Abdominal pain from drinking coffee


Many people occasionally suffer from stomach pain.
Although these often go away on their own, the pain is often perceived as bothersome and in some situations also restrictive. Often no cause can be found.

coffee However, one of the foods that is above all with high consumption Can cause abdominal pain.

Why this is the case and what you can do about it is presented in the following article.


Coffee abdominal pain occurs as a result of a number of different processes.

Above all, people who suffer from sensitive stomachs quickly complain of abdominal pain as a result of coffee consumption.
With high consumption over a longer period of time, however, this also applies to almost the entire population.

On the one hand, the high concentration of caffeine in coffee stimulates digestion, which can cause stomach ache in some people, and on the other hand, substances produced during coffee roasting stimulate acid production in the stomach.
Especially on an empty stomach, the latter can lead to acidification of the stomach and lead to the most common symptom after consuming coffee, namely heartburn with abdominal pain.

Since these symptoms are not only dependent on the caffeine content of the coffee, but also largely on other substances that arise during roasting, heartburn can also occur with decaffeinated coffee.
It is currently also being discussed whether the secretion of a hormone called gastrin is stimulated after the consumption of coffee, which also leads to an increase in gastric acid production.

Some researchers have also observed delayed gastric emptying after drinking coffee.
If the coffee is consumed without any other food, only the coffee-gastric acid mixture remains in the stomach longer and leads to symptoms such as heartburn, abdominal pain and nausea.

In rarer cases and especially when the stomach pain after consuming coffee is accompanied by nausea, sweating and tremors, coffee intolerance should be considered as the cause. Those affected already experience the symptoms mentioned after drinking small amounts of coffee.
This is important for differentiation, as it can also occur with excessive coffee consumption. Many of those affected observe that they tolerate coffee better on some days than on others. The reason for this can be found when looking at the enzyme Diamine oxidase, which are used in the body, among other things, for the breakdown of histamine responsible for.

You can also read more about dizziness after coffee here

Histamine occurs throughout the body and is also used in larger amounts, among other things allergic reactions poured out.

It leads to a Dilation of blood vessels, one Constriction of the bronchi, increased Gastric acid production and also affects various centers in the brain.
Coffee blocks the enzyme mentioned, which can lead to an increased histamine level with the symptoms of coffee intolerance mentioned, including abdominal pain.

For women who are in the Menopause is the concentration of this enzyme additionally loweredwhich is why they suffer more quickly from complaints as a result of coffee consumption.


Abdominal pain can present itself very differently.

Abdominal pain, including those caused by increased coffee consumption, present themselves with many people different.

Some feel more uncomfortable Stinging or pressure in the stomach area, others complain about Bloating and accompanying nausea.
Also a Change of symptoms in the course is not uncommon.
Coffee consumption, especially on an empty stomach or when consumed excessively throughout the day, is very common acid regurgitation and Pain behind the sternum.

These symptoms are better described under the term "heartburn" known.
In technical terms it is called Reflux disease referred to as part of the stomach acid in the esophagus, which was not designed for this case flows back and damage their mucous membrane.
Heartburn is a common ailment among the population that can be made worse by drinking coffee.
The symptoms often worsen when lying down, because the stomach acid no longer has to overcome gravity and can therefore flow more easily into the esophagus.

If the stomach is constantly irritated as a result of the increased gastric acid production with permanently increased coffee consumption, this can be a gastritis, better known as Inflammation of the stomach lining have as a consequence.
This is expressed in stabbing and pressing, above all left upper abdominal painwhich are often accompanied by loss of appetite, bloating, nausea and occasional vomiting.

Contrary to what is widely assumed, coffee alone does not make it Gastric ulcer caused.
However, coffee counts because it makes the Gastric acid production increased becomes, to the Risk factors and can contribute to it in combination with other underlying diseases.

For severe pain in the upper abdomen, which is intensified, among other things, by consuming coffee and by general malaise and Weight loss are accompanied, a medical examination should therefore be carried out in order to rule out such a "gastric ulcer".

After consuming coffee you can also other symptoms which can also lead to abdominal pain.
Some suffer from consumption afterwards diarrhea, Flatulence or even Nausea with vomiting.
If tremors, nervousness and sweating also occur, you should consider yourself in the long run Intolerance to coffee be thought.

The latter symptoms also show up if throughout the day a lot of coffee was consumed, so beyond the usual level out.

Abdominal pain and diarrhea

The caffeine contained in coffee sets mechanisms in motion in the central nervous system (CNS) on a molecular level.

The result is a stimulation of the CNS, which in addition to an increase in blood pressure and heart rate also increases urine production with a frequent urge to urinate and stimulates bowel movements (technical language peristalsis) causes.

Especially in people who already suffer from digestive problems, such as those with irritable bowel syndrome or who have consumed excessive coffee, the result of this can be increased urge to defecate and even diarrhea, which is often accompanied by abdominal pain.

Read more on the subject at: Diarrhea after coffee

If diarrhea with fever and severe deterioration of the general condition suddenly occur regardless of the consumption of coffee, a doctor should be consulted for further clarification in order to rule out diseases such as gastrointestinal flu.

Read more on the topic Abdominal influenza

Abdominal pain and nausea

Nausea is a typical symptom that is often accompanied by abdominal pain. In most cases, stomach pain is the main problem immediately after consuming coffee. People with sensitive stomachs may also experience nausea.

But nausea can also be a symptom of the Caffeine withdrawal be. Then, of course, the nausea does not occur immediately after consuming coffee, but rather when no coffee has been drunk for a long time. According to current research, withdrawal symptoms can occur as early as 12 to 24 hours after you last consumed coffee.
In addition to nausea, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, irritability or even muscle pain are typical of such caffeine withdrawal. From a caffeine consumption of 200 mg per day, which corresponds to about 7 espressos, the brain gets used to the caffeine supplied. A dependency is possible within 2 weeks with a high coffee consumption.

Abdominal pain after drinking coffee with milk

If symptoms such as abdominal pain and diarrhea occur after drinking coffee with milk, lactose intolerance should be considered.

Occur abdominal pain exclusively after drinking coffee with milk, you should go to a Lactose intolerance be thought.

Lactose is better under the term Lactose known.
The intolerance is due to the deficiency of a certain enzyme (Lactase), which actually splits the milk sugar for further use.

The uncleaved lactose gets into the Large intestine and is fermented by resident bacteria.
The gases released during this process are partly responsible for the symptoms of lactose intolerance.

Those affected suffer quite quickly after consuming milk severe abdominal pain or cramps, suddenly Urination with diarrhea and smelly ones Flatulence.
If no more milk is consumed afterwards, the symptoms can last for 2-3 hours. But it is also possible to disappear after using the toilet.

Abdominal pain after drinking decaffeinated coffee

Decaffeinated coffee lacks the component that causes abdominal pain in many people after drinking coffee, namely caffeine. However, complaints are possible even after consuming decaffeinated coffee.
The acid production in the stomach is stimulated even without caffeine. Depending on how the coffee is prepared, it can also contain more or less acid. As a result, people with sensitive stomachs are prone to having abdominal pain after coffee despite decaffeinating.
Alternative hot drinks, such as green tea, offer a solution. However, you can also try different types of coffee and preparation methods. A dash of milk can also help make the coffee easier to digest.


Abdominal pain with or without heartburn as a result of coffee consumption should be a long-term problem Gastroscopy of the esophagus and stomach.

Especially the esophagus can be severely affected by heartburn, which can only be reliably assessed with the help of this examination method.

A small camera is pushed over the mouth and esophagus into the stomach and the mucous membrane of the individual sections is assessed on the computer.
The affected person is placed under a light anesthetic and does not perceive the procedure.

This examination is also recommended for repeated inflammation of the gastric mucosa and lack of improvement in symptoms despite the restriction of coffee consumption.

If symptoms such as sudden cramping abdominal pain and diarrhea occur as a result of taking milk coffee, there is the option of one Intolerance to lactose (Milk sugar) to test.
This is one Breath test, with which the metabolism of a previously ingested lactose solution can be assessed.

Therapy - what to do?

The first step if symptoms such as stomach pain or heartburn have occurred as a result of coffee consumption, especially if you drink a lot of coffee, this reduce to a minimum.

The stomach ache is mainly due to that heartburn accompanied or conditional, there are various over-the-counter and prescription-only ones Medication available that either bind stomach acid (so-called Antacids) or reduce the formation of these (so-called Proton pump inhibitors).

This is also the therapy of choice in the case of one Inflammation of the stomach liningwhich is accompanied by left-sided upper abdominal pain.

So that the stomach comes to rest should be next to one Reduction in coffee consumption on light food can be used.
Fatty foods or those that are literally heavy in the stomach should be avoided, at least until the stomach has calmed down a bit and the stomach pain has disappeared.

Also known home remedies how Fennel or chamomile tea and warmth on the stomach (e.g. hot water bottle) help to relieve acute abdominal pain and calm the stomach.

If the stomach ache occurs only after consuming coffee with milk and more often when consuming other dairy products, it should be avoided if possible lactose-free or herbal alternatives, such as coconut, almond, oat or rice milk are used (see: Diet for lactose intolerance).

  • Stomach pain - what to do?
  • Abdominal pain - what to do