Pain from a lipoma
Synonyms in a broader sense
Adipose tissue tumor, fat, tumor, skin, adipose tissue growth
English: lipoma, fatty tumor, adipose tumor
Reasons for pain with a lipoma
A lipoma is a benign tumor that is caused by the growth of adipose tissue cells (Adipocytes) comes about. Normally, this new formation does not cause any symptoms, since most of the lipomas are superficial in the subcutaneous fat tissue. However, if a lipoma is in an inconvenient location, it can in some cases cause pain.
Read more on the subject below: Lipoma symptoms
For example, when a lipoma presses on tendons that are well innervated and a pain signal is triggered. Even if a nerve is compressed directly by the lipoma, pain can occur, which is often accompanied by numbness or tingling sensation in the corresponding skin area.
If the pain is so severe that it interferes with the patient's everyday life, a doctor can consider whether it makes sense to have the lipoma surgically removed. This is usually not necessary as a fatty tumor poses no threat to an individual and, if anything, is only a cosmetic problem.
Exclusion of a liposarcoma
However, if you have a lipoma that has been painful for a long time, it is best to see a doctor. It could not be a lipoma, but a Liposarcoma act, which is initially very similar to a lipoma, but a malignant growth of adipose tissue cells. This is much rarer than one Lipoma (the ratio is about 1: 100), but should definitely be excluded due to its much poorer prognosis.
Typical of a liposarcoma compared to lipoma are in addition to the pain, which is mainly due to the exercise of pressure to arise, the missing Movability of the lump (since a liposarcoma usually grows together with its surrounding tissue), the faster growth and the appearance especially in the advanced age.
In order to make a reliable diagnosis, a histological examination of the tissue is always recommended, for example by a biopsy or a full one distance can be won.
Illustration of a lipoma
Lipoma - adipose tissue growth
a - epidermis (2 + 3 + 4) -
b - dermis (5 + 6) -
c - subcutaneous tissue (7) -
Tela subcutanea
- Lipoma -
Adipose tissue growth - Horny layer - Stratum corneum
- Cornifying layer
(light layer
and granular layer) -
Stratum lucidum and
Stratum granulosum - Germ layer (prickly cell layer
and base layer) -
Stratum spinosum and
Stratum basale - Papillary layer -
Stratum papillary - Network layer -
Stratum reticularre - Fat tissue (fat pads)
- Fat cells - adipocytes
You can find an overview of all Dr-Gumpert images at: medical illustrations
Pain from a lipoma on the abdomen
A lipoma on the stomach usually does not cause pain. Due to its anatomical position, however, a lipoma in the abdominal or flank area is a bit more difficult to feel than over bony structures such as the shoulder. A lipoma (in English: fat tumor) is logically difficult to feel in adipose tissue, i.e. the belly fat.
Since a lipoma usually does not cause pain, in most cases the patient only recognizes the tumor by chance. A lipoma moves around easily and feels like a small bump. It is usually subcutaneous, i.e. directly under the skin. In individual cases it can also affect the muscles of the abdomen - the Rectus abdominis muscle to grow.
The abdomen and flanks are among the most common places where lipoma occurs. A special form are so-called angiolipomas, i.e. lipomas with blood vessels running through them. These have a more critical prognosis because on the one hand they cause pain, on the other hand they are thrombosed - i.e. they are constipated. The blockage can, however, loosen and pass through the blood vessels to the heart or lungs, and clog the vital vessels there. One then speaks of a pulmonary or coronary embolism.
Further complications arise when the lipoma presses on large nerve tracts in the abdominal area as it grows - for example the Sciatic nerve ("Sciatic nerve"). The result is loss of sensitivity in the lower extremities and pain in the back area. However, the lipoma must have reached a very advanced stage in order to cause such symptoms.
Read more on the topic: Lipoma on the abdomen
Pain from a lipoma on the back
A lipoma can also appear on the back. From an anatomical point of view, this is a particularly unfavorable place, as this is discovered relatively late or not at all by the patient - after all, you don't feel your own back too often. Clinically, however, an appearance on the back is no more dangerous than on the stomach.
A lipoma on the back is usually discovered by the partner or during a routine medical examination. As in the rest of the body, the lipoma usually remains symptom-free, unless there is blood flow (angiolipoma), which often causes pain.
Overweight patients can be subjected to pressure while lying down and, as a result, pain can also occur with common lipomas. The nodular growth of a lipoma can drag on for years and is downright forgotten, especially in places like the back that the patient cannot see himself. The nodule-like structures usually extend deeper into the body than it appears when scanned. Therefore, in addition to palpation, a medical sonographic clarification is necessary.
Read more on this topic at: Lipoma on the back.
Pain with a lipoma on the shoulder
The lipoma is on the shoulder mostly noticed quite quickly, because on the one hand it is an easily accessible part of the body, on the other hand little adipose tissue lies over the bony structures.
As a result, the lipoma to the surface faster occurs or can be demarcated against a bony background. There is also pressure on them when doing sports or when carrying a backpack or handbag shoulder exercised. There Pressure is painful the lipoma is noticed relatively quickly
In the early stages it can possibly confused with a blackhead which also occur more frequently in the shoulder region. However, lipomas usually are easily movable, and lie under the skin, while blackheads have direct contact with the surface of the skin and have a rather firm structure. It should also be noted that a lipoma grows very slowly - often for months to years. This is for Blackheads unusual and should therefore be clarified by your family doctor.
Pain when pressure is applied to the lipoma
A lipoma can with increasing size on adjacent annoy press, and so not only pain but also Sensory sensation disorders cause. These are expressed, for example, by tingle or lack of sensitivity. At least now is one Removal is absolutely necessarybecause the nerve is in danger of becoming a permanent damage to suffer.
Lipomas can also occur in individual cases up to 20 cm tall be, and Pressure on other organs and vessels exercise. These can be used in an emergency impaired in their function become. The pain arises when the Nerve permanently innervated, so is irritated. The pressure will be permanent Pain stimuli to the brain sent out, one feels pain. It is also not advisable to "express" a lipoma like a blackhead. This just wouldn't strong pain cause, lipomas also go from deep-lying subcutaneous fatty tissue out. There is a risk of not "catching" all of the degenerate fat cells. Subsequently the lipoma forms again. Therefore, the removal should be surgically under medical supervision respectively.
More interesting information
Further information on this topic can be found at:
- Main page lipoma
- Lipoma on the back
- Lipoma belly
- Lipoma shoulder
- Lipoma treatment
- Lipoma breast
- Remove lipoma
- Lipoma homeopathy
- Lipoma head
- Lipoma causes
- Lipoma arm
- Lipoma OP
- Lipomatosis
- Lipoma sole of the foot
- Lipoma thigh
A list of all the topics on dermatology that we have already published can be found at:
- Dermatology A-Z