Dizziness from tension


A predominantly sedentary activity often creates tension, which can lead to back pain and dizziness.

dizziness is very uncomfortable for those affected. Everything in your head is spinning, sometimes you can hardly stand on your feet. Everyday tasks become a huge effort.

If you are constantly dizzy, you should definitely have a medical evaluation done to organic causes to be clarified. In many cases, however, no direct causes can be identified. Are common Tension the cause of dizziness. If everyone else possible causes could be medically excluded, a targeted check should be carried out to determine whether the person concerned may suffer from vertigo caused by tension.

Causes of vertigo from tension

At Tension it is mostly painful or uncomfortable hardening of the muscles.

Due to the widespread Sedentary lifestyle In today's society, which is favored by predominantly sedentary activities, tension is widespread. The neck and shoulder muscles as well as the muscles in the back are particularly likely to be affected by tension.

The cause of the tension is often one Vicious circle. Either physical inactivity as well as mental tension lead to muscle spasms. This causes Painwhereby the person concerned even less moved, Bad posture takes and thereby produces even more tension.

The muscles of the body have certain Sensorsthat give the brain feedback on how the corresponding body part is positioned in space (the so-called Proprioception). Therefore, even with our eyes closed, we know, for example, whether our arm is hanging straight down or stretched up without having seen it.

Tension in a muscle can lead to these receptors pressed or compressed become. This changes the feedback to the brain and maintains it no conclusive movement information more. This then leads to dizziness.

Especially with Tension in several parts of the body at the same time the brain gets mixed up. Pronounced dizziness can be the result.

The tension that leads to dizziness is mainly the tension of the neck- and Neck muscles, the eye muscles and the Muscles of shoulders and upper back. Dizziness plays a particularly important role when there is tension in the neck muscles, as important blood vessels lead to the brain in this area Vertebral arteries. If there is pronounced tension, there is a massive increase in pressure in the muscles, which can also affect the blood vessels. If these are less supplied with blood, some of them are missing Blood supply to the brain, which in turn can also result in dizziness.

Dizziness from tension in the back

Tension in the back area can lead to dizziness. Especially when the upper back is affected, the shoulder and neck muscles also tend to cramp. The blood vessels running in the neck to the brain can be disturbed, which in turn leads to a slight problem reduction of the Blood supply of the brain. This can explain the vertigo.

Widely used by today's Sedentary lifestyle is the back muscles in many people below average strong pronouncedso it's fast too Bad posture and Tension can come. By Strengthening the muscles can be prevented.

Dizziness caused by tension in the muscles of the cervical spine

Tension in the muscles of the cervical spine (Cervical spine) are among the most common causes of dizziness. The neck muscles are particularly often of in today's society Tension and Bad posture impaired.

The hardenings lead to a Pressure increase in the tissuewhich affect the blood vessels Artery vertebralthat run along the cervical vertebrae in a bone canal. This can disrupt the sensitive blood supply to the brain, which can be expressed as dizziness.

Strengthening, Move and Stretching of the neck-, shoulder- and Back muscles can prevent tension.

Dizziness from tension from stress

Stress leads to very many people painful tensionwhich can subsequently lead to dizziness. They are particularly common neck- and Shoulder muscles affected by tension.

At emotional tension one tends to the Shoulders towards ears to pull. There they harden after a while and develop permanent tension. During the day you should always pay attention to the Shoulder loose allow. To learn what it feels like when your shoulders are loose, you can do them first with all strength up to the ears pull and then let it fall loosely again. If you do this several times in a row, this is one good relaxation exercise.

Unfortunately, stress cannot always be avoided in everyday life. Accordingly, tension caused by stress is not uncommon. It is therefore all the more important to make sure that sufficient compensation for emotional stressful situations is created. Especially with Sports emotional stress can be reduced very well. The movement loosens and strengthens the muscles and prevents tension. Especially sports like yoga are very good for reducing stress and improving body awareness.


People under Tension suffer, often notice this through Pain in the relevant areas when moving. At pressure The tension can affect the muscles very painful be. At the Feeling of tension they feel like hardening in the actually soft muscles that slip under the fingers.

pressure a tension can lead to a Radiation of pain to more distant parts of the body - this can cause tension in the upper back muscles radiating pain during a massage up to the hands cause.

In addition, tension often leads to unnatural postures. The muscles are hardened and lead to a Cramp of all surrounding body parts. Those affected often have the feeling that the whole tense region "drawn together“Is.

When it comes to vertigo, different types of vertigo can be distinguished. The most common types of vertigo are the Turn- and the vertigo. With vertigo, the patient has the feeling that the room / environment is rotating around him. With vertigo, the person concerned feels more like on a ship with heavy seas.

Dizziness can be accompanied by nausea and, in severe cases, even vomiting.

a headache

Tension and dizziness are often associated with headaches.
This is a so-called tension headache that manifests itself as dull or pulling pain.
The affected patients have noticeably hardened neck muscles and cramped shoulders.
Warmth, massages and relaxation help treat the symptoms.

The headaches and dizziness attacks usually go away when the neck tension is released.

Neck pain

Tension in the neck muscles can lead to attacks of dizziness.
Many people also suffer from pronounced neck pain caused by tense muscles.
Age-related signs of wear and tear on the cervical spine, so-called arthrotic changes, can also trigger tension and dizziness.
The patients can then often only move their head to a limited extent and feel burning pain with every movement that can radiate into the shoulder.


Ringing in the ears (tinnitus) is often associated with dizziness caused by tension in the neck.
The tension in the shoulder and neck muscles restricts blood flow, which means that the brain and the auditory nerve can no longer be adequately supplied with oxygen.
This undersupply can suddenly lead to dizziness and ringing in the ears.

Usually the noises in the ear only last a few seconds.
In rare cases, the tinnitus can persist permanently.

Check out how to treat tinnitus: Treatment of tinnitus

Racing heart

Massive tension in the neck muscles can lead to dizziness and a racing heart.
Due to the cramped muscles, less oxygen reaches the brain and short attacks of dizziness occur.
The body reacts to this with a stress reaction and those affected suffer from palpitations, shortness of breath and sweating.

Stress is also a common trigger for tension.
In addition, there are often brief attacks of dizziness and heart problems such as palpitations or palpitations.
The problem here is mainly of a psychological nature.

The symptoms can be alleviated through targeted relaxation exercises and stress reduction.

You can read about the best way to reduce stress in our article: How can you reduce stress?


In the medical evaluation From dizziness it is important that the important ones first organic causes that can cause dizziness, such as:

  • Disorders of the Balance organ
  • Brain tumors
  • Metabolic disorders
  • low blood pressure
  • and other causes.

If none of the necessary examinations produce a result, it is also important to contact psychological triggers think for the discomfort. Dizziness is a common symptom of more physical or more mental overload, for example through stress in private or work life.

In order to determine tension, a physical examination of the patient is very important. The muscles in the neck and back can show hardening scanned become. If the patient already complains about it Painso are very likely Tension in front.

The victim should also look after his everyday range of motion be interviewed. Sports inactive people suffer from tension much more often.


If one suffers from dizziness due to tension, these are relieved by massages and physiotherapy.

In the Therapy of Dizziness from tension it is important to keep the tense muscles directly treat, but also the emergence new tension to counteract.

Targeted physiotherapy ensures that the tension is removed from the muscles by trained people massaged out become. In doing so, however not just the tense muscle directly, but the whole body in its alignment considered, since a tense muscle already has a cascade of Whole body malpositions can bring with it. Further tension would then be preprogrammed.

It is also important that the patient begins to feel sufficient physical activity. Targeted strength training to strengthen the muscles, prevents tension and Vimproves posture. It also creates a balance to emotional stress.

The workplace should ergonomic designed so that no unfavorable postures have to be taken during the day that could generate new tension. This includes one adequate positioning of computer screens, a ergonomic office chair and the correct table height. In between should always small breaks be inserted with a little movement so that the body does not stiffen in one position.

Overall, the patient should be trained to be aware of his or her body and posture so that the person concerned notices himself when he is in an unfavorable position. A better body feeling can help to avoid tension in the future. This will also subside the dizziness.

How can the tension be released?

Around Relieve tension, there are various measures that can be taken even at home can perform.

warmth is a good way to get around that Blood circulation in the muscles to increase. This makes the muscles softer and Waste products of the tissue are removed faster. A Hot water bottle or a Cherry stone pillow on the tense areas can help.

Rubbing in the hardened muscles also has a warming effect Horse balm. In order to directly relieve tension, a partner or physiotherapist can do the Massage indurations, on the other hand can too Massage balls or Massage rollers be used. These put pressure on the hardened muscles, what be very painful at first can. Over time, however, the tension will decrease.

Last but not least is physical movement a must for loosening up the muscles. People affected by tension are more prone to tension because of pain not to move. However, this only leads to one Worsening of symptoms. To the Vicious circle To break through tension, regular physical activity must be started.

These exercises will help

Neck tension can be treated with simple exercises that you can do quickly yourself.
This loosens the muscles and the symptoms of dizziness disappear.
In the case of severe tension and severe pain, an orthopedic surgeon or physiotherapist should be consulted so that the exercises can be carried out under professional guidance.

In the first exercise, place your left hand over your head on your right ear and pull your head to the left with light pressure.
Then repeat the exercise with the other side.
The back and neck can also be effectively stretched by folding your hands behind your head and slowly bending your upper body forward.
This position is held for about 20 seconds and the exercise is repeated if necessary.

The following exercise is also suitable for loosening up: when standing upright, the arms are stretched out to the side and rotated clockwise.
Then repeat the exercise counter-clockwise.
It is important to make sure that your shoulders are pulled down away from your ears and your arms are as straight as possible.

Fascia therapy

Each muscle is surrounded by a covering layer of connective tissue, the so-called muscle fascia.
In many cases, strong tension in the neck area affects not only the muscles, but also the fascia ("sticky fascia").
Targeted fascia therapy can help relieve tension and thereby improve the symptoms of vertigo.
During the treatment, the fasciae are treated in a special way so that they begin to realign themselves and become more supple again.
Fascia therapies are offered by physiotherapists and osteopaths.

Kinesio tapes

Kineso tapes are a simple and effective method that relieves neck tension and thus relieves dizziness.
These are stretchable adhesive strips made of cotton that are stuck on in a special way along the course of the muscles in the neck.
This tautens the skin and relieves the strain on the muscles.

As a result, the tension is released and the pain is alleviated.
After sticking on, the tapes stay on the skin for several days until they peel off and have to be reattached.
The treatment lasts five to six weeks in total.


The forecast from dizziness due to tension is overall good if the affected person in the future Time investedto prevent new tension. By regular physiotherapy treatments, Massages and targeted Muscle strengthening the tension can be easily released and avoided in the future.

At persistent sedentary lifestyle and failure to correct posture However, new tensions will arise again after the current tensions have been treated. It is therefore extremely important that the Break the vicious circlein order to achieve a good result in the long term.

The duration of vertigo caused by tension

If dizziness is caused by tension, it is in most cases a vertigo.
This form of dizziness usually occurs as a seizure and does not last long.
The symptoms usually go away after a few minutes.
In some cases, dizziness caused by tension can last for several hours.

If the tension is treated, the symptoms of the vertigo recede completely within a few weeks.


Dizziness from tension can do very well prophylactic measures be prevented. Most important is adequate exercise. Even with predominantly sedentary work, for example at work, you should make sure that enough in your free time Sports is driven. A mixture of endurance and strength training is ideal for keeping the musculoskeletal system loose and strong at the same time. Strong muscles are less prone to tension. In addition, exercise leads to a Body awareness enhancement and thus prevents bad posture. Of the Vicious circle Bad posture, tension, even more bad posture and thus even more tension, can therefore not even arise.