
Synonyms in a broader sense

Latin name: Myristica officinalis

genus: Nutmeg family

Plant description

Native to the tropics, the tree grows wild or in cultures up to 15 m high. The leaves are evergreen, with entire margins and elongated (10 to 12 cm long). Fragrant pale yellow flowers, very similar to our lilies of the valley. Only after a few years do the female nutmeg trees produce fruits that are very similar to peaches.

Ingredients used medicinally

The seeds and the essential oil made from them. The ripe fruits are harvested, the pulp is removed and the seeds are obtained. These are dried and then whipped to extract the core, the actual nutmeg.


Fatty oil, protein, starch and essential oil from the seeds (terpenes and the poisonous myristicin).

Medicinal effect and application

The essential oil is seldom a component of tonic and stomach medicines. Externally you can use nutmeg oil in addition to camphor and eucalyptus oil in mixtures against Colds or rheumatic diseases Find. Nutmeg used to be known as an abortifacient.

Intoxication-like conditions can occur when taking large amounts of grated nutmeg.

As seasoning does the nutmeg have one greater importance and improves the taste and digestibility of food in small amounts.

Side effects

Side effects can be in the form of overdose States of intoxication occur. Pregnant women should refrain from using them entirely.

Phytopharmaceuticals in Germany

The list of the best-selling herbal preparations led by far the ginkgo:

  1. ginkgo
  2. Johannis herbs
  3. Devil's claw
  4. Horse chestnuts
  5. artichoke
  6. Milk thistle
  7. Nettle
  8. Umckaloabo
  9. Hawthorn
  10. ivy

A list of all medicinal herbs / medicinal plants that we have already published can be found under: Medicines A-Z.