Duration of a capsule tear on the finger
A capsule tear on the finger is a very uncomfortable affair. Those affected suddenly experience a sharp pain that continues to pulsate and the joint swells a lot. A capsule tear requires treatment and should be presented to a doctor immediately. Even if the acute symptoms last only a few days with targeted therapy, the healing process for a capsule rupture takes several weeks.
What positively influences a capsule tear on the finger
Immediately after the injury, the PECH regimen is recommended to keep the swelling and pain in check. The P for break means taking a break, E for ice advises cooling, C for compression stands for a compression bandage to prevent swelling and H for elevation to reduce pain and temporarily reduce blood flow.
After the acute phase, further measures can be taken to favorably influence the capsular tear. In order to reduce swelling and pain, drug treatment with pain-relieving, decongestant agents is suitable. These can be applied to the affected joint in the form of ointments. Ointments with ingredients such as ibuprofen, diclofenac or acetylsalicylic acid also have anti-inflammatory effects. The capsule can also be cooled from time to time. While it used to be advised to completely immobilize the capsule, we now know that targeted physiotherapy has a positive effect on healing. It is advisable to take care of the affected finger joint, but to move the joint carefully several times a day. This also helps to reduce the bruise faster.
What negatively affects a capsule tear on the finger
The healing of a torn capsule on the finger can be negatively influenced by continuing to put heavy strain on the affected joint. In particular, excessive force can prevent the joint capsule from healing. In addition, refraining from treatment can cause lasting damage to the affected capsule. If you keep moving or if the joint is completely immobilized for a long time, flexion or extension deficits can occur in the affected joint and normal joint function is disturbed.
Duration of total healing
The healing process for a capsule tear on the finger typically takes several weeks.The discomfort, swelling and pain subside after a few days, especially with cooling, gentle measures (PECH scheme). Nevertheless, the affected capsule has to grow back together in the event of a crack and this takes several weeks to heal.
Duration of a sick leave
A torn capsule of a finger requires rest and protection during the healing process, apart from specific physiotherapy exercises. How long a sick leave is necessary for this depends largely on the job and the requirements. If the affected finger is heavily stressed, the affected person should be written off for several weeks until they have completely healed.
Normally, the person concerned would only be on sick leave for one to two weeks and the treating doctor would extend the sick leave accordingly. If you work in a job that is easy on your fingers, you can continue working immediately with conservative treatment.
Duration of pain / swelling
Typically, the tissue around the joint swells very quickly, causing pain and bruising. These symptoms usually last about a week. The symptoms can be alleviated with targeted measures such as cooling. Without sparing the joint, the swelling can persist and so can the pain, especially when the joint is moved.
You should refrain from exercising until the capsule tear on the finger has completely healed. It may take a few weeks for complete healing. Even if symptoms such as swelling and pain decrease after a few days, you should be patient until the joint capsule has completely recovered. During this healing period, specific physiotherapy movements should be made, otherwise the affected finger should be spared. It is best to ask your doctor during the check-ups when this sport is allowed again.