Prognosis for a basalioma
Basalioma is also known as basal cell cancer and is a semi-malignant, also called semimalignant tumor of the basal cells of the skin. It is a tumor that can metastasize, but does so only to a small extent. The metastasis rate is 0.03% of the cases.
The basalioma occurs mainly on parts of the body that are particularly heavily exposed to the sun are like in face especially the nose or also the Ears.
Basaliomas occur mainly Patients in the 6th and 7th decades of life on. Basaliomas make up approx. 2/3 of all skin cancers out, whereby in Germany about 170,000 new cases per year are to be expected. The frequency within a population depends on the Intensity of solar radiation in the respective country, in Australia 250 out of 100,000 inhabitants fall ill, in Central Europe an average of only 30 out of 100,000 inhabitants.
Undisputed Risk factor for the occurrence of a basalioma there is one continuous UV exposure the skin, being frequent Sunburns more likely to cause other types of skin cancer. Due to their very slow growth that lasts for years, basaliomas can be reduced by benign tumors of the skin like that Keratoacanthoma distinguish. First, the basalioma occurs as coarse, skin-colored nodule the size of a pin in appearance.
A differential diagnostic feature is a Bead-like edge wall, such as newly formed small vessels (Telangiectasia) that are in the tumor wax in to nourish it. This can make the tumor appear reddish. Basically be eight different shapes distinguished from basaliomas, the name of which describes their nature and their growth pattern. For example, one differentiates the pigmented (dark) Basalioma, which can easily be confused with malignant Melanoma, from the infiltrative sclerodermiform basalioma that appears whitish yellow.
The prognosis for a basalioma
If the basalioma is a real ulcer or if it breaks up and grows inward, this indicates an advanced stage of the cancer.
Basalioma does not cause pain or itch. Since the basalioma almost never (only in about 0.03% of the patients) Metastases in other organs, this cancer can in most cases be cured by surgical removal.
The prognosis is therefore generally good. Although basalioma almost never metastasizes, early detection and removal is of great importance. The reason for this is the infiltrative, destructive (destructive) Growth of the tumor, which can then grow into mucous membranes, cartilage and even bones. If this is the case, the removal of the tumor turns out to be a lot more complicated and can be associated with severe disfigurements, since the basalioma is largely localized in the facial area.
The appearance of a basalioma in the area of the eye is accompanied by complications. If this is a destructively (destructively) growing basalioma (Basilioma terebrand), the tumor can grow into the eye socket and, in the worst case, lead to loss of vision.
Treatment options
The gold standard of treatment for basalioma remains the same surgical removal. This treatment is associated with the lowest relapse rate. The basalioma is usually taken by the dermatologist local anesthesia cut out. It is important here that an area of up to 5mm, i.e. healthy tissue, is removed from around the tumor. This so-called Cut edge becomes histologically (miroscopically) and must not degenerate any degenerated cells to ensure that the tumor is completely removed. Still you can Return (Relapse) of the malignant tumor can never be ruled out 100%.
In addition to the surgical removal, there are other treatment options that are usually only used if the location of the basalioma (e.g. at the eye), the size or condition of the patient (a general condition that prohibits an operation) or certain pre-existing conditions make surgical removal impossible. The Irradiation with soft X-ray radiation can be large and inoperable Tumors are used. Also one curettage (Curettage) with local more chemotherapeutic Follow-up treatment can be an option. Also a kind icing (Cryotherapy) how to get them from the Wart treatment knows is an option. Treatment in the form of a is relatively new and only approved for the treatment of superficial basaliomas creamwhich the patient himself regularly applies to the basalioma. The active ingredient contained Imiquimod activates the body's own Immune systemwhich is supposed to recognize and eliminate the tumor cells in a targeted manner.
Also the Laser surgery or the photodynamic therapy, which is supposed to damage degenerate cancer cells with the help of light rays, are an option.
The drug Vismodegib, which is administered in tablet form, has been on the market since 2013 and has an anti-tumor effect. It is mainly used in advanced stages of the basal cell carcinoma or when the cancer has already spread (metastasized) Has. Forms of basalioma that grow aggressively and have a higher tendency to metastasize are, for example, the Basalioma terebrans or the Basilioma exulcerans. In the case of metastasis to other organs, a systemic (affecting the whole body) chemotherapy be performed.
Depending on which organ is affected, the forecast far less good than one locally limited Basalioma. Even with a successful treatment of the basalioma is a Recurrence (Relapse) relatively common in this skin cancer. The most common occurrence of relapse is in the first two years after removal of the original tumor. Therefore, those affected should at least for the three following years examined by a dermatologist once a year to let. In addition, the patient himself should regularly and carefully examine the affected area and other particularly vulnerable areas of the face.
Basaliomas usually have one good prognosis, as metastasis only occurs in less than 1% of patients. Still is one early detection and treatment of great importance, as the tumor would otherwise spread into the surrounding tissue (bone, Soft tissue) grows in. On the one hand, this makes removal more difficult and, on the other hand, causes great disfigurement after removal. Since the basalioma occurs mainly on the face, the mental stress enormous for many patients because of this distortion. There is also one of great importance regular follow-up checks by the patient himself and by the dermatologist, since the basalioma has a relatively high recurrence rate.