Synonyms in a broader sense
Abortion (lat. Abortion), Early abortion, spontaneous abortion, artificial abortion, stillbirth
English: miscarriage
The premature termination of a pregnancy is called a miscarriage, whereby this occurs before the beginning of the 24th week of pregnancy and the fetal weight must be below 500g (otherwise one speaks of stillbirth).
The fetus (unborn child) is usually not yet viable at this point, so that vital signs such as breathing, heartbeat and umbilical cord pulsation cannot be detected. The fruit can, but does not have to be expelled.
Note: mandatory registration
In contrast to stillbirth, miscarriages are not subject to reporting
The division takes place in Miscarriage as Early abortions, which occur up to the 12th week of pregnancy and predominate in their frequency and in Miscarriage as Late abortionsthat take place in the 12th to 24th week of pregnancy. There is also the Miscarriage as Earliest abortionthat occurs immediately after implantation. Due to the slight bleeding, this is usually considered normal Menstrual period misinterpreted.
As Spontaneous abortion the miscarriage is called for natural reasons. A artificial abortion however, represents the artificial termination of a pregnancy with chemical, medicinal and other methods (e.g. Prenatal diagnostics) represent.
Frequency and occurrence
A miscarriage represents the most common and most serious Complication in pregnancy However, as the pregnancy progresses, the risk of a miscarriage decreases.
It is estimated that around a third of all women will have at least one miscarriage in their lifetime. At the beginning of pregnancy, when the majority of miscarriages occur, they usually go unnoticed, as they are more likely to be interpreted as bleeding irregularities. As a result, only about a fifth of the frequently affected young women Miscarriages is discovered.
Miscarriage can have many causes, all of which have some influence. However, these are rarely discovered.
1. Maternal causes
a) on the female sexual organs:
- Malformations (uterus duplex, adhesions and adhesions (synechiae) of the Uterine lining)
- Uterine tumors (e.g. myoma)
You can find out more about this under our topic: Fibroids - Cervical insufficiency (lack of closure of the Cervix due to weak connective tissue or after injuries)
- Infections (especially of the cervix or uterine lining = Cervicitis or endometritis)
- Yellow body insufficiency = deficiency of pregnancy-sustaining gestagens (endocrine abortion)
b) outside the female reproductive organs
- Problems of the placenta (incorrect development, insufficient vascular development, incorrect positioning e.g. placenta previa)
- hormonal disorders (Diabetes mellitus, Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism)
- Infections of the fetus / embryo
- Anemia (anemia due to e.g. iron or vitamin B12 deficiency)
- Accidents (especially falls or kicks on the stomach)
- Cancers
2. Paternal causes
- genetic disorders (chromosomal changes)
- Changes in Sperm
3. Causes in the fetus
- genetic defects (due to inherited or newly created chromosome abnormalities)
Þ with 50-70% the main cause of a spontaneous abortion
- Rh incompatibility (different Rhesus factors between mother and child lead to a dangerous immune reaction in the child = morbus haemolyticus neonatorum)
4. Causes by external influences
- Substance abuse (medication, drugs, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine)
- Vaccinations, radioactive rays, extreme sports
- Prenatal diagnostic procedures (amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling, umbilical cord puncture)
- psychological and social factors (stress, Separation etc.)
You can find more information on our website High risk pregnancy.
Homeopathy and miscarriage
homeopathy can with a impending miscarriage be a supportive process to minimize risk.
Of course the homeopathy never be used as the sole means.
Read more on this topic at: Homeopathy for impending miscarriage