Turbo diet
What is a Turbo Diet?
The turbo diet is an absolutely radical diet that is particularly suitable if you want to lose a few excess kilos very quickly, for example for an upcoming vacation or wedding. It is a fortnightly diet program that must be implemented in a disciplined manner for great success. The turbo diet provides that main meals are replaced by protein-rich shakes in order to generally reduce the calorie intake, break down the body's own fat and get the metabolism running at full speed.
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What can I do the Turbo Diet with?
The turbo diet can be carried out with various shakes that are available in pharmacies, drugstores or even in supermarkets in various price categories. Well-known products are the shakes from Almased and Yokebe, which are available in many shops and pharmacies. But there are also cheaper products from other manufacturers, you should pay attention to which ingredients are included.
Almased contains valuable raw materials which, according to the manufacturer, are prepared in a gentle manufacturing process so that the sensitive active ingredients work effectively. Almased uses a soy protein that is particularly rich in isoflavones and probiotic skimmed milk yogurt. The shake is naturally sweetened by natural honey, which contains natural enzymes and makes the taste pleasant. Almased does not contain any artificial flavors, fillers, sweeteners or sugar and is gluten-free. You can buy the powder for the shake as a 500g can and at the same time have a practical storage jar. The product is also available lactose-free. The important vitamins and minerals are added to the Almased powder to prevent malnutrition.
Read more about the topic here: Almased
Along with Almased, Yokebe is a well-known shake made from valuable ingredients. Vitamins, minerals and trace elements are added to this product in order to prevent symptoms of deficiency that can occur with other diets. Yokebe Classic contains high quality milk, whey and soy proteins. This shake is also sweetened and made tasty with natural aromatic honey. All important vitamins are added, with vitamins B5 and B12 for the energy metabolism and vitamin B6 for the protein and sugar balance play a major role.
Turbo diet process
The procedure of the Turbo Diet is that you lose a few kilograms within a very short time if you follow the structure in a disciplined manner. The Turbo Diet consists of two strict diet weeks and provides that all three main meals are replaced by appropriate shakes in the first week. As much vegetable stock as desired can be eaten at any time between meals. This phase is a kind of fasting and after the second day you should hardly feel hunger. The phase serves as the starting signal for a healthy change in diet.
In the second week of the turbo diet, two meals are replaced by a shake, while one meal, at noon or in the evening, consists of a balanced dish. In addition, as much vegetable stock as desired can be eaten at any time during this phase. Exercise, sport and plenty of fluids also promote rapid weight loss. After this radical program, a stability phase is recommended, which provides for a long-term change in diet. One of three main meals a day consists of a shake.
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Turbo Diet Side Effects
Common side effects of the turbo diet are concentration problems and loss of vitality. The manufacturers advertise an optimal supply of nutrients, but only very few calories are consumed with the shakes every day, especially in the first week of the diet, so that initially there is a lack of energy and one feels weak. The advantage is that the body gains the energy it needs for its metabolic processes from our energy reserves, the love handles.
Risks and dangers of the turbo diet
To stick to the turbo diet, you have to be very disciplined. Especially in the first few days, the risk of breaking off the diet is very high, since such a shake does not initially completely satiate and satisfy many people. The side effects of poor concentration and decreased performance are also the increasing risks of the turbo diet. Deficiency symptoms due to missing vitamins or trace elements are prevented by the nutrients contained in Almased or Yokebe Shakes. If you fall into old eating habits after 14 days of turbo diet, the risk of the yo-yo effect is enormous.
Criticism of the turbo diet
The turbo diet often results in a lack of performance and productivity in everyday life, which can be a challenge, especially during stressful phases at work or at university. In addition, the Almased or Yokebe shakes are not exactly cheap. The branded products are often cheaper to get on the Internet; you can generally also use cheaper products in the drugstore that contain similar valuable protein-containing ingredients.
Turbo Diet Recipes
The manufacturers of the shakes, especially Almased and Yokebe, offer numerous turbo diet recipes on their websites. Below you will find recipes to refine the shakes and make them tastier. But there are also various recipes for the other main meals, which are often low in calories, low in fat and very easy to re-cook. There are also printed or online cookbooks from the well-known manufacturers, in which the delicious, healthy recipes are presented very clearly.
How much can I lose weight with the turbo diet?
Experience reports describe an average weight loss of 6 kilos in 2 weeks of the turbo diet. This effect is only achieved if the diet is implemented in a disciplined manner according to the plan, and it is further improved if sport is practiced as well.
How do I avoid the yo-yo effect?
With the turbo diet, the body quickly switches its energy requirements to the back burner and adjusts the basal metabolic rate. In order not to have twice the lost weight back on after 14 days of a radical diet, we recommend an extensive stability phase in which a main meal is replaced by a protein-rich shake for several weeks. In general, the diet should be changed so that a lot of protein, valuable whole grain products, fruit and vegetables are consumed, and few carbohydrates, fat and desserts. Exercise effectively helps to reduce fat deposits in the long term and to maintain the desired weight, as the newly gained muscles burn a lot of energy.
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Medical evaluation of the diet by
The Turbo Diet is a very radical fortnightly diet that must be implemented with absolute discipline for maximum diet success. The diet is suitable as an emergency plan to quickly achieve a comfortable weight for a certain event or trip. The diet is effective because, on the one hand, it is greatly reduced in calories and, on the other hand, the shakes largely consist of valuable proteins. This composition supports weight loss, as the body initially receives fewer calories with the shakes than with the food before the diet.
Since the shakes contain protein, the body burns this and its own fat tissue, while the muscles are broken down less despite the few calories. Therefore, people who stick to this diet often manage to lose a lot of weight in a very short time. However, this always depends on the initial situation and additional sport. A plus point of the shakes are added vitamins and trace elements, which prevent deficiency symptoms. However, disadvantages are difficulty concentrating and poor performance. We think that after the 14-day program, a stability phase should be carried out, which changes into a long-term healthy and balanced diet in order to maintain the desired weight and avoid the dangerous yo-yo effect.
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Alternatives to the turbo diet
If you want to lose weight permanently and maintain your desired weight, a low-carb diet is recommended, in which the carbohydrates (pasta, bread, rice, etc.) in the main courses are significantly reduced. However, if you find it difficult to do without the carbohydrates you love in your meals, you can also try diets that are particularly rich in carbohydrates, such as the rice diet.
The popular turbo diet advertises an extraordinarily quick and pronounced weight loss success. An alternative for such rapid weight loss can be, for example, the tried and tested cabbage soup diet. The magazine Fit for fun also advertises a 24 hour diet in which 2 kilos can be lost. If the event is imminent, such a short-term diet can help you step into that tight dress with a good body feeling.
What is the cost of the turbo diet?
The cost of the turbo diet depends primarily on the manufacturer of the respective shake. Almased and Yokebe are high quality drinks, with prices averaging € 15-20 per 500g storage can. There are cheaper alternatives, but you should pay attention to the ingredients and avoid added sugar. Often the products can be bought cheaper on the Internet. The main meals of the second week of the diet should be healthy and balanced. Fresh fruits and vegetables, fish, etc. are more expensive than ready-made meals, but the money is worth it for health.