Parietal osteopathy
Greek: osteon= Bone and pathos= Suffering, illness
Synonyms: manual medicine / therapy, manual therapy, chirotherapy, chiropractic
Also read:
- Osteopathy
- Osteopathic Treatment
- Visceral osteopathy
Overall that is Osteopathy a coherent medical system that uses the principles anatomy, physiology and pathology follows. It becomes fundamental in 3 sub-areas divided: the parietal, the visceral and the cranial osteopathy. The parietal osteopathy is the oldest part of osteopathy and is seen as the basis or cornerstone of osteopathic treatment.
The parietal osteopathy deals with abnormal changes in the musculoskeletal system. This includes everything that emerged embryonically from the third germinal disc: Muscles, bone, Fascia, Joints, Tendons and Tapes.
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But now enough is indicated ;-)
In order to be able to treat successfully in orthopedics, a thorough examination, diagnosis and a medical history are required.
In our very economic world in particular, there is too little time to thoroughly grasp the complex diseases of orthopedics and thus initiate targeted treatment.
I don't want to join the ranks of "quick knife pullers".
The aim of any treatment is treatment without surgery.
Which therapy achieves the best results in the long term can only be determined after looking at all of the information (Examination, X-ray, ultrasound, MRI, etc.) be assessed.
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For more information about myself, see Lumedis - Orthopedists.
in the Year 1874 asked the American doctor Andrew Taylor Still M.D. (1828 - 1917) for the first time his philosophy and practice manual treatment in front.
His disappointment with the medicine practiced at the time led to the creation of a new medical concept, which he "Osteopathic Medicine" called. The Parietal osteopathy, from which the Manual therapy as well as the Chiropractic arose, sees the spine and the joints of the extremities as sources of interference in normal body and movement functions.
The aim of parietal osteopathy is Misalignment of a joint correct by choosing different manual techniques. This is intended to give the body the possibility of a Homeostasis (= Compensation) are given. So it is possible, dewy but also decades old "Contortions" efficiently treated as a result of accidents, twisted ankles or sports injuries.
Application examples for parietal osteopathy are diverse:
- Musculoskeletal pain
- Movement restrictions of the Spine/ Back pain
- Disc problems (e.g. sciatica and Lumbago trigger)
- Pain of Lumbar spine and des Ilio-Sacral-Gelekes
- Posture damage the Hips and the spine (e.g. as a result of pelvic inclination, hip problems)
- Shoulder and arm syndrome
- Pain in the knees and ankles
- Compensatory support for degenerative diseases
- Supportive treatment for systemic organ diseases
- Follow-up treatment of fractures, surgical scars
- Treatment of the consequences of an accident (e.g. Whiplash, …)
- Sports injuries (sprains and dislocations)
- Neck tension
- Disturbances of the temporomandibular joint, also accompanying orthodontic corrective measures
- Growth deformities (e.g. Hunchbacklateral curvature of the spine)
- Pain in the joints (e.g. arthrosis)
- Torticollis in toddlers
Before everyone osteopathic therapy a comprehensive survey of the patient's medical history (anamnesis) is available. A series follows manual diagnostics possibly with Differential diagnosis. To be included Movement tests, Sensing tension and painful structures, through which the osteopath can create a posture profile of the patient and thus identify the areas responsible for the pain. This is the starting principle and the cornerstone for an osteopathic treatment. Be in-depth knowledge about the Structures and functional processes of the musculoskeletal system and its interactions with internal organs enables the osteopath, the To sense the cause of disturbances with targeted techniques and to solve or to loosen tension. He has to understand the connections in order not to treat the current symptoms but the cause of the complaints. This is exactly why a careful and by no means hectic and superficial examination is very important for the osteopath. It applies Blockages to be found in the body, because the location of the symptoms is usually not identical to the cause of the same. So can dizziness and noises in the ears blocked by one Cervical spine come or Heart pain as a problem of Thoracic spine crystallize out.
As far as makes sense, the osteopath works closely with the doctor in this discipline as well.
After a detailed profile of the patient has been created, the best treatment technique to find.
The MET (Muscle energy technique) represents a gentle treatment option for the musculoskeletal system. Blocked or deformed joints are rhythmic with the patient's muscular strength (Muscle energy) mobilized and brought back to the normal (physiological) position. Continue to be shortened muscles stretched, weakened muscles strengthened and Edema (Water retention in joints) mobilized. In the MET, surrounding tissues are also treated, i.e. the tissue becomes better as a result "Juicy" (Blood and lymph circulation stimulated). Overall, this is more effective and sustainable than a pure impulse technique like stupid straightening. In addition, the Actively cooperate with the patient and get involved in the exercises. This also makes the treatment more understandable for the patient and he has the opportunity to develop a better body awareness and to deal with his body and the disease more consciously. Focus on muscle energy technology are Pain and Musculoskeletal complaintse.g. at classic back pain, Shoulder arm syndrome, knee-, Elbow- or Foot discomfort, but also at Tension headache, migraine, bronchial asthma and Heart trouble.
Overall, the mobilization techniques have a direct or indirect effect on malpositions of one or more joints. The mobilizing force comes from the therapist and goes directly into the joint or acts on the tense or shortened muscles.
A relatively new form of therapy is Myofascial release technique (Relaxation technique) represent. Robert Ward described it as an integrating technique that combines numerous manual therapeutic mechanisms of action. She is a combination ofSoft tissue techniques, Muscle energy technique, functional indirect technology and Cranio Sacral Technique. The starting point for this technique is that Fascia system of the human. Fascia are tough skins made of connective tissue that envelop and connect all parts of the body such as bones, muscles and organs. All Fascia together form a three-dimensional networkthat holds the body together. So you can well imagine that tension in individual muscles can cause consequences throughout the body. The aim of the technology is therefore to integrate the disturbed segment or tissue into the intact movement pattern of the organism.
There are a number of different techniques and treatment options, such as the Trigger point therapy, Positioning techniques, "General Osteopathic Treatment" (GOT), Jones technique and much more.
In highly acute cases, the focus is always on treating pain. It applies Relieve pain. This can also be achieved by simply adjusting it once. In contrast, there are the gentle mobilization techniques. In the Recovery periodwhen the pain subsides, that is gentle promotion of circulation and mobility primary goal. In order to stabilize and promote the improvement achieved, it is important that the patient is targeted in this phase Exercises at home executes. In the last phasewhen the pain is minimal or gone, basic osteopathic treatment begins. Because here the osteopath has the opportunity Postural and body structures to change that caused the pain. If this phase is omitted, it always comes to Relapse of pain at the next load, as there was no change in the structures that could have prevented this from an osteopathic point of view.