Blue acorn - what could be behind it?


When no circumcision has taken place and the penis is not in an erectile state, the glans is covered by the penile foreskin. As a rule, the penile foreskin retracts during the erection. In these moments, the glans is partially or completely visible and, due to the underlying mechanisms, can temporarily turn a slight bluish color.

This color change can vary greatly. The basic color of the glans can also look very different in men. If the natural color of the acorn is permanently blue in some places or completely blue, without recognizable damage, diseases or complaints, then this color has no meaning in terms of a disease value.

However, the glans may also turn blue due to injuries or disorders. In these cases, a medical examination and, if necessary, appropriate treatment are required in order to avoid possible irreversible consequential damage.

Possible causes

The causes of a blue acorn can be manifold. For some men, the blue color of the glans is the natural color. This can be due to various physiological, individual and anatomical factors, without any disease or problem.

In addition, the glans can temporarily turn blue during an erection. This also has no disease value and the color normalizes itself after a short time. This is related to the congestion of blood that happens during erection.

Due to injuries, the glans may turn blue, like a hematoma. In this case a doctor should be consulted. This can be a hematoma with no further damage or it can be a penile fracture that is not apparent. A penile fracture is not a break in the usual sense, but a tear in part of the erectile tissue. Accidents of various kinds can cause this. In addition, narrowing of the foreskin can cause the glans to turn blue.

Read more on the topic: Foreskin constriction

Blue after circumcision

Circumcisions of the penile foreskin are sometimes performed for religious, medical, or other personal reasons. Depending on the type of surgical intervention and how the body reacts to the injury, the glans may then be colored blue. This can - but does not have to - cause problems. If there is any discoloration, it should definitely be clarified by a doctor.

Can a sexually transmitted disease be the cause?

A blue coloration of the glans cannot be the only indication and reason for a sexually transmitted disease. If there are any other indications of a sexually transmitted disease, this must be clarified by a doctor. In addition, the partner must inevitably be informed about this and, if necessary, examined and treated as well.

Read more on the topic: STDs

Concomitant symptoms

If the glans is naturally colored blue, not due to the disease, there are usually no accompanying symptoms. If the glans is colored blue due to injuries, disorders or illnesses, reversible and irreversible side effects and damage can occur. You may experience mild to severe pain at rest or during sexual intercourse. Reversible and irreversible erectile dysfunction can also occur.

Read more on the topic: Erectile dysfunction


If the glans is discolored blue due to illness or injury, the pain may vary in severity. Since there are many nerves in the area of ​​the glans, it is very sensitive and also sensitive to pain. Due to violence, harmful external influences or internal processes, various mechanisms can be triggered at the cellular level. Pain arises.

A distinction is made between acute and chronic pain in the glans. In the case of acute pain, the pain has a protective function and draws attention to the fact that the glans or certain structures in it must be spared and, if necessary, treated. The acute pain in the glans is related to and correlated with a trigger. That is, if the injury to the glans is severe, the pain is also severe.

With chronic pain in the glans penis, the pain is independent of the trigger and does not correlate with it. In order to adequately alleviate both acute and chronic pain, a medical examination is required.

Read more on the topic: Acorn burns - what is the cause?

Discoloration is only found at the edge

The natural color of the acorn can be more or less blue at the edge. However, it is also possible that the glans only turn blue at the edge due to injuries, accidents and manipulations. This can happen, for example, through inappropriately vigorous masturbation. In these cases, a doctor should be consulted to avoid irreversible consequential damage

Blue acorn in toddlers / children

In children and toddlers, the glans are usually purple-blue in color. The natural color can vary. The decisive factor is whether the color of the glans is always the same or whether it has changed due to an event, injury, disorder or disease. It is also essential whether the children complain of other complaints such as pain. Small children who are in pain as part of this, but cannot yet express themselves verbally, express their discomfort through their behavior. This means that they scream more often, withdraw or react irritably and aggressively.

In some cases there may be a narrowing of the foreskin that must be treated early. If the glans of the penis is observed to discolour in a child or toddler, a pediatrician should be contacted immediately.

What can you do about it?

If there is no pathological cause and no risk of consequential damage, no action is required. However, if the discoloration of the glans is related to disease-related changes, the cause must be treated appropriately.

Self-treatment is not recommended and as a consequence can lead to irreversible damage. A doctor's visit is therefore always necessary in such a case. In some cases, emergency medical treatment must be provided directly.

A visit to the doctor is often avoided out of shame and the clinical picture worsens. That is why it is important to overcome feelings of shame and contact a doctor. It is essential here to inform them as honestly and precisely as possible about events that may be related to the complaints. The person concerned should bear in mind that the doctor has a duty of confidentiality. In addition, it aims to alleviate ailments and heal diseases - regardless of which part of the body it is and the reasons for the injuries or diseases.

Treatment can contain various drug and non-drug components and depends on the cause. This can often involve minor or major surgery. For example, if the foreskin is causing a narrowing of the foreskin, surgery is performed.

Duration and forecast

The duration and prognosis depend on the cause. In the case of a natural, non-disease-related blue coloration of the glans, the natural color persists and there is usually no reason to worry. If the glans is colored blue due to disease-related disorders, the duration and prognosis will be different.

In the case of smaller, uncomplicated, acute and adequately treated blue discolorations of the glans, the symptoms can heal without consequences after a few days or weeks. In these cases the prognosis is good.

If there are larger, complicated, inadequately or untreated injuries or diseases of the glans or if conditions are unfavorable, the healing process can take months and may be accompanied by irreversible damage.