Synonyms in the broadest sense
Supersets, Trisets, Giantsets, Giant Sets, Bodybuilding, Weight Training
As a method during the definition phase, the supersets contain a combination of two exercises that are completed one after the other.
This method in bodybuilding is often wrongly used as a synonym for descending sets. The terminology of the supersets is the combination of two forms of exercise. The super sets can be performed in two different ways.
On the one hand, two types of exercise are chosen for different muscles. Here the agonist and antagonist are loaded one after the other (example: chest muscle training, abdominal muscle training - back training). Often it is about a change between pulling and pushing movements.
On the other hand, two exercises are combined, each relating to only one muscle group (bench press flies). In bodybuilding, this principle is then often referred to as compound sentences. This complete exhaustion sets a particularly strong hypertrophic stimulus. The most effective application of this form of superset training in bodybuilding is based on the pre-exhaustion principle.
A muscle group is trained on a machine with 5-6 repetitions until exhaustion. This is followed by an exercise for the antagonist of the trained muscle group or an exercise for the same muscle group with 5-6 repetitions, depending on the type of superset. Depending on the level of performance, between 4 and 8 sets are recommended per exercise.
The supersets can too tri-sets and giant sets (Giant sentences) are expanded.
With the method of tri-sets three exercise forms are completed one after the other (deltoid muscle + chest muscle + back muscle). With the giant sets, four to six exercises can be completed in succession. Several exercises for a muscle group are included.
The aim of this method is, in addition to muscle growth, targeted definition and training motivation. Due to the increased number of repetitions during the exercises, muscle building is not quite as effective as compared to other methods in bodybuilding.
With the correct execution of the movement and adequate muscle stimulation, there is no risk with this method.
For more information see our topic: Injury in bodybuilding
other training methods in bodybuilding
Here you will find a list of other relevant training methods in bodybuilding:
- forced reps
- negative reps
- heavy duty training
- partial reps
- pre exhaustion principal
- cheatings
- descending sets
- isolation principle
- split system