Red spots on the neck


Red spots on the skin and neck are mostly harmless and often arise from nervousness or allergies. Sometimes, however, the red spots can also hide serious infections, which then require therapy. In order to differentiate between harmless stains and those in need of therapy, it is important to have them examined by a doctor. It is important to pay attention to the appearance of the spots, for example whether they are raised or flat, symmetrical or asymmetrical; how long these spots have been present and whether they have had similar symptoms in the past.

Other points that are important for differentiating between harmless and in need of therapy are questions about itching or burning, the exact location and self-therapy that has already been initiated, for example whether ointments or medication have already been used and whether the spots have improved or worsened . Patches located on one side, especially on the hands (see also skin rash on the hands) or on the décolleté, often indicate allergic reactions to environmental stimuli such as Perfumes, soaps or jewelry, e.g. Nickel. These are usually associated with a burning sensation or itching and disappear when the source of the irritation is omitted. A rash on both sides, on the other hand, usually indicates a skin disease or internal diseases.

In addition, many patients also experience pigmentation disorders on the neck, but these are usually harmless and give no indication of an existing disease.

Read more on the topic: Red spots on the face


As Red stain is called Redness or pustules / pimples on the skinwhich can be punctiform or over a large area. In most cases, these red spots are harmless. In some cases, however, they can also express different ones bacterial or viral infections or reactions to certain allergens.

Causes of red spots on the neck

causes for red spots on the skin and neck Stress and nervousness, Skin disorders how acne, Infections like Lyme disease and Shingles or Allergic reaction be.

In babies and children can red spots for congenital skin manifestations e.g. Nevus flammeus or infections such as measles, rubella, Scarlet fever or chickenpox stand.

Nervousness / erythrophobia

In most cases, ask red spots on the neck or banalities on the décolleté. often as part of a Erythrophobia (the fear of blushing) as an expression of Nervousness and excitement. It often happens to young people in particular that they blush during a presentation and notice large red spots on their cleavage and neck. Noticing these spots usually leads to a feeling of shame and further excitement, which one tries to avoid the next time. A fear of (another) blushing develops. But since these red spots are caused by a physical reaction to nervousness, they are only badly preventable. This in turn means that the red spots will reappear in the next exciting situation.

Behind the physical reaction stands the Activation of the autonomic nervous system (Sympathetic), which in turn start with a increased blood flow and widening of capillary blood vessels which then leads to blushing and the formation of red spots on the neck and décolleté. Ways to avoid the formation of these stains include autogenic training to Relaxation, trying to direct your concentration from the stains to other unimportant things, cosmetic products to cover redness and, in severe cases, a psychotherapy.

Alcohol can also lead to a widening of the capillary vessels, increased blood flow and thus to blushing, especially when drinking champagne or wine.

Here you can find more information about autogenic training.


Systemic infectious diseasesthat can manifest as red spots on the skin include borreliosis, syphilis, hepatitis and shingles.

In the Lyme disease one finds one typical of the disease ring-shaped, bright red rash, whose Center pale and which slowly becomes circular from the Tick ​​bite spreads. This rash is also known as the Erythema migrans ("Wanderröte").

In the syphilis, one common sexually transmitted venereal disease occurs in the advanced stage typical, small-spotted, red rash (Rash) that spreads all over the body, especially the Palms and soles of the feet, spreads.

The hepatitis manifests itself i.a. With large red spots to the Palms and at the Shingles is found red, pimply rashwhich is dermatome related, i.e. which is limited to certain skin areas innervated by nerves.

Other skin diseases

Typical skin conditions associated with red spots include the scabies (Scabies), fungal diseases, acne vulgaris, neurodermatitis, rosacea and psoriasis (psoriasis).

The most common skin disease in Germany is Acne vulgariswhich can occur in various aggressive forms and which are typically Adolescents in their puberty affects and ceases in adulthood. Classic symptoms of acne are occurring comedones ("Blackheads"), as well as inflammatory red spots and pimples (so-called pustules, nodules and Abscesses) in the course, especially Face, décolleté, back and shoulders infested.

In the Neurodermatitis One finds small, punctiform, red spots and pimples (Vesicle) to the Elbows, Knees and handsthat can crust over and ooze and that are also extremely itchy. The Neurodermatitis can already baby infects and manifests itself there via the so-called Cradle cap - this denotes severely itchy lumps and blisters that crust and scale and which are typically found in the head and neck area. The name comes from the similarity of the spots with the color of burnt milk.

The Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory skin disease unclear cause caused by various stimuli such as Alcohol, stress and UV light can be triggered and is characterized by blotchy reddening of the skin and enlarged veins, so-called telangiectasias, on the forehead, nose and cheeks. In the course of time it can become too Pus vesicles and persistent reddening of the skin (Erythema), nodules and ultimately, especially in men, to a bulb-like appearance, enlarged Change in nose (Rhinophyma) come. Similar changes can also occur in the bridge of the nose, ears or chin.

The Scabies or scabies called is one sexually transmitted diseasethat through the Scabies mite is caused and which is caused by direct body contact (including sexual intercourse or children playing together) can be transmitted to other people. Typically found here, next to a strong one nocturnal itching, elongated, red, raised spots (papules) that burn and that may later be encrusted. Typical predilection sites are Spaces between fingers and toes, Armpits, nipples, wrists and the male genital.

Other parasites like Fleas or lice can punctiform rashes among others in the area of Dekoltees, armpits or the pubic region trigger. Fungal diseases, such as. the Candidiasis (caused by the yeast Candida albicans) are often found in oozing skin folds or, depending on the pathogen, also in Head hair or all over the body. Typical here are large, itchy, red rashes with scaly edge.

Allergic reaction often manifest with itchy or burning, red spots and usually represent a Defense reaction of the body to a certain environmental stimulus. Typical triggers can include Cold, pollen, but also cosmetics, soaps, medicines or chemicals. Even as part of a Sun allergy red spots may appear on the skin.

Red spots on the neck from stress

Stress, nervousness and psychological stress increase the sympathetic tone. Of the Sympathetic is a not consciously controllable (autonomous) Nervous system, which, for example, makes the heart beat faster and increases blood pressure in strenuous situations, during sport or stress. As a result, the body is better supplied with blood and oxygen. Simultaneously the blood vessels expandso that the blood that is increasingly pumped through the heart can better reach the muscles.
The vessels that lie just under the skin also expand. If these appear as red spots on the neck, face or décolleté, this is also referred to as "Flushing“ ("Blush") designated. Because the skin on the face, neck and décolleté is relative thin is, these parts of the body are particularly noticeable in stressful situations with red spots. These widened and more blood-supplied vessels are particularly noticeable in light skin types.

Red spots on the neck from the sun

It is coming after hours or even first after days to itchy red spots on the neck, it may be a Sun allergy (polymorphic photodermatosis) act. The cause of a sun allergy is still unclear. Often, however, the sun allergy occurs in people who generally sensitive skin to have. In addition to the red spots you can small vesicles or nodules (Papules) that are reminiscent of an allergic skin reaction.
Next to the neck are often too face, Cleavage, hands and poor affected - parts of the body that are usually exposed to sunlight for longer. To prevent a sun allergy, a long stay in the sun should be avoided. Definitely should be one Sunscreen for sensitive skin be applied before each stay in the sun.

However, red spots on the neck can also come from Care products after sunbathing occur (for example after using après sun lotion).
Red spots on the neck that appear after a long stay in the sun can also be a problem sunburn be. The neck is spotted red if, for example, the sunscreen has not been applied thoroughly enough and so on Forget skin areas were. It comes to a painful reddening, which after about 2 days subsides again.

Read about it too Sunburn- what to do

Red spots on the neck from alcohol

Just like the Erythrophobia red spots on the face in the area of ​​the forehead and cheeks and on the cleavage too while drinking alcohol arise. Usually just a few sips of wine or sparkling wine are enough for those affected to feel reddening and warming of their face. An exact cause has not yet been described. Studies assume, however, that it occurs in those affected genetically conditioned faster to one Dilatation of their capillary vessels and thus to one Increased blood flow comes with blush than others. In addition, alcohol has the same effect on the blood vessels, which is why even small amounts of alcohol are enough for those affected to develop red spots and a flush. In some cases, too Allergies to alcohol described, also with a widening of the vessels, a strong sudden blushing and in severe cases with Shortness of breath accompanied.

Red spots on the neck related to the thyroid gland

At a Hyperthyroidism there is an increased formation of Thyroid hormonesthat lead to a stronger Sensitivity to catecholamines (Stress hormones). This increased sensitivity leads to to Racing heart, high blood pressure, one increased blood flow, one Heat intolerance and one increased sweating. The increased blood circulation and heat intolerance ultimately lead to what is known as "Flush“, One Blushing of the cheeks and cleavage. An overactive thyroid can be treated with the help of Anti-thyroid drugs or one Radioiodine therapy.


To a correct diagnosis the doctor becomes one anamnese with questions about the beginning and duration of the red spots, their appearance, a possible one itching or one Burning sensation, of their Localization and spread, similar symptoms in the past and one that has already occurred Self therapy put. Then the red spots are examined. You might also be Smears or blood taken.

Illustration rash

Illustration rash face

a - Healthy skin
b - Subcorneal pus vesicle
(Pustule - under the cornea)
c - Intraepithelial pus vesicles
(Pustule - splits the epidermis)
d - epidermal nodules
(epidermal papule)
e - scleral nodules
(dermal papule)

Epidermis - epidermis
(1 and 2.)

  1. Horny layer -
    Stratum corneum
  2. Cornifying layer
    (light layer + grain layer)
    Stratum lucidum +
    Stratum granulosum

    Germ layer (prickly cell layer
    + Base layer) -
    Stratum spinosum +
    Stratum basale
  3. Dermis -
    Dermis (Papillary layer -
    Stratum papillary
    Network layer -
    Stratum reticularre)

You can find an overview of all Dr-Gumpert images at: medical illustrations


Depending on the cause of the red spots there is also one different therapy again. In principle, any new skin rash should be examined and assessed by a dermatologist rule out serious infections or skin diseases.

Infections can with certain Antibiotics (for bacterial and parasitic causes), Antivirals (against Viruses) or Antifungal drugs (against fungi). Skin disorders how acne can e.g. With Retinoids, antibiotics, and keratolytic drugs like benzoyl peroxide be treated.

A Rosacea will i.a. with the antibiotic Tetracycline and Isoretinoin treated.

At Allergies help Antihistamines such as. Clemastine or prednisolone.

In the case of mentally conditioned red spots one would Relaxation exercises and autogenic training guess.


Regardless of the cause, the Forecast of the red spots on the neck and mostly good on the body. Underlying Infections or diseases can medicated, allergic reactions are well avoided and treated.

Should be a Expansion of the vessels If the cause of the red spots is due to alcohol, excitement or nervousness, it cannot really be treated. Here would Alcohol abstinence, temperature regulation or autogenic training help. With enough self-confidence, however, this problem would also be easily solvable.

Concomitant symptoms of the red spots on the neck

Red spots on the neck and face

Red spots, which manifest themselves mainly on the neck and face, are usually found in the context of a dermatological disease again Acne vulgaris, of the Rosacea, one Contact dermatitis (allergic reaction to cosmetic products) or as part of a perioral dermatitis. This mostly affects young women from the age of 35 and manifests itself through red spots, pimples and flaking in the mouth and nose area, which can often burn. Studies suggest that the cause is in the Use of different care products or too frequent creaming lies.

Red spots on the neck and décolleté

Red spots on the neck and décolleté can often be found in the context of the Erythrophobia, a mentally conditioned Blushing with nervousness and excitement. These are usually large and confluent and arise from a Increased blood flow to capillary skin vessels.

Red spots on the neck and neck

Red spots that appear separately on the neck and neck can be expression allergic reactions e.g. on Perfumes or shampoos be or as part of a Naevus flammeus ("Flammenmal") occur. This is usually innate and harmless and has existed since childhood.

Red spots on the neck without itching

Red spots on the neck without itching are usually the result of one increased blood flow. Often the face and décolleté are also affected and the red spots go with you Feeling hot hand in hand. These red spots can, for example, after a long stay in the heat (for example when visiting the sauna) occur and usually subside after a short while. Also after the sport red spots may appear briefly on the neck.
Plus, the skin is also better supplied with blood when they great cold (for example in winter) was exposed and you come back into the warmth.

Furthermore, red spots on the neck can be caused by various food to be triggered. This includes, for example, eating spicy or spicy dishes. Even after enjoying alcoholRed spots may appear on the neck or face, especially when drinking red wine or brandy.
If the skin is rubbed with blood circulation-enhancing products such as a skin peeling, red spots can also develop.

A permanent expansion of the vessels (Rosacea), which usually causes red spots on the face and especially on the cheeks, chin and forehead, can also cause red spots on the neck and décolleté in severe cases. Rosacea occurs in Adult age from 30 years of age on. Since correct facial care should be taken into account, those affected are advised to consult a dermatologist.

Please also read our general page Rash without itching

Red spots on the neck in the baby

Measles can cause red spots on the neck and body.

At the Baby and in children can Red stain Reference to harmless, innate skin symptoms or on systemic infections through the so-called Teething problems be.

Typical harmless, congenital red skin symptoms can include Hemangiomas and a Naevus flammeus be. Of the Naevus flammeus ("Feuermal") denotes one congenital malformation of the capillary vessels below the epidermisthat shimmer under the skin and appear as a large red spot on the Baby's face or neck impress. If the nevus flammeus is found in the neck area, it is usually harmless. If you find him in the Area of ​​the face, this can be an indication of an underlying systemic disease, a so-called Phacomatosis (e.g. from Hippel Lindau Syndrome or Sturge Weber Syndrome) be. Since a nevus flammeus usually disappears by itself in the first few years of life, it is advisable to wait. In persistent cases, the "Stork bite“Can be removed with the help of a laser.

May be another cause of red spots in the baby Hemangiomas, a so-called Blood sponge on the baby, be. One calls a hemangioma benign vascular tumorswhich can occur primarily in premature babies, but whose prognosis is usually benign. Infantile hemangiomas usually manifest themselves after the first 4 weeks of life as a small, red spot on the face and then grow to a raised blood sponge by the 6th month of life. Then the regression begins, which usually takes many years. With particularly large hemangiomas, small scars or swellings may remain. Congenital hemangiomas, on the other hand, are already associated with the birth fully matured and may or may not regress (depending on the shape). If more than 3 hemangiomas in the baby should be present, should also be a Ultrasound of the skull and abdomen of the baby because there are more than 3 hemangiomas with an increased risk of hemangiomas in the Liver and brain accompanied. For cosmetic reasons, the hemangioma should be removed with a laser or with the help of a drug (propranolol).

As with adults, red spots can appear in babies or toddlers too systemic infections indicate, e.g. on the typical teething problems how measles, Rubella and three-day fever.

In three-day fever (or also Exanthema subitum called) it comes after one initial temperature rise and one Fever interval for 3-5 days to a sudden drop in temperature and a subsequent one Rash. This is presented in the form of bright red spots on the neck and trunk of the child, which can spread to the face and even the palate can infect (so-called "Nagayama spots"). The therapy is symptomatic to relieve fever, the disease ends by itself.

At measles there is a typical one 2-phase courseat which it is initially to flu-like symptoms how Cough, runny nose and fever comes. A severe feeling of illness follows and the onset of the typical measles rash. This is shown by numerous, large, red spots that partially flow together (confluent). These are typically found behind the ears and then spread over the entire body.

Rubella is caused by the rubella virus and usually has one Incubation period of 14-21 days. Typical symptoms of rubella are a slightly impaired general condition, one severe swelling of the lymph nodes behind the ears and on the neck as well as that subsequent rash. This is through small to medium, light red spots marked that do not run into each other. They start behind the ears and then spread over the entire body. After 3 days, the rash has usually completely disappeared.

At Scarlet fever can be found next to severe sore throat and difficulty swallowing, fever, a fine-spotted red rash above all in the groin, very red cheeks with a lightening around the mouth and a very red tongue, which because of their appearance also as Raspberry or strawberry tongue is named. After 1 week the red spots will fade and one will appear bran-shaped scaling the skin, especially on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet.