Pus on the back


Pus pimples on the back are skin conditions that manifest themselves in the region of the back. In this part of the body, the healing of the pimples can be problematic, as the clothing on the skin can lead to friction and thus to new inflammations.
In some cases they can be found in other parts of the body at the same time. Pus pimples on the back can be harmless and occasionally occur temporarily without any further disease value. But they can also appear intensified or be an expression of a disorder or illness. In these cases, the pus pimples on the back require a medical examination and, if necessary, adequate treatment.

Causes of pus pimples on the back

Theoretically, the causes of pus pimples on the back do not differ from those on other parts of the body.
An oversupply of sebum causes the formation of pus pimples. The production and removal of sebum via the open pores of the skin are normally in balance. However, if dead skin particles cannot fall off the skin, cornification can develop. As a result, the pores of the skin become clogged and the sebum is insufficiently transported away. This is a breeding ground for bacteria.

Finally, bacterial inflammation can result, which can appear in the form of pus pimples. In technical terminology, it is referred to as (peri) follicular inflammation. A genetic disposition can favor the development of pus pimples on the back. An unbalanced lifestyle and / or an unhealthy diet can contribute to clogging of the skin pores and imply the formation of pus pimples on the back. In addition, the pus pimples can develop due to allergic reactions. This can happen if someone was lying on something to which the skin of the back is allergic or the skin is allergic to new, not yet washed items of clothing.

Read our article on this: Acne Diet

As a rule, these are special surfactants that are found in clothing and are released through sweat. This can cause pus pimples to develop on the back. But even fabrics that have already been washed can cause pimples on the back due to their material, especially if they contain artificial substances. In addition, there may be allergens in the detergent and in this way irritate the skin of the back. Excessive sweating can also stimulate the formation of pus pimples.

In addition, inappropriate care or certain substances in care products can trigger the skin symptoms. Poor hygiene as well as excessive use of shower gels can cause pimple skin. If hygiene is exaggerated, the protective acid mantle of the back skin cannot be preserved in the long term. This can lead to pus pimples on the skin of the back. Furthermore, hormone fluctuations often play a role in the development of back pimples. Psychological stress can also promote the development of blemished skin on the back.

Pus pimples on the back from hormones

Internal or external male hormones can cause pus pimples on the skin. This is justified by the fact that certain forms of acne are based, among other things, on androgen-dependent sebum glands overactive. Specialists speak of seborrhea. This can cause pus pimples on the back.

The balance of the hormonal balance plays an important role for a "pure" skin appearance. This can have an effect on the skin and pus pimples can develop on the back, particularly in phases of hormonal changes, in infancy, puberty or pregnancy. In addition, there can be a genetic disposition with regard to the expression of female and male hormones.
In addition, disorders or diseases of the organs that produce the hormones can affect the appearance of the skin. Correspondingly, hormone disorders are also treated with drugs that act on them.

Pus pimples on the back after stopping the pill

Since the contraceptive pill influences the hormonal balance from the outside, stopping the pill can change the skin's appearance. For example, pus pimples can be caused on the back.
This can happen temporarily if the birth control pill has been taken for a long time. This can be explained by the manipulation of hormone production from outside. This is because the body's own hormone production and also certain receptors were downregulated in the ovaries. This means that certain female hormones were also produced less while taking the birth control pill. The female body needs some time until it upregulates the receptors and thus the body's own activity again and can accordingly ensure a hormonal balance. During this phase, there may be a short-term imbalance of the hormones and the consequence may be, for example, pus pimples on the back.

Read more on this topic at: What happens if you stop taking the pill?

Symptoms of pus pimples on the back

Depending on the cause, the pus pimples on the back can cause different symptoms and side effects and these vary in their severity. The symptoms can appear suddenly or gradually.

As a rule, the pimples are characterized by reddening, an elevation and a yellowish-whitish, centrally located spot on the pimple. When the pimples are mature, a watery and / or purulent secretion can empty itself. In some cases a pus odor can be noticed. Scratched pimples can bleed. The pimples can also be present on other parts of the body. Itching often occurs, especially in the case of causal allergic reactions or childhood diseases. Pain can also arise.

Depending on the cause, there may also be vegetative symptoms. These can provoke increased sweating, nausea, vomiting, swelling of the lymph nodes, a general feeling of illness, fever, difficulty breathing and coughing. The pus pimples on the back can also trigger feelings of shame.

A pus pimple can appear on the buttocks in addition to the back. To do this, read the following article: Pus pimples on the bottom

Pain with pus pimples on the back

Depending on the cause, the pain can vary in intensity. The pain can express itself in different qualities. They can appear in the form of a feeling of tension or pain. Furthermore, they can only or additionally pain when touched.
Most of the time, either pain or itching occurs, less often both appear at the same time.

Treatment of pus pimples on the back

Treatment depends on the cause. The aim of the treatment is to avoid a recurrence of the skin symptoms and irreversible consequential damage as far as possible.

An important point here is adequate, individually tailored hygiene and care of the back skin. Well-tolerated care products, if possible with no or at least few artificial additives, should be used in an appropriate amount. In addition, peelings can help the skin to free dead skin.

In addition, attention should be paid to the materials used in clothing. Many doctors recommend cotton instead of fabrics like stretch, plastic, or viscose.

In addition, care should be taken to lead a balanced lifestyle with adequate sleep, a balance between activity and relaxation, and a diet rich in vitamins and nutrients. Food rich in sugar and fat, nicotine and alcohol should be avoided. Further measures and therapies should be discussed with a dermatologist.

Depending on the cause, home remedies such as chamomile baths and hot compresses are recommended first. If the skin symptoms are more pronounced in the form of acne or the skin is severely inflamed, medication in the form of ointments and tablets must often be used.

Read more about this at: Home remedies for pimples

The treatment of acne on the back is done according to the stage / severity. Here, retinoids, benzoyl peroxide and / or antibiotics are used locally, in ointment form. In combination, they have a mutually reinforcing effect. When using retinoids, you need to be informed beforehand, as they can be teratogenic beyond ingestion. This means that there is a risk of malformations in the unborn child if a woman tries to get pregnant while taking the retinoids or within 2 years. The risk may persist for longer. This needs to be clarified before using retinoids.

The retinoids prevent the appearance of new blackheads, so-called comedones, and dissolve existing blackheads. There is a possibility of an initial deterioration.
Benzoyl peroxides have a peeling, antimicrobial effect and inhibit excessive sebum production.
As a rule, clindamycin and erythromycin are used as antibiotics. Both drugs have some side effects, however. Clarification and a medical assessment of the benefit-harm ratio are required. When retinoids are given in tablet form, the risk of fruit damage is particularly pronounced. Therefore, a contraceptive pill is always prescribed in combination. Furthermore, antibiotics such as tetracycline or minocycline are used systemically.

When the problem is due to hormone fluctuations, antiandrogens are sometimes used, such as cyproterone acetate, usually in combination with ethinylestradiol. In addition, a so-called "skin rejuvenation" is recommended. This can include fruit acid peeling, ultrasound, mesotherapy, medical microneedling, micro-dermbrasion, pulsed light against bacteria (IPL), photodynamic therapies and professional cleansing by a beautician or doctor's assistant.

It is important to prevent irreversible skin damage as possible. That is, it tries to avoid the formation of scars. A distinction is made between acne scars and overgrown scars, which are known in technical jargon as keloids. If the pimples were caused by allergic reactions, the allergen must of course be avoided. If necessary, antihistamines can temporarily relieve itching. If the pus pimples were caused by other underlying diseases, these diseases must be treated accordingly.

How long do the pus pimples persist?

The duration of the pus pimples on the back depends on the cause. If it is a causal allergic reaction, the symptoms will decrease as soon as the allergen is avoided. As a rule, uncomplicated healing in these cases usually does not take longer than a week.

If acne is present, the duration depends on the severity, the form of the acne and other individual factors. For example, the acne infantum that occurs in young children is mild and self-limiting. In contrast, acne fulminans is a severe form. Strong, inflamed processes develop, which heal after a while with large scars.

Should I express pus pimples on my back?

The pus pimples on the back should never be expressed independently - not even if the person concerned has acrobatic skills to do this. In addition, the partner should absolutely refrain from squeezing the pus pimples. Expressing it on its own can increase inflammation, worsen the skin condition, and delay the healing process.
If conditions are unfavorable, complications can arise. In addition, irreversible, ugly scars can occur.

Pus pimples on the woman's back

A special form of acne occurs more often, especially in women. The acne excoriee des jeunes filles. This is a discrete acne vulgaris that is maintained and worsened by manipulation. A psychological component is suspected.
In women, pus pimples can also develop on the back due to hyperandrogenemia. That is, the woman has an excess of male hormones. As a result, the female and male sex hormones are out of balance. This can lead to acne or blemished skin, including on the back.

This can be caused by ovarian overactivity, such as a polycystic ovary, a tumor in the area, adrenal overactivity, or steroid use. The diagnosis is made through a blood test and the measurement of the hormone level. The treatment of an excess of male hormones in women usually involves hormone blockade and thus blockade of overactivity of the ovaries, as these also produce the male sex hormones. This can be achieved with regular birth control pills.

If the adrenal gland is causally overactive, cortisone preparations, for example, are used for treatment. In addition, it must be noted that fatty tissue can also produce male sex hormones. Therefore, overweight women need to watch their weight and make lifestyle modifications accordingly.

Pus pimples on the back of men

Especially in men, acne conglobata manifests itself increasingly. 80% of young people are affected by this. One of the triggering factors, especially in males, is the genetics of 5-alpha reductase. This enzyme converts some of the testosterone to dehydrotestosterone. Testosterone is the main male hormone that can cause acne. If the 5-alpha reductase is genetically modified, this can lead to overactivity in the sebum system. The result is pus pimples that can express themselves on the back and other parts of the body. This phenomenon can be particularly pronounced in phases of hormonal changes in life, such as puberty.

Pus pimples on the cleavage

The development of pus pimples in the area of ​​the cleavage can have various causes. Depending on how the person concerned is dressed, this skin area has a disposition to chemical, physical and mechanical stimuli. Acne papulo-pustulosa manifests itself in the area of ​​the cleavage, among other things. As part of this form of acne, inflammation of the sebum glands occurs, resulting in papules and pustules.

Pus pimples in the cleavage area can also be triggered by various allergens. These can be found in clothing, jewelry, cosmetics or care products. In addition, the pimples in this area of ​​the skin can be caused by temperature changes or sensitivity to temperature changes. This means that with the appropriate predisposition, pus pimples can develop in the décolleté when it is cold and / or warm or with certain humidity or dry air. Furthermore, pus pimples can develop in this region of the body due to physical or psychological stress reactions.

Diagnosis of pus pimples on the back

If there are occasional pus pimples on the back - without accompanying complaints or restrictions in everyday life - there is usually no need for a medical diagnosis and treatment. A dermatologist should only be consulted if the individual well-being and quality of life are impaired as a result. At the beginning of the examination there is an anamnesis. It is therefore helpful for those affected to consider in advance when the symptoms occurred and whether there could be any connections with diet, lifestyle, medication, clothing and other factors.

The doctor looks at the pimples on the back with the naked eye and with a reflected light microscope. With this aid, the doctor can see the structures of the pimples on the skin enlarged and thus make better statements about their properties. He also feels the grandeur of the pimples. In technical jargon one speaks of a palpation. If there are skin symptoms on other parts of the body, these are also examined and palpated. A smear may be taken to identify a suspected pathogen. If a fungal disease is suspected, a scale sample is taken. In addition, the determination of certain parameters in the blood can be helpful in finding the cause. Appropriate allergy tests must be carried out if an allergy is suspected. In addition, childhood diseases must be ruled out.

Read more about this at: Skin fungus - The fungal infections in the skin

Pus pimples on the back during pregnancy

During pregnancy there is a hormonal change in the female body. The synthesis of the hormones progesterone and estrogen are increased. In some pregnant women, this causes increased sebum production. If there is an excess of sebum, pus pimples can easily develop on the skin of the back and other parts of the body. The symptoms can show up in the first weeks of pregnancy and become more severe from the 20th week of pregnancy.

As a rule, the skin's appearance normalizes again after the birth. Theoretically, pregnancy acne can affect any woman, regardless of whether acne occurred during puberty. When treating pimples during pregnancy, the same basic rules of general treatment for pimples apply. Home remedies can also be used. The use of retinoids, hormone preparations, alcohol, yam capsules, tetracyclines and benzoyl peroxide are absolutely taboo during pregnancy.

Read more on this topic at: Skin changes during pregnancy