Stomach pain after eating


Stomach pain, abdominal pain, epigastric pain, gastritis


Stomach pain after eating can have different causes. As a rule, they are harmless, but can be associated with a high level of suffering for those affected.

Stomach pain usually manifests itself as stabbing or pulling pain in the left to central upper abdomen. Depending on the cause, they can temporarily disappear, progress in a relapsing manner or persist permanently.
People who suffer from such complaints should also pay attention to accompanying symptoms, as these can provide important clues as to the cause of the pain. Below are some possible causes of post-meal stomach pain and what to do next.

Causes of stomach pain after eating

The gastric mucosal inflammation

Inflammation of the stomach lining (gastritis):

An inflammation of the stomach lining can be triggered by various factors. It can arise through autoimmune processes, whereby the body attacks its own stomach lining and causes an inflammatory reaction, but it can also be triggered by bacterial colonization (usually with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori) or chemical substances (drugs, environmental toxins, etc.) .
In all forms of gastritis, the mucous membrane reacts with an inflammatory reaction that can be very painful. In acute gastric mucosal inflammation, those affected usually experience severe pain in the upper abdomen, nausea, a general feeling of illness and loss of appetite. It is typical that the symptoms get better for a short time when eating, but then start again even more.

If the gastric mucosal inflammation is chronic, characteristic symptoms do not always occur. However, even with this form, patients can suffer from loss of appetite, upper abdominal pain and a feeling of fullness. In addition, there is often an aversion to certain foods.

The stomach ulcer

Gastric ulcer (ulcer):

A stomach ulcer can be the result of an inflammation of the stomach lining, but it can also develop without a preceding inflammation. The cause is often an imbalance between the stomach's acid and mucus production, which increasingly attacks the mucous membrane. Patients with a gastric ulcer usually suffer from stabbing pain in the epigastric region that is made worse by ingesting food. You may also feel nauseous and vomit. If the ulcer is not in the stomach but in the duodenum, the symptoms tend to get better after eating.

A gastric ulcer should generally be clarified with a tissue sample (biopsy), since it can also hide a malignant disease (stomach cancer).

The food intolerance

If you are allergic to certain foods, you may experience stomach pain after consuming them. This is particularly common with a milk protein allergy (lactose intolerance), but it can also occur with other foods. In addition, there are often nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, increased intestinal noises and flatulence. If the complaints occur noticeably often after consuming a certain food, this should be avoided in order to see whether the complaints become less frequent or even cease completely.

Read more on the subject at: Diarrhea and stomach pain

The irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome:

Irritable bowel syndrome is when no organic cause can be found despite long-standing complaints. The patients still have a high level of suffering because they repeatedly complain of severe abdominal cramps, constipation or diarrhea, nausea and a feeling of fullness.
The symptoms are often related to psychological stressful situations and often occur after eating. Since the exact cause of irritable bowel syndrome is not yet known, it is important that the patient finds out for himself what is good for him and what alleviates the symptoms. This can vary greatly from patient to patient. For some patients it helps to avoid certain foods, for others it helps if they do physical activity to better deal with their stress.

Other causes

In principle, other causes for the symptoms must also be considered. Upper abdominal pain doesn't always come from the stomach. The cause can also lie in other organs.
Gallstones, inflammation of the gallbladder, or a heart attack may be present. Therefore, longer existing complaints should always be clarified by a doctor in order to rule out more serious illnesses in good time. Certain medications - especially many pain relievers - can also cause stomach pain if they are taken continuously. If stomach pain occurs during therapy with a drug, a doctor should check whether the additional prescription of a stomach protection agent would be appropriate.

Read more on the topic: Causes of Stomach Pain


Post-meal stomach pain is particularly common when with a meal alcohol was consumed. Through alcohol becomes additional stomach acid produced, which leads to stomach pain if the mucous membrane is damaged. Furthermore, alcohol itself directly irritates the stomach. This leads to an aggravation of the symptoms. Therefore, alcohol withdrawal is recommended for patients complaining of stomach pain after eating.


stomach pain after eating can express themselves differently. Usually they kick hard suddenly after a meal. You can stabbing or dull and different degrees be and are in left to central upper abdomen localized. Sometimes they kick too colicky, so progressing in phases.

In addition to stomach pain, other symptoms such as nausea, Loss of appetite, Vomit, diarrhea, Weight loss, general malaise and Aversion to certain foods consist. It is important to remember that the symptoms do not always have to originate from the stomach itself, but in some cases can also be wrongly attributed to the stomach.

Stomach pain after eating with diarrhea, nausea & gas

Stomach pain after eating that with other symptoms how diarrhea, Vomit, nausea or Flatulence go hand in hand, for example on a Food intolerance Clues. Even very high-fat and extensive meals can cause such symptoms.
The intestinal activity is excessively increased, which those affected feel severe abdominal tumors. Diarrhea and flatulence follow later. Especially with an allergy to milk protein (Lactose intolerance) or certain intestinal diseases (Celiac disease/ Sprue) these symptoms are often observed.

However, there can also be other causes behind the symptoms. It is therefore important to have one in the event of persistent or frequently recurring complaints medical evaluation to have done.

Repeated belching

Stomach pain after eating often occur with belching. Then one is to blame for the belching weakness of lower esophageal sphincter. Together with the stomach pain after eating, which is caused by excessive gastric acid production, it forms the typical symptom complex of a so-called Reflux disease. It is acid-related damage to the lining of the esophagus and the stomach. Since the acid is mainly released after eating, it then comes to Stomach pain with frequent belching. If the complaint persists, this should be clarified by a doctor. Therapy of choice are so-called Proton pump inhibitorsthat inhibit the production of the acid and thus allow the mucous membrane to heal.

Burning in the stomach

Often times, stomach pain occurs after eating with one Burning in the stomach on. Those affected usually feel this in the middle of the upper abdomen. The burning sensation in the stomach usually lasts longer than the typical pain. So it is not uncommon for stomach pain after eating with a burning sensation in the stomach for more than an hour.
Causal can be here next to one Reflux disease a stomach ulcer, a so-called. Ulcer, be. This is a chronic defect in the lining of the stomach caused by too much stomach acid. Characteristic of this is stomach pain after eating, which can be accompanied by a burning sensation in the stomach. But also heartburn with belching after eating leads to Stomach pain with burning in the stomach. This pain is mistaken for stomach ache but is localized in the lower esophagus. The most important pillar of therapy for both is the administration of Proton pump inhibitors like pantoprazole. In addition, antibiotics must be given for the gastric ulcer caused by bacteria. Furthermore, a Inflammation of the stomach stuck. This is acute and causes pain even at rest. The treatment is similar to that for gastric ulcer.

With fever

Occur in some cases Stomach pain after eating along with fever on. If the symptoms are accompanied by a fever, further clarification should be initiated. A fever is a sign one infection. It can be viral or bacterial.
Causes are one severe gastritis or a chronic gastric ulcerthat can even be broken through the wall. If the stomach pain occurs after eating with a fever, you should go to the doctor.


In addition to palpation of the abdomen, an ultrasound examination or a gastroscopy are possible diagnostic measures.

With the medical one Clarification In the case of stomach pain after eating, the patient is first asked about the exact symptoms and when they occurred. Subsequently the doctor palpates the patient's abdomen and also checks the epigastric region Tenderness.
As additional diagnostics, a Ultrasound examination of the abdomen. A Gastroscopy on. To do this, a tube with a camera - a so-called endoscope - is inserted through the patient's mouth and esophagus into the stomach. This enables the doctor to assess the patient's mucous membrane and take a sample of suspicious areas of the mucous membrane.
This can be examined further histologically. That way you can Stomach ulcers be checked for malignancy. If the cause of the discomfort is not in the gastrointestinal area, the doctor can also do one CT- or MRI scan of the abdomen order with which the other organs can also be viewed.


The therapy of stomach pain after eating depends on the particular root cause of complaints. Is it a Food intolerance, the corresponding food should be avoided if possible.
In the case of an inflammation of the gastric mucosa caused by bacterial colonization, the use of a Antibiotic become necessary. Stomach ulcers must go through a Tissue sample clarified and treated accordingly, or removed. If the cause of the complaints is not in the gastrointestinal tract itself, further possible causes must be searched for and the therapy adjusted accordingly (see: Medicines for stomach pain).


If home remedies are no longer sufficient for stomach pain after eating or if the symptoms persist for a long time, medication should possibly be used.
Play the biggest pillar of therapy for stomach pain Proton pump inhibitors like pantoprazole or Omeprazole. she inhibit right in the stomach the cells that make the Stomach acid to produce. This is important to turn off the entertaining factor in chronic heartburn or stomach ulcers.
These drugs are effective, inexpensive, and have very few side effects. If the stomach pain after eating is caused by an ulcer, the acid inhibitors should be used for 6-8 weeks be taken. During this time, the mucous membrane can recover and the stomach pain disappears after eating.
In some cases is a Gastric ulcer caused by bacteria. Then should be given as additional medication Antibiotics be taken. In the case of chronic heartburn, prolonged use of the proton pump inhibitors can also be useful.

Home remedies

People who experience stomach pain after eating may start out with several Home remedies use to combat the complaints.
Stomach-friendly teas such as help against stomach pain after eating fennel or chamomile. They have a calming effect and can help relieve stomach pain after a meal. Also Mint tea relieves stomach pain and also has an antibacterial effect.
Another popular home remedy is the application of heat. A warm bath or one Hot water bottle relax the stomach. In addition, light abdominal massages can help. Care should be taken to drink still water with food and Carbonated drinks to avoid. In addition, one should be on coffee, alcohol and nicotine dispense.
Small meals also help prevent stomach pain after eating. If symptoms such as heartburn are the problem in addition to stomach pain after eating, other home remedies are useful.
The use of Bullrich's salt neutralizes the acid, but can also lead to a feeling of fullness in the stomach. At night it can help with easily raised upper body to sleep. Home remedies mainly relieve mild symptoms. However, if stomach pain persists after eating, a medical evaluation should be carried out in order to detect serious illnesses early on.


In addition to conventional medicine, the homeopathy are used.
Homeopathic remedies can be given to help relieve symptoms. Examples of homeopathic remedies for stomach pain after eating are Sepia officinalis or Nux vomica. They help against stomach pain and cramps. However, the scientific proof of effectiveness of homeopathy has not yet been provided.
It is therefore advisable to use homeopathy for mild complaints and to consult a doctor for severe symptoms.


There is no direct prophylaxis to avoid stomach pain after eating. A healthy and balanced diet however, can become a regulated digestion contribute.
Food that is very fatty or sugary can cause stomach pain in some people. To avoid the formation of stomach ulcers, should Avoid alcohol and nicotine as much as possible become. In the case of long-term use of medication, it is essential to clarify whether they require additional intake of gastric protection agents.

Otherwise, long-lasting and recurring stomach pain should definitely be clarified by a doctor in order to rule out more serious causes for the symptoms.

Stomach pain after eating during pregnancy

Show stomach pain after eating not directly related to pregnancy on. In the case of a previously unknown pregnancy, this is more likely to express itself through Drawing in the abdomen, less from upper abdominal pain associated with eating.
However, with a more advanced pregnancy it can be Upper abdominal pain come as the growing child keeps on growing with time more space in the mother's womb claimed. As a result, it puts pressure on the surrounding organs. If the child lies in an unfavorable position, it can also provoke stomach pain. Especially if the child begins to kick in the stomach immediately after a meal, the mother can do this nausea and stomach pain to lead. However, this is usually harmless. If stomach pain occurs every time after eating, another cause of the discomfort must also be considered. A medical examination is always recommended.

Stomach pain at night after a heavy meal

Some patients particularly complain at night over stomach pain. These mainly occur after one sumptuous dinner on.
The lying position in sleep plays a big role. For one thing, it slows down the passage of food from the stomach into the intestines. On the other hand, lying down favors one Rise of hydrochloric acid in the form of heartburn. This can appear as a stomach ache. In addition, the occurrence of stomach pain, especially at night, speaks for itself Ulcer in the duodenum. This connects to the stomach and can also cause stomach pain. The discomfort can be effectively alleviated, especially at night, by having a light increased posture for sleeping. In addition, you shouldn't eat large portions of fats and proteins in the evening. This can control the amount of stomach acid and alleviate symptoms at night.


Stomach pain after eating

Stomach pain after eating

Various types of food intolerance can cause stomach pain after eating. You also experience gas, heartburn and possibly diarrhea.

  1. Due to an enzyme defect, certain food components cannot be processed in the gastrointestinal tract. Possible factors here: lactose intolerance (Lactose), Fructose intolerance (Lactose), Fats, etc.
  2. A functional disorder such as motility (agility) of the gastrointestinal tract can make it difficult to digest food and lead to stomach pain after eating.
  3. An allergy to food components such as: grain (sprue = Celiacia), Nuts, fish, spices, etc. Here the immune system is sensitized to certain allergens contained in food and shows an allergic reaction after eating. Apart from symptoms in the digestive tract (stomach pain, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, nausea), symptoms of the skin (itching, rashes), the respiratory tract and the cardiovascular system are typical.

Heartburn = reflux disease

Heartburn is also often felt as a stomachache after eating. The lower esophageal sphincter does not shoot tight, which allows acidic stomach contents to flow back into the esophagus and causes pain.
An increase in pressure in the abdomen due to pregnancy or being overweight can also lead to the backflow of stomach contents. The reflux of stomach contents leads to the remodeling of tissue in the esophagus (Epithelial metaplasia) what is called the beret esophagus.

Please also read our topic: Heartburn during pregnancy