Therapy of palpitations
What to do if you have a racing heart?
Palpitations or palpitations are the colloquial descriptions of the so-called Tachycardia, a state that is defined as a pulse rate of at least 100 beats per minute. The adult heart normally beats about 60-80 times per minute. If it is very accelerated, a sufferer takes this as Racing heart true, which can be accompanied by other complaints.
The therapy of Heyrzrasens depends primarily on the underlying cause. If it occurs naturally, i.e. in physical or psychological stressful situations, it is usually not treated at all. Here it is actually sufficient to switch off the stress factor, for example to sit down and rest or try to calm down and relieve the nervousness or fear get under control.
In severe cases it can also sometimes be useful autogenic training or others Stress management strategies to try out or even one psychotherapy to start. Also herbal tranquilizers, such as valerian can be used.
Also, there should be favorable factors such as alcohol, nicotine and caffeine of course to be avoided as much as possible.
The most commonly used therapy for tachycardia is called Cardioversion. Including the restoration of a normal Heart rhythm Roger that.
Most forms of tachycardia, which are caused by a disorder of the heart, can be treated with the help of medication, so one drug cardioversion.
This includes, among other things Amiodarone (Attention: sometimes severe side effects of the thyroid, so should only be used by people with healthy thyroid gland), Ajmaline or Flecainide for use.
The advantage lies in the non-invasive treatment and in the fact that the patient can carry out this independently.
The second possibility is the electric cardioversion In this form of therapy, the patient is first put under anesthesia. Then he receives a small surge of electricity, which should lead to the heart being completely switched off once and then all cells at the same time again normal rhythm be able to record.
Depending on the cause of the Tachycardia An operation can eliminate the palpitations, in which the original correct function of the Excitation conduction system is restored.
The so-called ablation represents the tissue of the heart that is responsible for the Rhythm disturbance is responsible, is either deserted by heat or cold and thereby rendered harmless.
In rare cases (especially with Atrial fibrillation heart palpitations) it makes sense to give a patient with tachycardia a Pacemaker use, which can regulate the spread of excitation to the heart chambers.
In the extreme case of the Ventricular fibrillation, in which the heart is no longer able to discharge blood and is therefore functionally standstill, the person concerned must use a Defibrillators be reanimated. This means that he receives a surge of electricity, which has the same purpose as with electrical cardioversion, but with a much higher current intensity. If a patient's risk of dying from ventricular fibrillation is considered to be greatly increased, then consider implanting a defibrillator that will automatically respond to cardiac arrest with a shock.
If another disease, such as a Overactive thyroid, which is the cause of the palpitations, should be treated first. After the underlying disease has been treated, the heartbeat usually normalizes by itself.
For congenital tachycardia, the therapy of choice is one surgeryin which the disturbance in the conduction system is eliminated and a normal heart rhythm is possible.
Home remedies for heart disease
Palpitations can have various causes. Once a doctor has diagnosed it, medication is often prescribed depending on the severity.
Above all, the racing heart occurs stress and has no other organic cause, a change in certain lifestyle habits can prevent the development of a palpitations.
If you have a racing heart, you should stop consuming caffeine be waived. Coffee and caffeinated Soft drinks (energy drinks) can worsen the symptoms or even provoke them. From Nicotine consumption is not advisable as this can also cause palpitations. The same goes for drugs, such as cocaine and marijuana.
Avoidance is essential to preventing a racing heart stressful situations. Frantic actions and situations can cause or worsen palpitations.
In such cases, long walks in the great outdoors can often help you calm down and relax. Also Massages, warm baths or a warm drink can be used for Relaxation contribute and reduce the racing heart.
Also cold mineral water can help as it has been shown to lower the heart rate. It is best to first withdraw, close your eyes and take a deep breath. Those affected should do what brings them most relaxation and what they feel like doing.
Can prophylactically Endurance sports and yoga help to get a grip on frequent palpitations.
Endurance training strengthens the circulation and yoga helps conscious relaxation of the body. Both together can have a good prophylactic effect.
Also autogenic training can be particularly helpful with stress-related heart palpitations, as it offers opportunities to consciously reduce psychological stress. The frequency of palpitations can often be reduced in this way.
There are on the neck sensitive pressure receptors. A light (!) Massaging the side of the neck can help lower the heart rate in an acute palpitations. This method should only be used cautiously and, if possible, while lying down, as it can lead to a drop in blood pressure dizziness can lead. In addition, only one side of the neck may be massaged. Too strong a massage of the neck region can unconsciousness cause.
Some people also find it helpful to hold their noses shut and keep their mouths closed for a few seconds when they have a palpitations. This method can also help lower the heart rate.
Self-medication is in any case not advisable if you have a racing heart. Herbal medicines should also only be taken under medical supervision. If the racing heart occurs again and again and lasts for a long time, a doctor should always be consulted so that an organic cause of the racing heart can be excluded. The doctor can then inform you accordingly about possible further therapeutic measures.
Therapy of palpitations during pregnancy
Palpitations during pregnancy is not uncommon, but should be if it occurs regularly clarified by a doctor become.
In most cases, the physiological increase in pulse rate does not require any drug treatment. Should this come into play, so-called Beta blockers prescribed in low doses.
According to current data, taking heart rate lowering drugs does not harm the unborn child. The greatest security for this lies in the drug Metoprolol in front. While the prescription of a beta-blocker is only beneficial for the mother, possible side effects are based on a reduced blood flow to the vessels supplying the child.
So was taking certain beta blockers one lower birth weight observed.
Is there a causal factor Hyperthyroidism before, so-called thyroid blockers are used. They inhibit the overproduction of thyroid hormones and in this way counteract the accelerated heartbeat. Thiamazole and Carbimazole can easily be given during pregnancy. The dosage should be kept as low as possible and under regular control the corresponding laboratory parameters.
Therapy of palpitations during menopause
In the Menopause the function of the cardiovascular system can also get out of rhythm. Next to one Increase in blood pressure will be altered heart actions like Palpitations, but also Racing heart, especially at night.
If the symptoms accumulate, a doctor should clarify the situation.
In individual consultation with the doctor, a Progesterone supplement be prescribed. It is primarily used to relieve vegetative symptoms, such as Palpitations, sweats and hot flashes.
In addition to one obtained vegetable progesterone exist synthetically produced Progestins. In each individual case, it will be decided which preparation is suitable for treating the complaints. Since the intake of synthetic progestins carries an increased risk of breast cancer, the decision must be carefully considered. If necessary, a combination therapy is carried out with Estrogens.
Regular Endurance training and exercise also contribute significantly to alleviating the symptoms.
Therapy of palpitations for inner restlessness and stress
Occurs palpitations in connection with Stress and anxiety on, a healthy lifestyle and relaxation techniques are important.
If possible, triggering factors should be avoided or minimized. Medicines are usually not used.
Next balanced diet play fresh air and adequate exercise an important role. On Caffeine, alcohol and nicotine consumption should be avoided as far as possible.
The following measures can be helpful in acute situations.
Get into an upright sitting position and concentrate on your breathing. Then inhale and exhale slowly ten times. If the heartbeat has still not returned to normal, you can continue with the following exercise.
For this, one looks for the pulse rate with the index and middle finger on the neck and massages at this point low pressure. This may only be done on one side and with little pressure, as otherwise unconsciousness could also be triggered. In addition, you can apply slight counter pressure in the chest.
The so-called vagal tone as part of the parasympathetic nervous system can also be increased by holding your nose and exhaling against your closed mouth. In addition, come Relaxation techniques, as the progressive muscle relaxation according to Jacobson or autogenic training, for use.
Homeopathy for palpitations
For the treatment of the harmless turmoil of the heart, which cannot be justified organically, there is the possibility of a herbal treatment.
It is about a purely symptomatic therapythat does not treat the underlying cause. The active ingredients contained are said to have a calming effect on the heart. They lower the heart rate and promote blood flow to the heart muscles.
During various heart actions that are perceived as uncomfortable, Ignatia recommended. 3 globules are taken before each meal. The active ingredient is intended in particular in conjunction with Anxiety symptoms be helpful.
If the palpitations occur preferentially during stress, can Argentum nitricum bring about symptomatic improvement. Other substances have the same name Ambra grisea, Aconitum appelus, Coffea and Lycopus.