Therapy of a cold


What to do if you have a cold

Note what to do if you have a cold:
A runny nose caused by a virus cannot be cured. Rather, the treatment is symptomatic, which means relieving the symptoms without treating the cause of the runny nose. As a result, the course of the runny nose cannot be stopped, only the severity of the severity can be influenced with the help of individual drugs and so-called “home remedies”.
People suffering from colds should take it easy, possibly even keep bed rest and avoid the cold. A large amount of fluids should be consumed to compensate for the loss of fluid as well as to liquefy the secretion and moisten the mucous membranes in the event of a cold. Drink a lot to moisten the throat to relieve coughs or sore throats. Sage tea with honey is ideal, which has a calming effect on irritated structures.

Medicines such as acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), ibuprofen or paracetamol can be taken to combat the fever and pain that accompany a cold. Decongestant nasal spray helps against a stuffy nose when you have a cold, but it should be used for a maximum of one week because of the risk of addiction.
The herbal preparation Sinupret® can also be used for colds. It has an expectorant effect and soothes and is available as tablets, coated tablets or drops (Sinupret® forte or Sinupret® drops).
Antibiotics have no effect on a runny nose caused by a virus, as these drugs can only fight bacteria and have no effect against viruses. The exception is a superinfection with bacteria. If you have a cold, the use of antibiotics to fight the pathogen makes sense.
For severe infections - especially in young children or people with weakened immune systems - other drug therapies are sometimes available if the pathogen is known. Coronaviruses can be fought with interferon-alpha, infections with respiratory syncytial viruses can be treated with ribavirin, although the effectiveness of this therapy is controversial.

Home remedies for a cold

Especially in winter, many patients suffer from runny nose those with one sniff is associated. What to do with a cold and help quickly are mostly very simple home remedies such as a Inhalation bath. If you have a cold, it also helps ten percent iodine solution to put in water and drink it. So the Nasal mucosa stay moistened and the runny nose may not develop fully. If you don't have a ten percent iodine solution at home, you can get the Schüssler salts number 14 that can also prevent or at least mitigate the outbreak of the runny nose due to the iodine content.

Both homeopathic remedies one can to Potassium iodatum to grab. This also helps to improve the symptoms if a cold has already broken out. However, it is important for these home remedies that they all contain iodine and therefore with Thyroid patients not without consultation may be used with the family doctor, otherwise dangerous derailments can occur.

If you have a cold, it is very important much liquid to take in. It helps too warm soups and broths to take in because warm drinks and food stimulate the circulation and blood circulation and help the body to concentrate fully on combating the cold.

If the cold is just starting to break out, you can try to reduce your fluid intake, dry food and a lot sweaty sport sweating the harmful body fluids out of the body. However, it is important not to go to the physical limits here, as this has a counterproductive effect.

This is a classic home remedy for a cold Inhalation bath. The patient holds his head over a bowl of hot water for about 10 minutes. A towel is placed over the head so that no steam is lost between the bowl and nose. In addition to the hot water, the bowl should also have Salts, such as that Emser salt, be included. Also thyme- or Sage leaves can help release the runny nose and clear your nose. But also branches of the Spruce or from the fir can be added to the hot water as a support.

It is important to reduce the use of nasal spray to a minimum if you have a cold, otherwise it will lead to a Dependence on nasal spray can come. What you should do is use home remedies as these, unlike nasal sprays, are neither harmful nor addictive.

Treatment of a sore nose

Remedy for a sore nose

What is best to do with a sore nose, is the frequent rubbing with a possible high-fat cream without additives (for example vaseline). Before using the cream, make sure that the nose is as free as possible so that the cream is not immediately blown away again. Here it helps, beforehand Nasal spray to use to clear your nose, hold your head back and then apply the cream.

Another thing you should do about a sore nose is to avoid blowing your nose too often with tissues that are too tight or too rough. Rather, it should focus on the use of soft, sensitive handkerchiefs (for example with Aloe vera) be respected.

If your nose is running all the time, it also helps to do it beforehand Inhalation bath to get your nose as free as possible. Then the nose has to be dried lightly (also important here, dry with a soft handkerchief) in order to then apply the high-fat cream. It is important that Apply the cream about 5-7 times a day or just whenever the sore nose feels painful again. If the nose is already very red and even cracked, it often helps Arnica ointment, as this supports and promotes wound healing.

What to do about a runny nose

Many patients suffer from one, especially in the winter months runny nose. What you can do against a runny nose is, above all, the use of familiar ones Home remedies.

Of course help too Nasal spraysHowever, these should not be used too often and, above all, not for too long as they damage the nasal mucosa permanently and as it becomes a so-called Adaptation behavior comes. This means that the nose gets used to receiving nasal spray and therefore always has a certain "dose“Needed to function normally. Therefore, in extreme cases there can be a certain amount Addictive behavior that can be very harmful to the nose. Therefore, nasal spray should only be used initially for a runny nose.

What to do with a runny nose is to use Inhalation baths. This is hot water that comes with Emser salts or Spruce branches is provided so that the patient inhales the water and thus gets a clear nose.

It is important not to underestimate a runny nose. Most often the runny nose occurs as a result of a slight cold on. However, the nose keeps running and coming strong headache such as fever In addition, you should definitely consult a doctor as a runny nose is also the result of one Liquor leak can be as a result of a Skull base fracture.

Therapy of a chronic cold

As chronic runny nose a cold is called when it is longer than three months holds and does not or only very irregularly disappears. What should be done with chronic runny nose patients is above all one regular care of the nose. Frequent blowing of the nose can make the sensitive nose red and dry very quickly. Therefore, the use of soft handkerchiefs as well as that regular lubrication the nose with a high-fat, fragrance-free cream (Bepanthen® or vaseline) be respected.

What should also be done with a chronic runny nose is the right one Diagnosis from a doctor in the worst case, there is also a runny nose tumor (in which case blood will come out of the nose more often). To do this, a Endoscope, a small stick with a camera at the other end, examines the nose. With the help of this device, the cause of the chronic runny nose can then be easily diagnosed.

If the chronic runny nose occurs along with a Inflammation of the sinuses on, so one speaks of one Rhinosinusitis. Since this can be extremely painful and in the long run also puts a lot of strain on the body, it is important to take action against the chronic runny nose and its consequences.

Often there is one behind a chronic cold anatomical constriction. If the Nasal septum too strong or misplaced or if Nasal polyps the sinuses constrict, surgery should even be considered.

What you should also do to counteract the chronic runny nose is that Inhaling water baths. There are usually special salts in pharmacies, such as the Emser saltsthat you can put in the water, heat it and then breathe it in for about 10 minutes under a closed towel. This helps the nose to become freer on the one hand, and on the other hand, the inhalation has a cleansing effect and promotes the blood circulation immune system easier to support.

In order to minimize the focus of inflammation in the nose, it may be that the doctor Cortisone nasal spray given that must then be taken regularly for 6 weeks, but in some cases a antibiotic therapy performed.

In many cases, however, one should consider surgery to be carried out as this can contribute to a significant improvement in symptoms in almost 90% of all patients.

Therapy of an allergic runny nose

Allergic runny nose

Of a allergic rhinitis (allergic rhinitis) Doctors speak when the runny nose is caused by allergens such as pollen, grass or Animal hair is triggered.

Depending on the allergen that triggers the cold, the cold can occur seasonally (for example with pollen count) or it can persist throughout the year (for example with animal hair). Every time the body is hypersensitive to an allergen, it is called an immediate-type reaction (Type 1).

First of all, what to do with an allergic runny nose is this Avoidance of the allergen. If a patient is allergic to pollen, he should avoid jogging in a meadow in the spring months, as this can be fatal allergic reaction with shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat and sweating can lead.

If you have a known allergic runny nose, it also helps to always consult your doctor before you come into contact with the allergen. A doctor can now anti-inflammatory drugs prescribe that not only reduce the runny nose but also greatly reduce all symptoms in general and thus make the time in which the allergen is predominantly represented more bearable. If you only have a mild allergic runny nose, you can also use Cromoglicic acid anticipate the allergic reaction.

In some cases it also helps the body too desensitize. This means that the patient first gets a very weak dose of the allergen, for example a pollen tincture, injected onto the skin. This dose is increased continuously without triggering an allergic reaction. Rather, the body gets used to the allergen and no longer classifies it as dangerous. In many cases this can result in a complete healing from the allergy. It is only important that this is the case under the guidance of a doctor rather than going out on your own as this can lead to a fatal allergic reaction that does much more damage to the body than it helps.

In addition, many allergies, such as one House dust allergy, such a desensitization is not possible. Care should be taken here to avoid the allergy-causing substance, as this is the only thing that can be done against the allergic runny nose.


The most effective way of preventing runny nose is avoiding contact with sick people (Exposure prophylaxis). Shaking hands and touching contaminated objects should be avoided. It is also useful to wash your hands regularly, as these are important vectors.
To prevent the transmission of adenoviruses, some of the pathogens in swimming pools are eliminated from the water in order to prevent an epidemic occurrence.
In addition, to prevent a cold in general, it makes sense to strive for a healthy lifestyle, whereby the defense is strengthened overall and the body is less vulnerable to pathogens. A balanced lifestyle is part of a healthy lifestyle nutrition with all Vitamins and minerals, regular exercise, enough sleep and little stress. A vaccination against the pathogens that cause rhinitis does not exist. The exception is vaccination against RSV (R.espiratory S.yncytialVirus), which is intended for premature babies, infants with congenital heart defects or lung changes. Strictly speaking, it is a passive vaccination, since antibodies directed against the virus are administered and the protection only lasts for four to six weeks, since during this time all antibodies are "used up" by virus binding (antigen).