Protruding ears
Medical: Apostasis otum
Synonyms: Sail ears, "Dumbo ears"
One speaks of protruding ears when the auricle protrudes more than 30 degrees from the head. Protruding ears are usually not pathological but the result of various hereditary factors.
In old photos of parents' children, one often notices that one parent already had protruding ears. Occasionally, however, it is also a cartilaginous malformation of the auricle (dysplasia), with the various auricle sections undergoing a faulty development and deforming the entirety of the auricle.
Around 1 in 20 people in Europe have protruding ears. Injured feelings of shame and inferiority are the result of being teased by others in school and at work, but not impaired hearing.
Except for the earlobe, the auricle is shaped by elastic cartilage and covered with skin. Protruding folds and indentations are denoted by various Greek terms (Tragus and Antitragus, helix and Antehelix, Crura anthelices, Cavum conchae).
The auricle
The function of the auricle is to capture sound. Many animals can even point their ears towards the sound source. We humans could theoretically do this too, if the small control muscles weren't atrophied. However, some people can still wiggle their ears today. For most people, the auricle has an angle of about 12 to 18 degrees backwards. The ratio of the width of the auricle to its length is about 1: 2. Even as a child at around 3 years of age, the auricle has grown in length by 80%, by 5 years by 90% and finally completed in the teenage years.
Ethnic influence
Ear shapes differ greatly among ethnic groups:
- Eskimos have the longest ears
- Japanese to have ingrown earlobes
- black rather have small ears
- Europeans have the most diverse variations of Auricle shapes
The shape of the ear is likely to be passed on from a parent (autosomal dominant).
Effects on hearing
Protruding ears do not cause functional disorders. The child will not suffer from hearing loss from the auricle deformity. On the contrary, a protruding auricle is more likely to be able to capture sound waves that strike frontally.
In contrast, they are psychological consequences Serious for the child and parents should be encouraged to seek advice from a competent one ENT doctor or Plastic surgeon to get advice. Feelings of shame and inferiority in the child give the actual reason to treat the protruding ears ("Sail ears") To think about.
Psychosocial factors
Children can be very mean to one another and look for various reasons to annoy and offend one another. Ears that stick out are an excellent reason for this.
The names for protruding earsn like "Sail ears"Or"Dumbo“(Walt Disney Comic) do not have their origins in the adult world! But relatives and acquaintances of the child can also take the view that protruding ears to meet the child with a certain sense of humor and cannot hold back with some smiles or blasphemous remarks.
The child will hardly complain about this, but suffers considerably from this constant teasing Feelings of inferiority!
There are still today no alternative treatmentthat is just as effective as the surgical correction (Otoplasty, "big ears"). Measures such as tying ears to the skull with a plaster or rubber will not lead to the desired result!
Depending on the severity of the deformation of the auricle, there are different ones Surgical procedure into consideration. Usually the inner fold of the auricle (antehelix fold; fold that lies opposite the edge of the auricle) is too weak and is fixed with a seam in the correct fold. An incision behind the auricle allows a slight rotation of the conch and thus an application of the Ear. The back incision is neatly sewn and leaves hardly any visible scars. After about 6 months the scar has almost completely disappeared.
The surgery takes about an hour per ear, depending on the surgeon's experience, and is Children under general anesthesia, in adults, if necessary, also carried out under local anesthesia.
(For more information, also read: Big ears).
After surgery an inpatient stay of 4-5 days is necessary. A head bandage is worn during this time.
After discharge, a wide headband should be worn for another month at night to protect the ears while sleeping sideways. Your child should sleep on their back for two weeks after the operation to allow the wound to heal properly. The sutures are removed after 10 to 14 days in the clinic or in the doctor's office. The child should refrain from bending and straining the operated auricles for a month.
It is also important to refrain from ball and martial arts as well as physical activities that could injure the operated ear
Ointments such as Bebanthen® can accelerate the healing process, keep the scars soft and facilitate the removal of crusts.
(For more information, also read: Big ears).
When should protruding ears be treated?
Basically, surgical correction of the auricle can be done from the age of 5 years can be carried out at any time.From this age it is assumed that the auricle growth is almost complete. If the protruding ears are pronounced, the child should be in front of the momentous Hanselein at school preserved and treated before entering school. If the parents find it difficult to decide on surgical treatment, detailed discussions should be held with the doctor. Based on his wealth of experience, he will tell you whether the child's ears will change in their further development or whether they will be the reason for later pricks in school.
When the child Sail ears (protruding ears) but it doesn't have to be unhappy from the start! As long as the child does not complain about their ear shape or there are no signs that they are being annoyed about their ear shape, therapy does not need to be undertaken.
Is the treatment paid for by the health insurance?
Up to the age of 17, the health insurances cover the costs of an operation.
Adults wear the Costs from around 1800 to 3000 € usually including follow-up treatment yourself. Privately insured persons should make an individual consultation with the insurance company.
Which doctors will perform this operation?
The first port of call is usually one ENT doctor. Many ENT doctors have beds in a nearby clinic and have the additional designation "plastic surgery“.
Oral and maxillofacial surgeons and Plastic surgeon are also specialists who can advise you on this matter and, if necessary, carry out the operation.
If you are unsure at first who to turn to, talk to your family doctor or pediatrician about your concerns. He can usually name a medical colleague and refer you further.
Sail ears
At this point it should also be noted that numerous models have strongly pronounced sail ears, which either show them openly or hide them with suitable hairstyles!