Speed ​​power


The rapid force is defined as the ability of the neuromuscular system to be able to realize the largest possible impulse of force in a certain, given time.

Application forms

Depending on the area of ​​application, the speed force aims at the greatest possible acceleration:

  • on your own body (Sprint etc.)
  • on partial body (Boxes etc.)
  • on the opponent's body (Wrestling etc.)
  • on devices (Javelin etc.)

How do you train speed strength?

Speed ​​strength is one of the fundamental characteristics of the various strength parameters. Speed ​​strength is about overcoming a resistance in the shortest possible time.

The high-speed strength training takes place with moderate load (60-75% of the 1RM = one repetition carried out with the maximum load that can be overcome) and is characterized by a fast exercise with total control. Exercises in which execution can also be explosive are particularly suitable for training high-speed strength. Examples include squats, bench presses, and pushups.

The number of repetitions is in the middle range for high-speed strength training with six to twelve repetitions. Also with the recovery breaks it makes a difference how long the sentence breaks should be in order to train the quick strength. When training speed strength, it makes sense to extend the breaks in sentences a little longer. Short breaks in sentences ensure less muscle recovery. This leads to the formation of new muscle cells, which is more like muscle building training than speed strength training. For speed strength training, we recommend longer breaks of at least two minutes between sets. In general, pure speed strength training rarely takes place. Mostly it is a mixture of speed and maximum strength training, as both forces complement and support each other.

Read more on this topic: Speed ​​training

Typical exercises

Classic exercises for high-speed strength training can often be performed without any aids or training equipment.

In the ice skating exercise, the athlete starts on the right leg and knees slightly in a backward movement. From this position he pushes himself up into the air as explosively as possible and moves his arms in opposite directions to his legs in order to optimally take the momentum with him. He pushes himself off the ground as high as possible and lands on the left leg in a new starting position for the next explosive jump.

Another exercise in which both legs are trained at the same time are box jumps. You either need a box or a park bench or a higher level to simulate an obstacle. With a swing of your arm you are pulled off the ground as quickly and as strongly as possible.

The jump push-ups are good exercise for the upper body. You can put your hands up a little higher to make the exercise a little easier. Advanced athletes can also do the push-ups normally on the floor. At the same time, both hands are used to push themselves off the floor or the box to generate a flight phase. If this variant is no longer enough for you at some point, you should try to clap with both hands during the flight phase.

How do you train speed strength specifically for football?

Speed ​​is particularly important in football, as it can make the difference between victory and defeat in extreme cases. The basics of football include sprinting skills, including quick changes of direction.

For sprint and high-speed strength training, sprint sleds, sprint parachutes, high-speed strength belts and medicine balls are often used in football. Short sprints against increased resistance are particularly effective. Here, too, the breaks play an important role. In football, the breaks should be sufficient, because after ten to 15 sprints at full power, the speed strength training is already over.

The running ABC is a form of speed strength training that is used in the lowest soccer leagues. The advantage here is that all athletes move together in one or two groups and perform different types of exercise for speed strength.

In addition, sprint starts from different starting positions are recommended for football (lying, sitting, with your back to the signal, eyes closed, hands on your back, etc.) in order to simulate the different situations on the field.

A newer speed strength training method is the so-called "Rapid Response Training". Here the athlete starts from a forward movement. This can be skippings on the spot, which are transformed into a linear sprint movement by a signal. This should be done as quickly as possible in order to always have an appropriate training stimulus.

What are speed strength sports?

In speed strength sports, the demands on the muscles and the nervous system are very high. As many muscle fibers as possible should simultaneously release strength in the shortest possible time in order to overcome a resistance as quickly as possible. These sports can be cyclic and acyclic.

Many types of speed strength sports occur in athletics in particular. All sprint competitions, regardless of whether they are 100m, 200m, 400m or 800m, rely largely on the body's ability to use rapid strength. Speed ​​also plays an important role in sports in which something should be accelerated to the maximum by the athlete. These include the sports of shot put, javelin throwing, hammer throwing, discus throwing and long throwing.

In addition, the jumping sports long jump and high jump, as well as pole vault and triple jump belong to the high-speed sports.

Other sports that have a very high proportion of speed are weightlifting, ski jumping, speed skating and track sprint disciplines in cycling. These sports are called high-speed sports, with speed playing an important to very important role in almost all sports.

In many other sports, including team sports, speed makes an important contribution to successful success.

Distinctions according to sports

Depending on the area of ​​application, there are different applications of speed power. In some sports, the time available is the limiting factor (boxing, fencing, etc.). The starting force and explosive force are the decisive factors in realizing the force.

  • Starting power (Force value 30 ms after the start of the contraction, different definitions by different authors)
  • Explosive force (highest force increase in the force-time curve (? F /? T))

In some sports, speed strength is also of great importance, but more time is available to realize the strength (shot poking). A lot of force does not have to be realized in an extremely short time, but rather a lot of force over a longer period of time.

How can you test your speed?

There are various ways to test your speed. You can check this with light barriers and special cameras. However, the cameras have to record up to 500 images per second in order to make the finest differences measurable.

Sports motor tests are another effective way of determining speed strength in people. However, not all tests are equally suitable and you first have to determine the correct tests for speed strength.

In addition, the rapid strength can be tested and measured using so-called strength-time curves. Force-time curves are particularly suitable for starting and explosive force behavior, as well as for determining the jumping speed.

The speed strength index (SKI)

The quick force index (Fmax / Tmax) arises in the force-time curve.

It is checked after which time the maximum force value was reached.

How are speed strength and maximum strength related?

Quick strength is made up of four different strength parameters. These include the starting force, the explosive force, the reactive force and the maximum force. Above all, the maximum strength ensures the strength level at which the fastest possible movement can take place. The maximum strength is thus the direct basis for the development of the rapid strength and has a direct relationship with the rapid strength. In addition, the ability to contract quickly is necessary to achieve high speed strength.