Definition & active ingredient
The active ingredient in Mucoangin® is called ambroxol hydrochloride. Due to its various effects, Ambroxol can be used both in the context of acute sore throats and in the context of a disease of the lower respiratory tract. A special effect of ambroxol hydrochloride is its expectorant properties. It influences the mucus-producing glands in the oral cavity and in the area of the respiratory tract in such a way that the viscosity of the mucus is reduced, it becomes more fluid and can thus be better removed from the bronchi.
Another property of the active ingredient Ambroxol in Mucoangin® is its Pain inhibition. The transmission of pain in the sensitive nerve fibers depends on so-called voltage-dependent sodium channels in the cell membrane. These channels are now blocked by taking ambroxol, so that there is pain relief.
When taking Mucoangin®, both properties are used. The salivary glands are now in the mouth increased salivary secretion produced. This saliva secretion then mixes with the active ingredient ambroxol and is swallowed down. On his way direction stomach it then arrives in the area of the Throat and throat to the places that may be inflamed by an infection cause pain. At these inflamed areas, Mucoangin® inhibits the transmission of pain by blocking the sodium channels and thereby interrupting the pain signal.
Mode of action
Mucoangin® has a so-called local anesthetic effect. Local anesthesia means a local analgesic / pain relieving effect. The pain-relieving effect takes place via a Changes in the sodium channels on the nerve fibers that transmit pain.
The transmission of pain in the nerve fibers takes place via a Change of so-called membrane potentials. These potentials arise through different concentrations of electrolytes (Salting) in and around a cell. The different salts like sodium, potassium or Calcium get into and out of the cell through channels. Both Neurons plays especially the sodium plays a crucial role. If the nerve fiber is to be excited in order to transmit the sensation of pain towards the brain, it comes to one massive influx of sodium ions into the cell. This is exactly where Mucoangin® comes in. It blocks the sodium channels. The binding of the active ingredient Ambroxolhydrochloris is not permanent, but only limited in time. This time limit is called in medicine reversible binding designated.
Dosage form
Mucoangin® is at Sore throat As part of the Pain relief taken. It's in the form of Lozenges available at the pharmacy. There are two flavors here Wild berry and mint. The tablets should slowly dissolve in the mouth, as this is as good as possible long duration of action is achieved. Mucoangin® can be taken from Adults and children from the age of 12 years. During the day should a maximum of six lozenges be taken. Is a treatment for the sore throat for a period of time longer than 3 days takes necessary, so should a A doctor should be consulted.
As with any medication, it is also when taking Mucoangin® important to observe certain regulations. Mucoangin® should not be used by patients who have a known hypersensitivity to the active ingredient ambroxol hydrochloride to have.
It should also not be taken when Hypersensitivity to the auxiliary substances contained in the lozenges. Is a so-called Fructose intolerance known, the intake of Mucoangin® should be avoided, as the lozenges are the Active ingredient sorbitol contain. This is converted into fructose in the intestinal tract, which cannot be broken down in the case of fructose intolerance and then to complaints leads.
Children under 12 years should not take Mucoangin® if you have a sore throat.
As with many other medications, you should also take Mucoangin® during pregnancy especially careful. Animal studies have not shown any damage to fertility, pregnancy or the development of the baby, but it can Ambroxol crosses the placental barrier and get into the child's body. Therefore, taking Mucoangin® especially in the first trimester of pregnancy not recommended, since it is at this time that the development of the individual organ systems of the fetus takes place.
So far, when taking Mucoangin® at the same time as other drugs no relevant interactions known.
The active ingredient of Mucoangin® is quickly and completely absorbed by the body. in the blood becomes one maximum plasma level of the drug within 1 -2.5 hours reached. When comparing the intake as a lozenge with the intake as juice, it can be seen that with the Ingestion of the lozenge increases the amount of active ingredient, since the recording is already in the oral cavity over the Mucous membrane can be done.
Ambroxol gets from the blood quickly into the tissue, where it unfolds its effect. About 30% of the ingested amount of the active ingredient in Mucoangin® is absorbed by the so-called First pass mechanism broken down in the body. The first pass effect means one in connection with the use of medication rapid metabolism of the drug on its first passage through the liver. Therefore, the first pass effect is of great importance in the use of drugs and the systemic effect on the body. The greater the first pass effect, the lower the systemic effect in the bodybecause the active ingredient is eliminated quickly and therefore has less time to act systemically.
The mucoangin® active ingredient ambroxol is excreted mostly through the liver. Therefore, in patients with a impaired liver function possibly with increased levels of drugs in the blood calculate.
Side effects
In principle, all drugs in the body can cause undesirable effects in addition to their desired effects. Depending on Place of attack and action of the drug can it to completely different side effects come. This also applies to the intake of Mucoangin®.
When ingested, it can be frequent Taste disorders come or to one changed taste perception. Also kick frequently Numbness in the mouth and in the area of the throat on. The appearance of nausea is also one of the common side effects when taking Mucoangin®. Upper abdominal pain, diarrhea or a dry mouth occur occasionally.
There are also side effects that did not occur in clinical studies, however from individual case reports are known. These include, for example skin rash, itching, Hives or Vomit.
In connection with the ingestion of Ambroxol was about the occurrence of the so-called Lyell or Steven Johnson Syndrome reported. Both are serious skin diseases that can occur while taking medication. They often go with one Worsening of the general condition of the patient and the development of fever. If you take Mucoangin® to a Reaction of the skin come in any way, so is one Presentation to the dermatologist required.