Pain over the eye


The pain above the eye can be punctiform or spread to the wider face area and radiate to the forehead, jaw area or ears. This pain may or may not be related to an eye condition. They can be short-term or long-term. The characteristics and quality can show up very differently depending on the cause.

Possible causes

Pain over the eye can have a variety of often harmless causes. For example, physical or psychological tension and tension can lead to pain over one or both eyes. In the course of overexertion of the eyes or general overexertion, the vessels in the area above the eyes can become wide and thus irritate the surrounding nerve. Various eye diseases can also cause pain over the eye. These include, for example, visual defects, including strabismus or an attack of glaucoma ("green star"). However, accompanying symptoms that are characteristic of the eye disease usually occur in the form of certain visual disturbances or other complaints.

Pain over the eye can also occur as part of various headache disorders. These can be classified into different categories with respective subgroups. Pain over the eye can occur with migraines, tension headaches, head trauma or after taking substances such as drugs, alcohol or coffee. Short-term pain over the eye of unknown cause can also occur. Very rarely, tumors can also manifest themselves as pain over the eye.

Read more about these topics: Headache in the forehead area and pain behind the eye

Sinus infection / frontal sinus

In the context of sinus infections, especially if the frontal sinus is affected, pain over the eye or both eyes can occur. Characteristic for a frontal sinus inflammation are pain intensification when bending over and pain when pressing on the exit points of the so-called triple nerve (Trigeminal nerve).

In acute sinusitis, the pain is usually stronger and more frequent directly above the eyes, while the headache in chronic sinusitis often occurs between the eyebrows, in the area of ​​the root of the nose.


With all diseases, with severe restriction of nasal breathing and insufficient ventilation of the paranasal sinuses, facial headaches are not uncommon and typical. According to this, pain over one or both eyes can occur even with a cold and is a sign that your sinuses are affected.

Herpes on the face

So-called herpes viruses can cause herpes on the lip and, due to the rapid spread and persistence, also in the entire face. Conjunctivitis of the eyes can also develop. These diseases often cause pain over the eyes, among other things. In the worst case, inflammation can develop in the brain (Read also: Herpes simplex encephalitis), which can usually be accompanied by pain over the eyes, among other things. However, this happens less often.

Shingles on the face

The so-called varicella zoster virus from the herpes virus family can also cause chickenpox. After a chickenpox infection, shingles can occur as a reactivation. This can also manifest itself in the face and cause pain over the eyes, among other things. It is typical that initially pain and sensory disturbances occur, only after about 3 days are the rashes characteristic of chickenpox recognizable.

Concomitant symptoms

Depending on the cause of the pain over the eye, side effects of various kinds can be caused. With a sinus infection, nasal secretions and odor disorders can also occur. A migraine can be accompanied by pain over the eye, photophobia, nausea and vomiting. In addition, so-called short-term visual field losses, eye flickering and radiating pain in the forehead and jaw area can occur. With migraines as well as with other headache disorders, dizziness, neck pain and sensory disturbances in the temples and facial area and sometimes unilaterally in one arm and fingers can also be caused.

In the worst case, pain over the eye can be accompanied by impaired consciousness if a corresponding underlying disease is present. The causes must be clarified and treated by a doctor.

In addition to pain above or in the eye, eye diseases can also trigger pain radiating over the entire face, as well as visual disturbances ("blurred vision", double vision, persistent visual field defects). Very strong, suddenly occurring deep-seated and dull pain above and in the eye can indicate a so-called acute glaucoma attack, provided that other symptoms occur (Read about this: Glaucoma symptoms). Only individual complaints can dominate here. If, in addition to the severe eye pain and headache, loss of vision up to acute blindness and impaired pupillary reactions occur, these symptoms are indications of an eye infarction. Both are emergencies and must be treated immediately by an eye doctor.

Pain up to the forehead

If the pain spreads to the forehead, it could indicate a chronic sinus infection and should definitely be checked by a doctor. Since the paranasal sinuses are in close proximity to the eye sockets and therefore to the eyes themselves, there is a risk that infections of the nasal area will spread to the eyes. This can lead to complications and consequential damage to the eyes.

In children, so-called harmless orbital (from "orbita" = eye socket) complications occur in the context of sinus infections, which manifest themselves as pain up to the forehead, among other things. In adults, the complications can be more serious. They are differentiated according to 5 degrees of severity. In addition to the pain above the eye and up to the forehead, there are usually other complaints. In addition, pain over the eye can extend to the forehead in the context of various headache diseases or eye diseases.

Read more on this topic: Eye socket pain

a headache

Pain over the eye can manifest itself in a number of ways as a headache. It is often difficult for those affected to describe exactly where the pain is, so that eye pain and headache are often interpreted differently. These can have different causes. If these are particularly pronounced, permanent or recurring, a visit to a doctor is strongly recommended.

Pain in light

In the context of some diseases, e.g. B. in the case of a migraine, allergies or visual defects, photosensitivity can arise. In these cases, light can cause pain over the eye. In some cases, bright light can cause pain without any further cause. The pain usually subsides as soon as the source of the stimulus is avoided or switched off. This release of pain is probably related to a very fine perception.

Pain in the eyebrow

A branch of the so-called triple nerve emerges on the face exactly at the eyebrow. If there is pain in this area, it may indicate irritation to this nerve. These can be triggered as part of an infection or in the course of a neurological disease. A so-called Trigeminal neuralgia is characterized by excessive facial pain. If the strut bone or the bony eye socket is fractured, the nerve can also be damaged and cause pain and sensitivity disorders in the eyebrow.

Pain when coughing

If there is pain over the eye when you cough, it could be a sign of sinus infection. A certain nerve branch in the eye area can be compressed due to swollen mucous membranes in the course of the inflammatory processes. Coughing can increase the pressure and cause pain over the eye. Often this pain is described as stabbing. Some sufferers report short-term pain, others report continuous pain. If the symptoms persist, a medical examination is advisable.

Pain when stooping

When bending down, the pressure on the so-called increases Ophthalmic nerve above the eye, on the eyebrow. If the mucous membranes are swollen in the course of a sinus infection, the pain when bending down may increase due to the increased pressure. Often times, this is a typical sign of a sinus infection.

Pain on approach

There is negative pressure in the aircraft, which can be felt in the body, especially during take-off and landing. This can show up as severe pain above and behind the eyes, among other things. In many cases, this is a sign of chronic sinus infection, which only manifests itself in extreme situations, such as the landing approach. A medical evaluation is advisable.


If pain over the eye persists or occurs repeatedly, a doctor is recommended. The doctor asks the person concerned in a targeted manner, among other things about current complaints, medication intake and current changes and incidents. He looks at the eyes as well as the face and head area. Depending on the symptoms, further examinations follow, such as palpation of the exit points of the triple nerve, the lymph nodes and, if necessary, palpation of the eyeball.

If nasopharyngeal infections are suspected, the nose, nasal flow and the throat and mouth area are also examined. If an eye disease is suspected, an eye doctor will be referred to who will examine the eye closely. A blood test can be useful if you suspect another underlying disease. If necessary, you will be referred to a specialist.

Treatment / therapy

Treatment depends on the cause. In many cases, the pain is short-term and harmless. The pain often subsides as soon as the cause (e.g. bright light) is removed. If the pain over the eye is the result of stress or overexertion, it is often helpful to have physical and mental rest, adequate fluid intake, relaxation methods, fresh air and a balanced diet.

If there are uncorrected visual defects that cause pain over the eye, it is advisable to seek advice and adjust vision aids from an ophthalmologist and optician.

Emergency eye diseases such as eye infarction and glaucoma attacks are treated with appropriate medication and measures.

Read more on this topic: Therapy of glaucoma

If the pain over the eye occurred as a result of headache disorders, a differential diagnosis from a doctor is necessary to ensure effective treatment. This often includes both a change in life and, if necessary, accompanying drug therapy.

If the pain over the eye is due to a sinus infection it should be treated. If you have an acute sinus infection, decongestant nasal sprays or are recommended, but should only be used for a short time. Inhalations and red light radiation are also recommended. In some cases, pain relievers may be advisable. If there is a bacterial cause, antibiotic treatment may be necessary, particularly in the case of long-term symptoms and in people with weakened immune systems. If the pain over the eye is the result of a chronic sinus infection, an operation should be considered in some cases.

Please also read: Treatment of a sinus infection


The duration of the pain over the eye depends on the cause. Pain due to stress, in the form of a tension headache, subsides when circumstances are changed. Pain over the eye in the context of infections is, parallel to the other complaints, decreasing in the healing process. Rare, but more serious, eye and head diseases are more protracted.