  5. Cerato lead root You have a lack of confidence in your own intuition and judgment. You suffer from insecurity.
  6. Cherry Plum Cherry Plum You are afraid of yourself. Fear of uncontrolled actions, outbursts of temper and short-circuiting actions.
  7. Chestnut Bud Roßkastanienknospe You keep making the same mistakes because you don't really process your experiences and don't learn enough from them.
  8. Chicory Wegwarte Man is a possessive personality who meddles and tries to manipulate other people. One is overly concerned about the welfare of other people. One expects the whole affection as a thank you and rules with self-pity should the environment refuse.
  9. Clematis Common Clematis One shows little interest in the present, one's thoughts are completely different, one does not register what is happening around one. You are a "daydreamer".
  10. Crab Apple Crab Apple You feel infected, dirty and unclean, internally and / or externally. One gets caught up in detail brokering.
  11. Elm Englische Ulme You are desperate and discouraged and temporarily have the feeling that you are not up to your task and responsibility.
  12. Gentian Herbstenzian Man is skeptical, insecure, easily discouraged.
  13. Gorse Gorse One is hopeless, has given up. You have no more strength to start a new attempt. "It's no longer useful"!
  14. Heather Scottish heather You are completely on your own, you feel like the "navel of the world". You are busy with yourself and want to be the center of attention.
  15. Holly European Holly One is jealous, suspicious, has feelings of envy and hate.
  16. Honeysuckle Honeysuckle You don't live in the present, you are stuck in the past, you long for it.
  17. Hornbeam Hornbeam One feels tired and mentally exhausted and feels too weak to be able to do everyday duties.
  18. Impatiens glandular balsam One is impatient, easily irritated and tends to overreact.
  19. Larch European Lark One has feelings of inferiority, feels useless and expects failure due to a lack of self-confidence.
  20. Mimulus Speckled Juggler Flower One is shy, fearful, has many small fears, fear of the world.
  21. Mustard Wilder Mustard Deep sadness comes and goes suddenly for no apparent cause.
  22. Oak Oak You feel down and exhausted, but you still fight bravely and don't give up.
  23. Olive Olive / Ölbaum You feel drained, mentally and physically completely exhausted. Everything is too much!
  24. Pine Scottish Pine You blame yourself, feel guilty, feel discouraged.
  25. Red Chestnut Red Chestnut You are more concerned about the well-being of other people than your own.
  26. Rock Rose Gelbes Sonnenröschen One is in an inner panic, terror and acute fear feelings.
  27. Rock Water Water from medicinal springs One is hard on oneself, has strict and hard views, is rigid and immobile.
  28. Scleranthus Annual Ball One is indecisive, erratic, internally unbalanced. Opinion and mood change from one moment to the next.
  29. Star of Bethlehem Doldiger Milchstern You have not yet coped with a mental or physical shock. "Soul Comforter".
  30. Sweet Chestnut Sweet chestnut It is believed that the limits of what a person can endure have been reached. You can no longer see a way out and you are at the end of your life.
  31. Vervain Eisenkraut People are irritable and fanatical and stand up for a good cause with excessive zeal.
  32. Vine Weinrebe Man is a strong personality and desperately wants to get his way.
  33. Walnut Walnut In crucial new phases of life you are insecure, fickle and easily influenced from the outside.
  34. Water Violet Swamp Water Feather One has a pronounced feeling of isolated superiority and withdraws inwardly.
  35. White Chestnut (White Flowering) Horse Chestnut Certain thoughts are constantly circling in your head, you can't get rid of them. One conducts inner dialogues and self-talk.
  36. Wild Oat Waldtrespe You have no clear goals, you are internally dissatisfied because you cannot find your life's work.
  37. Wild Rose Dog Rose Man is apathetic, listless and has capitulated inside. You no longer exert yourself.
  38. Willow Yellow Willow One is completely bitter, quarrels with his fate, feels like a victim, resents and feels sorry for himself.