Pain in the left forearm


There are several reasons for left forearm pain, but the most common are one Improper loading or Overload the musculature is the reason. This occurs above all in people who, for example, are involved in handicrafts or sports and in whom the forearm muscles are particularly active, which in turn can limit them. The pain is more likely to arise where muscles are used more, i.e. more on the left side for left-handers.

Successful therapy is achieved through a correct diagnosis and following the therapy plan, such as consistently protecting the extremities.

In some cases the pain can radiate from the shoulder joint or the cervical spine, and in rare cases even from internal organs such as the heart. Rheumatic diseases should also be considered.

Overview of possible diseases

The most common diseases are due to load. These are more likely to be found in left-handers on the left forearm. Overloading can cause a Tendinitis (Tendovaginitis) caused. The tendon sheath is a sheath that surrounds the tendon in the form of a tube and protects it from mechanical injuries. Under a mechanical OverloadHowever, as in the case of excessive and unfamiliar activity in certain sports or the constant use of certain tools, this protective system cannot function properly in the long term, so that the tendon sheath can become inflamed. Pain in the forearm occurs when moving and local swelling and redness can also occur. Incidentally, excessive use of smartphones or console games can also lead to inflammation of the first tendon compartment on the thumb, also known as the SMS thumb.

Please also read the article on the topic Tendinitis, Torn muscle fiber of the forearm

Other possible diseases are tennis and golfer's elbow and bursitis olecrani. This is discussed in more detail in the Elbow pain section (see below).

In old age, another form of illness can occur, the arthrosis. It is about a wear and tear on the joint surfaceswhat causes pain. This also leads to swelling and joint stiffness. Osteoarthritis is favored by excessive stress on one or more joints, incorrect posture or broken bones that have not healed completely. In addition, it can lead to chronic inflammatory joint diseases, the so-called arthritis, which theoretically can occur in any joint and can also cause pain in the forearm.

Please also read the article on the topic arthrosis.

If a bone fracture is suspected, an X-ray of the affected bone should be made as soon as possible.

If the pain in the left forearm is caused by excessive force and force, one should first get one during the examination Broken bone exclude the ulna or radius. Since a broken bone with severe pain, bruises, restricted mobility and Swelling it can be very likely with sudden pain. If there is any suspicion, an X-ray of the forearm must be made promptly, on which fractures can be seen relatively quickly.

The most common occurrence is a fracture of the spoke near the wrist, caused by a fall on the outstretched hand. The fracture of the spoke near the elbow, on the other hand, is caused by falling on the elbow. This is where the radius head breaks, hence Radial head fractureinvolved in the formation of the elbow joint.On the other hand, fractures in the middle part of the forearm occur much less often, as massive force is required on the middle part of the forearm. A break in the middle forearm is the so-called one, for example Parrying fracturewhere the ulna and radius are mostly involved at the same time. It is a defensive injury and often occurs when defending against impacts on the forearm, e.g. Baseball bat, in front.

Please also read the article on the topic Forearm fracture.

Other injuries that can cause left forearm pain are Strains the forearm muscles, Bruises, Sprains. A doctor can often make the correct diagnosis and draw up a suitable therapy plan based on the course of the accident, the type and occurrence of the pain.

For pain that radiates from the chest to the left arm, one should also Heart attack especially if there are other symptoms associated with it. Please read the section Forearm Pain as a Symptom of a Heart Attack (see below).

Pain after localization

Pain on the outside

There are generally two muscle groups on the outside of the forearm: the long extensor muscles of the wrist, hand and fingers, and the flexor muscles of the elbow. They can cause pain in the left forearm with excessive strain or improper strain, for example when carrying or holding heavy objects with the left hand.

Also, it can be caused by improper posture while working on the computer, when the keyboard is too high, the hand is kinked and cramped, which puts strain on the extensor muscles of the hand. A similar problem can arise when riding a bicycle, with the wrists resting on the handlebars in an unfamiliar and unhealthy position.

A so-called tennis elbow can also cause pain radiating from the elbow to the forearm.

Please also read the article on the topic Tennis elbow

Pain on the inside

Pain on the inside of the left forearm is due to different muscle groups than pain on the outside, namely the finger flexors, the wrist flexors and the turning muscles of the forearm, also called rotators. If your fingers hurt when you stretch, it is most likely that the flexor muscles are tight. An overload of these finger flexors can be caused, for example, by holding the finger for too long Clamp gripas it occurs when carrying heavy suitcases.
The wrist flexors are most likely to be used during static holding activity, for example in the gym on dumbbells or heavy bars. These muscles hurt when the wrist is now stretched.

The flexor muscles of the forearm are at Turning movements of the forearm, i.e. when working with a screwdriver, turning threads or taps.

If the inside of the forearm hurts when the thumb is stretched, it could be from one Cell phone or SMS thumb caused. The long extensor muscle of the thumb is used when typing on the keyboard or touchscreen and can overload if the cell phone is used excessively.

Pain in the elbow

Pain in the elbow can have various causes: chronic inflammation of the insertion of muscles on the elbow (tennis elbow, golfer's elbow) or inflammation of the elbow bursa (bursitis olecrani).

Under a Tennis elbow one understands a chronic one Inflammation of tendon attachments of the Extensor muscles of the forearm at the lateral humerus, which is a few centimeters above the outside of the elbow, so that Outside pain in the forearm. Under a Golfer's elbow one also understands an inflammation of the tendons, but here the flexor muscles of the forearm, whereby the pain is more likely to occur inside of the elbow occur as the outside. In both cases, a local sharp pressure pain occurs at the insertion of the forearm muscles, whereby a fist can increase the pain.

Causes are long-term mechanical overload, especially if it only occurs on one side (tennis, golf) or if there has already been joint wear (osteoarthritis). However, some people are more likely to develop tennis or golfer elbows than other people. Why this is still unclear.

Inflammation of the Elbow gauze (Bursitis olecrani) often comes from supporting the elbow, such as when writing on a desk pad (hence also called student elbow) or from overstressing parts of the arm.

Please also read the article on the topic Bursitis of the elbow.

All of the diseases mentioned occur more on the side that is more stressed, consequently on the left in left-handers and on the right in right-handers.

Forearm pain as a symptom of a heart attack

In rare cases, forearm pain can be caused by a dangerous medical condition Heart attack. A heart attack is the occlusion of one of the coronary arteries, which leads to a reduced inadequate blood flow to the associated heart muscles and thus an undersupply of oxygen. This leads to a restricted pumping function of the heart and possible cardiac arrest.

Please also read the article on the topic diagnosis Heart attack.

The main symptoms of a heart attack are sudden strongest chest pain, which among others in the left arm, shoulder, upper abdomen, back and jaw can radiate. In addition, the patient may complain of dizziness, nausea, sweating, and, as a result, fear of death. However, it can also happen that patients with a heart attack have not all but only a few of these symptoms, even if they have a major heart attack.

Please also read the article on the topic Chest pain.

However, one should keep in mind that the heart attack can present itself very differently. A wide variety of complaints can occur with varying degrees of intensity. As part of a longstanding Diabetes (Diabetes mellitus) is even (almost) painless heart attack possible.

Please also read the article on the topic Diabetes mellitus.

The suddenly appeared strong one Chest painthat radiates over the left shoulder into the left arm is and remains one of the Guiding symptoms and should be taken seriously. If a heart attack is suspected, medical help must be sought immediately, as the probability of survival worsens every minute as time goes on. If in doubt, notify the emergency services.

Please also read the article on the topic Signs of heart attack.

Other heart diseases that can cause pain radiating to the left arm or forearm are sometimes life-threatening and require immediate medical evaluation and treatment. These include the Pericarditis (Pericarditis) and the Myocarditis (Myocarditis). The inflammation of the pericardium surrounding the heart muscle or the heart muscle itself causes a number of unspecific symptoms such as Exhaustion and Reduction in performance sometimes stinging Pain the left breast, which can radiate into the left arm, back or lower jaw and can easily be mistaken for an acute heart attack.

Please also read the article on the topic Symptoms of myocarditis.