Ointments for the therapy of a nasal furuncle

Synonyms in a broader sense

"Huge pimple on the nose"


A nasal furuncle is an infection of a hair root (hair follicle) at the nasal entrance. There is a danger when the pus that develops melts into the surrounding tissue.


Depending on how big the Nasal furuncle is and where exactly it is located, an ointment can be sufficient as a therapy against nasal furuncles. Often, however, the boil must first surgically treated, i.e. cut open and emptied.

Which ointment is prescribed depends on the size of the boil and where exactly it is located.Therefore, either a so-called draft ointment or an ointment with antibiotics can be prescribed.

Pull ointment

For small boils, a so-called pull ointment can be sufficient. Train ointments included anti-inflammatory and antibacterial Fabrics and are therefore well suited to treat small boils. The pull ointment is usually applied to the inflamed area once a day.
Depending on how severe the inflammation is, the pull ointment can also be applied more than once a day. With nasal furuncles, however, there is always the risk of ascending, which means that there is a risk that the bacteria will spread further in the pus and, in the worst case, penetrate the brain, where they can cause severe inflammation. Therefore, in the case of nasal furuncles, the pulling ointment is usually not prescribed, but antibiotics are used.

Read more information on this topic at: Pull ointment

Ointments containing antibiotics

Antibiotics are usually not only used for nasal furrows local, so applied to the inflamed area, but also systemic given. This means that they are given into the body through a vein.

Aureomycin ointment, for example, can be used as antibiotic ointments. The substance in the ointment belongs to the tetracyclines and works well against bacteria, which are mostly responsible for the nasal furuncles.

Application and side effects

The ointment is applied to the boil and the surrounding area as prescribed by the doctor either once or several times a day. It is recommended to apply one cotton swab or the like, as the bacteria can otherwise be transferred to other parts of the body or people by hand.

The application is usually carried out until the boil has healed. Depending on the size, this can take a few days to weeks.

Local skin reactions such as redness or itching only rarely occur as side effects.

However, due to the harmful effects of tetracyclines on fetuses and children, which are harmful to the bones and tooth enamel, their use during pregnancy and breastfeeding is not recommended.

However, allergic reactions can always occur. These are expressed in Redness, itching, swelling and Pain. If you experience these symptoms after applying the ointment, wipe the ointment off and consult a doctor.