Quark wrap


A quark wrap usually consists of a cloth or paper towel on which a little quark is spread. The quark wrap is used in a similar way to a cooling (or heating) battery.

The aim is to relieve pain, reduce swelling or have an anti-inflammatory effect when used cold. A quark wrap can also be used as a warming aid, especially for muscle tension. With its simple application, the quark wrap offers an excellent, almost side-effect-free alternative to classic cooling with cool packs.

How do quark wraps work?

Quark wraps have two main mechanisms of action.

The first and more important is the simple temperature difference between the curd wrap and the skin. This effect comes into play with both the cooling and the warming quark wrap. Because the quark wrap is moist, the cold wrap is much more effective than the warm one. The moisture in the quark evaporates, which removes additional energy from the cold quark compress and the skin and thus leads to a stronger cooling effect.

The second mechanism of action is based on the various ingredients in the quark. It mainly contains enzymes that break down the body's mediators of inflammation. This leads to an anti-inflammatory effect, which at the same time means a reduction in swelling and pain.
The lactic acid bacteria that are present in the quark can also contribute to this process, as they use the substances in the body for their own metabolism. However, this effect due to the enzymes and bacteria is rather minor. The skin forms a strong barrier against the penetration of such exogenous substances, which is why only a small proportion of the active ingredients in quark actually enter the body. So they can only develop their effect superficially.

Instructions for using curd wraps

For a quark wrap you need a cloth or paper towel (kitchen towels like Zewa also work!) And normal quark.

The cloth is spread out, then a thin layer of quark is placed in the center of the cloth. Then the corners are turned over so that the quark is well wrapped up and cannot leak out. The quark wrap can then be used immediately.

For the warm application, the wrap must first be warmed up using a hot water bottle. Attention! A microwave is not suitable as the quark dries out very quickly.

In order to let the effect of cold compresses unfold better, you should briefly put the quark compress in the refrigerator. The quark can cool down a little there. In addition, it is absorbed into the fabric or paper, whereby the cooling effect, which is conveyed by moisture, comes into its own.
Then you put the quark wrap on the affected area and let it lie until it is as warm as the skin or the quark begins to dry.

If you are skilled, you can prepare several quark wraps so that the wraps can be quickly exchanged as soon as the first one has lost its cooling or warming effect. In order to avoid that quark from the quark wrap spills onto clothing or furniture during use, a towel can be placed underneath.

After use, the quark wrap on paper can simply be disposed of in the organic waste. You should scrape some quark off the cloth before you put it in the laundry.

Which quark should you use?

When choosing the quark for the quark wrap, there are no precise guidelines. The easiest way is to use the normal quark from the refrigerated shelf in the nearest supermarket. Whether the fat content plays a role in the effect of the quark wrap has not yet been investigated. It is assumed, however, that it makes no difference.

Only special ingredients in quark should be avoided. Herbal quark, for example, is generally less suitable for quark wraps than natural quark.

How long should I leave the quark wrap on?

The main effect of quark compresses is based on their temperature difference to the skin. The exposure time is therefore limited to a maximum of 20 to 30 minutes. By then, the quark compress is usually warmed up or cooled down to room temperature or the temperature of the skin.

Warm quark compresses also dry out relatively quickly and then lose some of their effectiveness, which is why the compress should then be replaced. A trick to delay drying out is to use cling film as well. The warm quark wrap is placed on the skin and then secured with cling film. As a result, the quark wrap can no longer slip, and the moisture in the quark does not penetrate the film, which is why the quark wrap stays moist longer. Since quark compresses cannot be particularly heated and also not cooled down to minus degrees, there is no danger to the skin or tissue from using them for too long.

How long can you use the quark wrap?

Quark wraps can be used for any length of time. Quark compresses can be placed on painful parts of the body over and over for several weeks. Since there are no side effects, there is no limit to the number of curd wraps you can use. However, one should make sure to change the wraps regularly. In addition, a used quark wrap should always be washed or disposed of.

Quark wrap in cling film

A quark wrap with cling film is made in the same way as a normal quark wrap. You take a cloth or paper towel, put quark on it and place the quark wrap on the affected area. Then cling film can also be wrapped around it. This serves to better hold the quark wrap on the body, but is only suitable for slender parts of the body such as arms and legs. Alternatively, a gauze bandage can be used for fixation. Another advantage of cling film is that it also offers protection against smearing of curd on clothes or furniture.

Indications for quark wraps

The indications for quark compresses are divided depending on whether a cold or a warm effect is desired.

Cool quark compresses are especially useful for injuries like

  • Bruises,
  • Sprains,
  • Bumps
  • and bruises (so-called hematomas) are used.

Quark compresses can be used for cooling not only after an acute sports injury, but also for a certain time after surgery on a joint. However, it must be ensured that the surgical scars have already healed. The cooling effect of the quark compress is also used to treat inflammation of superficial veins or the skin. In particular, an inflammation after an insect bite can be cooled well with curd cheese wraps. The ingredients of the quark also counteract the itching. In the case of sunburn, the quark compress not only cools, but also provides moisture for the stressed skin.

There are also many indications for warming quark compresses. Symptoms of colds such as

  • To cough,
  • Sniff,
  • Sinus infections,
  • and sore throat.

The ingredients of the quark fight the pathogens. In addition, warmth is usually beneficial for diseases. Quark compresses can also be placed on the chest for deeper-seated respiratory diseases such as bronchitis. Another large field of indications for quark compresses is muscle tension. The warmth can relax the muscles again. A great advantage here is that the curd curd can be placed both very locally and over a large area (for example on the entire back).

Quark wrap for coughs

For cold symptoms, such as coughing, warming curd compresses are usually used. To do this, the quark is applied to a cloth or paper towel and then preferably heated with a hot water bottle. Then you can put the quark wrap on the chest and / or neck. The ingredients of the quark and the warmth counteract the urge to cough.

In addition, the quark compresses are particularly effective in the case of heavily congested bronchi. The warm quark wraps can be used for around 20 to 30 minutes. After that, they have usually cooled down too much, and the quark begins to dry, so a new wrap should be used.

If the milk is blocked

Milk congestion is usually accompanied by painful inflammation of the affected breast. However, especially when breastfeeding, you do not want to resort to medication or ointments with critical ingredients.

An effective and safe alternative are cooling quark compresses. These can be prepared in large quantities and stored in the refrigerator. Before use, the breast must be emptied, this is the only way for the quark compresses to develop their full effect. Then the compresses are placed on the inflamed chest. The quark has an anti-inflammatory effect and also relieves pain through cooling.

Quark wrap for the breast

Quark compresses for the breast are often used for breast infections.

Breastfeeding mothers in particular often have to struggle with painful inflammation. Milk congestion often makes the symptoms even worse. As with all types of inflammation, those affected benefit from cooling. Cold curd rolls can be used for this. It is best to take large curd compresses or several so that the entire affected breast can be covered. This is how the best cooling is achieved. It is important that the breast is warmed up again before the next breastfeeding. Massaging also helps to ensure that milk flows in again after the milk congestion has been treated.

The cold quark compresses are also a good aid for other causes of inflammation in the chest, as the ingredients of the quark with their anti-inflammatory effect help with all types of inflammation.

Warm quark compresses on the chest or chest are indicated for respiratory diseases such as one Bronchitis, or even a simple cold with cough and runny nose. The heat helps loosen the mucus from your lungs. The quark also has a cough-relieving effect.

On the shoulder

The cooling effect of the quark wrap is used on the shoulder. After traumatic injuries such as bruises, bruises or strains, the quark compresses have a pain-relieving effect.

They also reduce the swelling, so that better mobility in the shoulder is possible. It is important, however, that serious injuries are excluded after an initial cooling. Quark compresses can also be used for cooling after shoulder operations, but only when the surgical wounds have completely healed.

Quark wrap for the neck

Warm quark compresses are needed on the neck if a sore throat, cough or sore throat / tonsillitis occur. The warmth soothes the internal sore throat and calms down if you have an urge to cough. In addition, the quark has an anti-inflammatory effect. Warm quark wraps can also be used for muscular tension in the neck area. Here they help the muscles to become softer again, which can reduce neck, head and back pain.

Sometimes, however, a cold curd compress is more pleasant even with a cold. When used cold, the decongestant and pain-relieving component is also effective through external cooling. The cold quark compress also helps with traumatic neck pain and tension headaches. Another popular indication for quark compresses is sudden nosebleeds. When the nose starts to bleed, the head should be taken forward. Holding your nose closed can put some pressure on the bleeding vessel. A cold rag or quark wrap on the neck also causes the vessels to become narrower. In this way, the bleeding can often be stopped within a few minutes. Before you have cooled down a cold pack in the freezer, a quark wrap is usually made faster, which can develop the same cooling effect.

It is an individual decision which type of quark compress is perceived as more pleasant. The only important thing is that the application that feels better will usually help.

For knee osteoarthritis

Knee osteoarthritis is a degenerative process in which the protective cartilage in the knee increasingly wears out. This also affects the bone, causing pain and swelling in the joint. The pain is mainly triggered by movement.

Therefore, the use of quark wraps is particularly useful after physical activity. Since osteoarthritis in itself is not an inflammatory disease, the effect of quark compresses is based almost exclusively on cooling the affected knee. The big advantage of the quark wrap is that there are no side effects, which is why the wrap can be used as often as you like.

On the knee

Quark compresses can mainly be used to cool injuries on the knee. Most people use the classic cold pack for knee pain, but quark compresses can also be used. One advantage of the wraps is that they provide subtle, but long-lasting cooling. As with the cold pack, you don't have to pay attention to whether your skin gets too cold and is damaged as a result.

Chronic processes, like one arthritis (inflammatory joint disease) or a Gonarthrosis (Osteoarthritis in the knee) can be treated symptomatically with curd compresses in the event of pain. Even acute injuries such as bruises, sprains or injuries to internal structures can be cooled by quark compresses. Inflammation like one Bursitis (Bursitis) or superficial inflammation of the skin can also be treated with quark compresses.

However, it must always be ensured that the quark compresses do not lie on open wounds. Cold compresses should also not be applied if there is circulatory problems in the leg. In the case of knee pain that is triggered by muscular tension in the thigh, a warm quark compress can relieve the symptoms in addition to a massage of the thigh.

At the ankle

The typical ankle injury that requires cooling is the ligament injury after an ankle twist. A bruise or sprain can also be painful. Improvement is brought about by elevating and cooling the ankle. In order to maintain the effect of the quark wrap, it should be replaced as regularly as possible when it has become warm or the quark begins to dry.

On the Achilles tendon

The Achilles tendon is irritated in running sports. Sports, in which quick changes of direction are important, put stress on the Achilles tendon in particular. Exercise must be paused to relieve pain. You should put your foot up and also cool the Achilles tendon. In addition to ice packs, quark compresses can also be used for cooling, which also counteract irritation of the Achilles tendon.

At the wrist

Wrist injuries are often caused by catching a fall. The wrist bruises and sprains. Thereafter, rest and cooling help. Instead of a conventional ice pack, you can use a quark wrap.

The cooling effect of the quark wrap is also popular with tendinitis. In addition, the ingredients have an anti-inflammatory and decongestant effect.

At the elbow

A bruise or bruise may appear on the elbow after a fall, which needs cooling. Tendon irritations such as tennis or golf elbow can also be treated by applying cold. Quark compresses are used for cooling, which brings pain relief. In addition, the tendon irritation and the associated inflammation can be combated. The quark wrap is best fixed on the arm with a gauze bandage so that it does not slip or have to be held.

With tonsillitis

The tonsillitis is often not only very painful, there are also serious swallowing difficulties due to pain and the large swelling of the tonsils. This is why decongestant therapy with quark compresses is of particular importance.

Cold quark compresses are usually used for tonsillitis. Thanks to their cooling effect, they have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. The reduction in swelling is also triggered by the ingredients of the quark. Especially with bacterial tonsillitis, the quark compresses should only be used in addition to medication (antibiotics).

With bronchitis

Bronchitis is an infection of the respiratory tract in which inflammatory processes play a major role. Due to the inflammation in the airways, a lot of mucus is produced there that has to be loosened and coughed up.

Although bronchitis is an inflammatory disease, warm curd cheese compresses usually help. The lactic acid bacteria contained in the quark have anti-inflammatory effects and also have a minor analgesic effect. Especially with diseases that affect the entire lungs, the quark compresses can be placed over a large area on the chest.

With a sunburn

Sunburn occurs when the skin is damaged by exposure to the sun for too long or too long. As with other burns, skin cells perish. The affected areas are sensitive to touch and burn.

Quark compresses are a suitable and gentle therapy here. The most important thing is the cooling effect of the compress. The quark also donates a lot of moisture to the burned and dry skin. Another advantage of the quark wraps is that they can be placed on both small and large areas and, above all, as often as you like.

With a bursitis

Bursae are often found on joints, where they actually have a buffering effect and protect the tissue. When overworked, a bursa can quickly become inflamed, making the joint particularly sensitive. In addition, the bursa swells with an inflammation, so that movement restrictions occur at the joint.

This can be remedied with quark wraps. The very local inflammation can be treated by applying the poultice. The most important factors are the anti-inflammatory measures and the decongestion caused by the quark compress.

If you have a sinus infection

Sinus infections occur in the context of colds when some of the mucus becomes lodged in the sinuses.

Depending on what those affected find pleasant, cool or warm quark compresses can be used here. Due to its ingredients, the compresses have an expectorant and decongestant effect. Cold quark compresses can have a pain-relieving effect, while warm compresses tend to relieve the pressure created by the sinus infection in the head.

With a phlebitis

Quark compresses are now fully established in alternative therapy for superficial phlebitis. The anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of quark are even appreciated in large clinics. The superficial symptoms of inflammation can be alleviated by cooling quark compresses. However, the ingredients of the quark do not penetrate particularly deep under the skin, which is why only superficial phlebitis benefit from the action of the lactic acid bacteria and the enzymes.

An insect bite

The main reason why an insect bite is painful is that the insect injects its saliva or venom into the skin when it bites. The body reacts to these animal proteins with a strong defense reaction, causing inflammation and swelling at the site of the puncture.

This inflammatory reaction can be counteracted with quark compresses. The lactic acid bacteria from the quark counteract the insect venom so that the body no longer has to react as strongly. This can reduce the itchiness caused by inflammation after an insect bite. The pain and swelling also decrease.

Use overnight

The use of quark wraps overnight is usually not useful. After about 20 to 30 minutes, the quark wrap has reached room temperature, so that it loses its cooling or warming effect. In addition, the quark dries out overnight. As a result, anti-inflammatory enzymes can no longer act. There is also the risk that the quark from the quark wrap will smear the bedclothes when you go to bed. It is better to apply the quark wrap 30 minutes beforehand and remove it at night.

What are the side effects?

There are no known side effects from the use of quark wraps, provided the wraps are used for the correct indications.

Therefore, only incorrect application will lead to complications.

It is important that quark compresses are not used on open wounds. These can become inflamed by the lactic acid bacteria, which counteracts the actually planned effect of the quark wrap. In the case of circulatory disorders, warm and cold applications should generally be avoided on the affected parts of the body, this also applies to the quark compresses. Due to the low blood flow, the body is not able to warm or cool such parts of the body again, which can lead to tissue damage. In addition, when there is insufficient blood circulation, the nerves are often already damaged, which is why affected people do not always feel whether a heat / cold application is at an appropriate temperature or whether it is actually too hot / cold and damages the skin immediately.

You should be careful with the quark compresses even if you have a fever. Cooling compresses may only be used in the event of a fever if the hands and feet are still warm. If these are cold, this indicates that the body cannot generate enough energy to maintain the body temperature it needs. Cooling compresses would reduce the fever, but this would override the protective function of the body, causing the underlying disease (usually infection with viruses or bacteria) to flare up.