Training plan


In order to be able to complete the athletic training effectively and successfully, optimal, long-term and proper planning is required. Many ambitious recreational athletes are increasingly getting professional advice from a personal trainer in order to be able to achieve sporting goals more quickly and safely. An individually designed training plan makes sense in both endurance sports and strength training. However, amateur athletes quickly reach their limits when planning their training and do not achieve the success they were hoping for. The prerequisite for the training plan is knowledge of the exact training goal and the time required for weekly training. The following pages should help you to create an individual training plan.


Of the Training plan, or the training planning is a mental anticipation of the training. The planning of the training is primarily geared towards the direct execution of the training, but includes aspects of the long-term regulation and control of the training.


Always set realistic goals that can be achieved with your personal abilities.

Before the Training plan every athlete must be aware of the exact training goal. The Lose weight and the Muscle building are the most common training goals in fitness. A targeted increase in muscle mass primarily includes exercises in the Strength training. One hoped for Weight loss through burning fat on the other hand, it is mainly achieved through regular endurance training. It must be clarified in advance whether the goal can be reconciled with the time required. For an average fitness training to improve general fitness and health, 2 to 3 hours a week are initially sufficient. Are the training goals in the range of extreme muscle gain, it can take three times as much time to complete. The age and state of health of the athlete are additional factors in planning the sport. If you have health problems, a medical examination must take place before the start of the training.

Furthermore, knowledge of the constitutional characteristics of one's own body is crucial for the right training design. These are explained in more detail below.

Basics when creating a training plan

Constitutional characteristics

Everyone has different genetic requirements and thus reacts differently to sporting stimuli.

Everyone has a different genetic predisposition to Muscle training and Fat deposit. In exercise science, athletes are divided into three types, the

  • Slim (Ectomorphs)
  • Athletic (Mesomorphs)
  • Strengthen (Endomorphs) Type.

Particularly in the athletic disciplines are the individual Body types particularly well pronounced and clear. While the long-distance runners as ectomorphic Types are determined, the sprinter is one of the mesomorphic and the shot putter for endomorphic Type. The pure form of a type is never given, in most cases a mixed form of both types occurs. Knowledge of the body structure is particularly important for setting the right goals. The individual types are described in more detail below. Decide for yourself which type suits you best. When creating your training plan, you should not forget your genetic dispositions.

  1. The ectomorph type: This one too as Leptosome designated type is particularly characterized by a slender and wiry figure. Ingested food is burned quickly and there are hardly any fat deposits. This guy can eat what he wants, he won't get fat. Due to the wiry figure and the low body weight, sports are preferred, in which responsive movements are required. The Musculature can be defined very quickly due to the low fat storage. However, targeted muscle building training for this lean type is very tedious, time consuming and exhausting. In order to achieve the desired results, you should always train in the range of 8 repetitions. The intensity should always be chosen so high that no more are possible after the last repetition. In order to optimize the desired muscle growth, you should consciously pay attention to the right choice of food. At least 25 to 30% of the food consumed should consist of high quality proteins. Compare capital dietary supplements.
  2. The mesomorphic type: This athletic guy is a real sportsman. He is characterized by a muscular build. The interaction between the nervous system and muscles is particularly good and performance is increased quickly with little effort. Due to the increased mass of muscles, this type has a good metabolism. The nutrition should be mostly off high in carbohydrates (Pasta, rice etc.) food exist.
    In spite of this optimal genetic condition, you don't get anything for free. Hard regular training is a prerequisite for exhausting optimal opportunities. However, when training is interrupted or abstained from training, this type tends to gain weight.
  3. The endomorphic type: The also as Pygniac designated type is best suited for muscle building training. A genetically determined broad stature and heavy bones and low fatigue with high loads enable maximum muscle building with even less training effort. The body of an endomorphic person tends to store fat optimally and is therefore very susceptible to Obesity, especially in old age. The definition of muscle mass is very poor due to the high proportion of subcutaneous fatty tissue and can only be controlled by strict control of eating habits. Therefore, the daily percentage of fats must not exceed 15 to 20% fat. The diet should mainly consist of carbohydrates.
    Regular strength training increases the percentage of muscle mass compared to body fat, and this increased muscle mass in turn burns more fat. It is therefore particularly useful to start training with this type.
    A balancing endurance training is also particularly suitable to stimulate the energy metabolism.

Classification of the training plans

Of the Training plan In the area of ​​recreational sports, it is divided into two or three time periods. On the one hand, it is about long-term planning. This includes long-term goals and is determined over a period of one year to several years. The second includes short-term and medium-term goals that are divided into a weekly or monthly cycle.

Training principles for the training plan

The training principles are decisive for the design of the training plan. Every training plan is based on the following principles. These are general principles of sports science. Every coach and ambitious successful athlete prepares the entire training plan based on these principles. Beginners in particular must observe the following principles when creating the training plan.

The right intensity in training

Every sporting adaptation, from fat burning to muscle building, is based on an adaptation of the organism. This adaptation takes place by setting a training stimulus. In sport, a distinction is made between the following stimulus intensities.

  • Subliminal weak. They do not trigger any adaptation to the muscles. The training weight is chosen so lightly that there is no build-up of the muscles. In the case of beginners, stimuli cannot be subliminally weak, since the organism will adapt even with very low levels of stress. In the area of ​​endurance, all set stimuli also lead to an adjustment. Even when walking slowly, fat is burned.
  • Over-threshold weak. These stimuli are used to maintain a level of training. Athletes try to maintain their performance level, especially immediately before the competition phase. The intensity is slightly increased, but these stimuli are not sufficient to further build up the muscles. Many advanced fitness athletes suffer from stagnation because the training stimuli are too weak. A change in the training plan is necessary to increase performance.
  • The over-threshold strong stimuli are the stimuli that every athlete tries to implement in the training plan. This leads to the hoped-for increase in muscle cross-section when building muscle. However, it is not easy to find exactly the intensity to set these stimuli.
  • However, with muscle building training there is a risk that the stimuli during training are too strong. Then there is no improvement in performance, as hoped, but rather injuries to the muscles. Ranging from severe muscle soreness to torn muscle fibers.

The gradual increase in load

Who with a Strength training or Endurance training starts, hopes for an early development of the muscles, a better figure, fat burning and a general increase in performance. If the training loads remain the same over a longer period of time, the organism adapts to such an extent that the training stimuli are no longer strong enough. As a result, the stress in training must be continuously and progressively increased. Especially with beginners, there is a very fast and sometimes sudden increase in performance.

The loads should be increased as follows. If the training stimuli are not sufficient, the Training frequency increase. This means putting in more workouts per week. This is followed by an increase in Training scope within the training plan. Several exercises can be integrated into the training plan and the length of the breaks can be shortened. Last should be the intensity can be increased within the training.

Period between the individual training units

Principle of supercompensation

The principle of the design of burden and recreation is the most important part of all athletic training and is a must Training plan be taken into account. The phase between exercise and recovery is described in more detail below.

At time 0, the athlete is at the starting level and begins muscle building training. By setting the right stimulus, there is now a decrease in performance, which every athlete experiences first-hand at the end of the training. At this point in time "A", the recovery phase begins. It can take different lengths of time depending on the intensity of the training. The decisive factor, however, is that this regeneration phase goes beyond the initial value. If there is no further training stimulus, the curve levels off again in the area of ​​the starting level. The optimal point in time for the next training stimulus is at point in time "End B".

Bring regular variety to training so as not to lose motivation.

Variety in training

If possible, the training plan should be versatile and varied. In every training session always the same running distance and the same weights, with the same number of repetitions and the same length of breaks leads to stagnation of performance and has a demotivating effect. Even if the training goal is to build muscle, you should occasionally switch to strength endurance training.

Exercise regularly

The training must be integrated as an integral part of everyday life. If it can be timed, you should divide the weekly time into as many stages as possible. Exercising several times a week is always better than packing all the time into one training session. If running on Mondays and Fridays is on the training plan, these are fixed training times.