Sweating at Night - Is It Dangerous?

Introduction - how dangerous is it?

In medical terminology, one speaks of night sweats (sweating at night) as soon as a person secretes an above-average amount of sweat while sleeping. Occasional, light sweating does not play a role in this definition. From Night sweats one only speaks when the person concerned wakes up so wet that pajamas and / or sheets have to be changed.

This night sweating can severely restrict the person's sleep and make adequate recovery almost impossible.
Harmless causes of sweating at night are, for example, general illnesses that are associated with a fever, such as a cold. The increased temperature can lead to temporary sweating during the night.
Night sweats can also occur in the context of a tumor disease as part of the so-called "B symptoms" (night sweats, fever, weight loss) and thus rarely have a malignant cause.
For this reason, a doctor should be consulted urgently if sweating persists at night.

root cause

Excessive sweating at night is often caused by harmless causes. The most common explanation is poor sleeping conditions.

The causes of profuse sweating at night (Night sweats) can be diverse. In most cases, the high secretion of sweat during sleep has quite harmless causes. If the heavy sweating at night is based on serious illnesses, further symptoms can usually be recognized in the affected patient.

The simplest and most common reason for profuse sweating at night is unfavorable sleeping conditions. Duvets that are too warm on hot summer nights lead to night sweats just as often as over-heated bedrooms during winter. Beyond that it comes too after drinking alcoholic beverages in the evening excessive sweating at night. Also the mental health can lead to an enormous increase in sweat production and secretion at night. In this context, play mainly Stress, heartache, anger and anxiety which are processed during sleep play a crucial role.

Other causes for the temporary occurrence of night sweats are quite frequently observed simple infectious diseases. Especially with patients who Viral diseases like the flu (or those with flu-like symptoms), large amounts of sweat are produced and secreted during sleep. If there is an infection behind the development of night sweats, the symptom usually disappears after a few days.

Furthermore, the occurrence of night sweats is also considered Symptoms of more complicated infections. tuberculosis is associated with a number of other symptoms, for example, in most cases with profuse sweating at night. Even with that HI virus infected patients, or already on AIDS In many cases, sufferers complain of profuse sweating at night.

In addition, the cause of profuse sweating at night can also be found in some neurological diseases Find. For most patients who observe night sweats, the family doctor is the first point of contact. According to general practitioners, the symptom “night sweats” may potentially be a malignant disease, but in the majority of cases a rather harmless cause could be found in everyday practice.
Especially at the beginning and during the Menopause many women present to their doctor at night because of profuse sweating (see: Menopausal sweating). In these cases the most important hormonal change causal within the organism. Hormonal sweating at night can be treated well and usually goes away completely after a while.

Also Thyroid regulation problems, like them especially with the Hyperthyroidism (Technical term: Hyperthyroidism) are often associated with profuse sweating during the day and night. In addition, night sweats are also considered a typical symptom in the presence of Diabetes mellitus.

Heavy sweating at night is also a common phenomenon in autoimmune patients. Especially those patients who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis or vascular diseases such as Wegener's granulomatosis or temporal arteritis often report the occurrence of night sweats.

Heavy sweating at night, which is accompanied by a fever and significant weight loss, should be taken particularly seriously. With this constellation of symptoms one speaks of the so-called B symptoms. The B symptoms are also typical for infectious diseases such as tuberculosis and HIV, but they occur much more frequently with malignant diseases. Especially patients suffering from lymph gland cancer or leukemia develop fever, weight loss and sweating at night. The so-called B symptoms can, however, provide an initial indication of tumor diseases of any kind.
In this context, however, it should be noted that light sweating at night is not considered noticeable. And weight loss only plays a role if it occurs without changing eating habits (that is, without dieting or the like) and without increasing physical activity. In those cases in which profuse sweating occurs at night without a detectable disease or hormonal cause, one speaks of so-called idiopathic night sweats.

Read more on this topic at: Causes of increased sweating


Since the causes of profuse sweating at night can be so varied, the diagnosis is causal irregularity not always easy within the organism.
Especially that detailed doctor-patient conversation (anamnese) gives the attending physician an initial insight into the possible causes of night sweats. During this conversation, the period in which sweating occurs at night plays a major role (since when?) and the Extent of perspiration (Are clothes and / or bedding soaked?) A crucial role.

In addition, the doctor asks the patient concerned about during the anamnesis discussion other abnormalitiesthat could give an indication of the underlying disease. Also performing a extensive physical examination can be useful when looking for the cause. During this examination, the doctor usually first gets a rough overview of all relevant organ systems (lung, heart, Abdomen). In addition, in most cases all will huge Lymph nodes examined for possible enlargement.

Depending on the doctor's first assessment, you can then special tests be performed. For example, an HIV test should be performed to detect a possible HIV infection. The presence of tuberculosis or other viral diseases can usually be detected in the patient's blood. The attending doctor takes it hormonal fluctuations as a reason for sweating at night should be a Hormonal status be collected. Basically it can be said that especially the Examination of the blood plays a decisive role in finding the cause of night sweating.


The treatment in the presence of profuse sweating at night is directed according to the causal disease. In the case of virus infections, this treatment can, for example, by Relief of fever and other complaints respectively.

Sweating on the head

Increased sweat at the head can be varied causes to have. The heavy sweating on the head can be very stressful for those affected and healthy sleep, everyday life and the Limit quality of life.

With increased sweat at night he can restful sleep disturbed be. Those affected also suffer from sweaty hair and one itchy scalp. It is recommended to have one doctor If you sweat heavily on your head over a long period of time to clarify the possible causes.

At night, head sweating can be certain Factors be reinforced, for example by enjoying fatty foods and excessive amounts of alcohol in the evening. Also at Obesity (Obesity) can become an increased one Sweat production come.

Even if it increases in normal everyday situations Sweating on the head comes, then it can possibly also be the clinical picture of a special form of the Hyperhidrosis (nocturnal facial hyperhidrosis) act both innate or by others who have not yet been diagnosed Diseases can be triggered. Local treatments like Deodorants or Astringents can often not be used on the head, which is why in some cases systemic therapy with medication is an option.

Influence of alcohol

The enjoyment of alcohol can to increased sweating to lead. Especially on the Hands are many Sweat glands localized, which is why one often consumes alcohol damp hands gets.
alcohol works sweaty, that means he favors the Fluid excretion and thus removes water and from the body Minerals.

In the night it can after excessive alcohol consumption too much profuse sweating come as the alcohol denies metabolism and thus the Boosts heat production. Besides, it can too Tremble, nausea, a headache, dizziness and Restlessness come.
These are all symptoms, like increased sweating to the so-called Withdrawal symptoms after drinking alcohol.

The sweat at night due to Alcohol consumption is through Abstinence from alcohol easily avoidable. Should like without alcohol and other triggers spicy foods, coffee, nicotine or to warm sleeping conditions If sweating continues to occur at night, a possible cause should be clarified doctor to be visited.

At excessive alcohol consumption over a long period of time it can lead to a damage of the liver which in turn can lead to increased sweating at night.

Night sweats during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the body goes through an extreme hormonal change that can also lead to night sweats.

Increased sweat in the night is in the pregnancy usually not a symptom of an illness, but one natural response of the body to the hormonal changes through the pregnancy.
Changed Hormone levels increase the Blood supply of the skin, making it an increased Sensation of warmth and rosy to reddish-blotchy skin appearances can occur. Then there is the increasing physical stress due to the growing weight of the unborn child, which is similar to exercise to a increased sweat production leads. The sweating often manifests itself in the pregnancy in Hot flashes and Sweatsthat are safe for both the child and the mother.

The more advanced the pregnancy the more severe the symptoms may occur as the metabolism the pregnant woman drives at full speed. The unborn child and the expectant mother increasingly require energy that is derived from the food is won.
The Power generation takes place through the body's own combustion of protein, fat and Carbohydrates. This creates additional warmththat is transported to the body surface (i.e. the skin) and there the Sweat production stimulates. Even with light exertion you come during one pregnancy thereby sweating faster.

Especially at night it can be too profuse sweating during the pregnancy come on, it should be sufficient cool room temperature and thin duvets be respected. Also close-fitting clothing should be avoided, such as natural fabrics cotton, linen or untreated wool can they Sweats make it more bearable.It can also help if you have one cold and damp washcloth next to the bed, which you can use to wipe your face if necessary.

Basically should drank a lot be since the Fluid requirements by the sweat is increased. To the dehydration compensate are particularly suitable Teas, unsweetened Fruit juice spritzers and Mineral water. In some cases it can go through heavy sweating to an undersupply with Minerals how sodium, magnesium and potassium come.
Suitable Food supplements can ensure that the pregnant woman is adequately supplied with minerals if necessary. However, you should only take supplements during pregnancy Consultation with the treating doctor to be started.

In most cases, this occurs increased sweating from the second trimester onwards of the pregnancy and increases to birth. Sometimes there are more after the birth Sweats. This happens especially when the child is breastfed and the Hormonal balance the mother is therefore still subject to strong fluctuations.

  • Night sweats during pregnancy
  • Insomnia During Pregnancy

Sweating at night with a fever

Numerous different pathogens can cause infectious diseases that are associated with fever. These include viruses, bacteria, fungi, worms, and parasites.
When such pathogens trigger an acute infection, in most cases there is an increase in body temperature.
This rise in body temperature is called "fever" and is a result of the activities of the body's own defense system and its messenger substances, since certain defense mechanisms are activated when the body is heated. The fever causes symptoms such as shivering and chills.

Acute infectious diseases, in particular, are associated with increased sweating at night, such as the flu caused by viruses (influenza). Heart inflammation (endocarditis) is a typical disease that is accompanied by fever, chills and night sweats.
This inflammation of the inner lining of the heart caused by bacteria can occur acutely with pronounced symptoms or over a longer period of time slowly and undetected (subacute). People with heart valve defects or an artificial heart valve are particularly affected by a subacute course of the disease. In these cases, increased sweating can be an important first symptom of such hidden endocarditis.

Certain diseases (which are rather rare in our latitudes) such as malaria can be associated with a characteristic fever with a stressful alternation of sweats and chills. In these cases, increased sweating at night can lead to restless sleep.

Chronic diseases such as tuberculosis, HIV infection or AIDS can lead to increased sweating at night and occurring over a longer period of time. In the case of chronic illnesses, the body's own defense system may be permanently activated, leading to attacks of fever and, as a result, increased sweating.
At the beginning, tuberculosis often does not show any typical symptoms. Increased sweating in the morning together with a fever, weight loss and cough can be the first signs of the disease.

Some cancers can also be associated with increased night sweating and fever. If, in addition to an unwanted severe weight loss in a short time, fatigue and general malaise occur, a serious illness such as leukemia (blood cancer) may also be behind the symptoms.

If the temperature rises over a long period of time or if the temperature is high or if you have a fever combined with profuse sweating during the night, it is advisable to consult a doctor in order to find out and treat possible causes of the symptoms.

Sweating in the night with diabetes

There are two types of diabetes (diabetes mellitus), type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The common characteristic of the two types of the disease is that the body lacks the hormone insulin or that insulin cannot work properly.
Insulin is important for the body's cells so that the carbohydrates from food, which are broken down into sugar, can be converted into energy. Without insulin, the body's cells cannot absorb sugar from the blood and the blood sugar level rises.
As a result, the metabolism is severely disturbed and metabolic imbalances can occur, which are noticeable through certain symptoms. In general, at the onset of diabetes, there is increased thirst, increased urination, fatigue and nocturnal calf cramps. These symptoms often show up more clearly and earlier in so-called type 1 diabetes than in so-called type 2 diabetes.

An important warning signal for a dangerous hypoglycemia of the body cells (especially the brain nerve cells) are strong sweats. Heavy sweating combined with muscle tremors, cravings, weakness, dizziness and visual disturbances can indicate the possibly life-threatening condition.

In addition, the permanently increased blood sugar level in diabetes leads to nerve damage in various areas (diabetic neuropathy). If nerve damage in the autonomic nervous system occurs, profuse sweating can occur at night or during the day.

Typically, the initially increased tendency to sweat in the affected areas decreases again in the course of the disease, and as the nerves are progressively destroyed, perspiration is often reduced. In some cases with diabetes mellitus, profuse sweating of the face and neck occurs even while eating, which is known as gustatory sweating.

Even people who do not have diabetes may sweat profusely at night when their blood sugar levels are low. In addition to an unbalanced diet or alcohol, this can also be caused by special diseases (such as an insulinoma).

If diabetes mellitus is treated with insulin, for example, there can also be a nightly drop in blood sugar levels due to dosing or intake errors in the evening, which can be noticeable through increased sweating at night. In this case, the attending physician should be consulted in order to possibly adjust a more optimal insulin therapy.

Sweating while consuming cannabis products

The active ingredients absorbed through the use of cannabis can lead to excessive sweating at night due to their interference with the organism.

As well as certain Medication as unwanted side effect to increased sweating or sweats at night can also lead to certain ones Active ingredientsthat at Smoking weed be inhaled, too profuse sweating to lead.
On the Sweat production take both that autonomic nervous systemwho have favourited nerves in the brain and various Hormones Influence, all due to the active ingredients Smoking weed stimulates and can lead to increased sweating.

The active substance Tetrahydrocannabinol or THCthat while smoking weed from cannabis is consumed, increases the release of the Messenger substance dopamine. Through the increased Dopamine can it to Side effects how Cardiac arrhythmias, fast heartbeat, Vomit and profuse sweating come.
The severity of these symptoms can vary from person to person dosage of Active ingredient or through individual differences, for example in the amount of Dopamine release.

The sweat after this Smoking weed can occur more intensely at night, as it is caused by the sinking effective level in blood too Withdrawal symptoms can come.
Even after many years of smoking weed it may stop consumption too Withdrawal symptoms come, which usually disappear after one to three weeks. This includes besides nervousness, Mood swings, Trouble sleeping and altered appetite also heavy sweating, Hot flashes and possibly increased temperature.

However, should also be increased sweating in the night at Smoking weed other possible causes are considered. Basically is not recommended the Drug cannabis to consume as it is the Endanger health can.


Main causes of night sweating:

  • Unfavorable sleeping conditions:
  • Temperature, duvets, humidity
  • Habits:
  • alcohol, Nicotine, spicy foods
  • Medication
  • Infectious diseases / viral infections
  • flu, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, bacterial inflammation of the lining of the heart (Endocarditis)
  • Hormonal causes
  • Diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, menopause, puberty
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Rheumatoid arthritis, Vascular inflammation
  • Mental causes
  • stress, Burden, fears, sleep disorders, Nightmares
  • Neurological diseases
  • Parkinson's, stroke
  • Tumor diseases especially:
  • Lymph gland cancer (Hodgkin lymphoma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma), leukemia