Causes of a lipoma


Although lipomas do not damage the body themselves, they are perceived as extremely bothersome.

A lipoma is a benign (benign) Tumor.

This forms a small nodule that consists almost exclusively of fat cells. As long as this tumor remains benign and does not turn into a malignant tumor (Liposarcoma), the nodule does not have to be removed either.
Although it is a collection of fat cells, the cause of lipoma is never obesity. Obese people are about as likely to have lipoma as lean people. The formation of a lipoma has nothing to do with the nutritional status of the patient, the cause of a lipoma seems to be much more at a higher level. However, the exact cause of such a lipoma has not yet been precisely clarified.

Hereditary cause?

Basically, a lipoma can at any age arise. It is believed that there is a certain hereditary prevalence gives. This means that patients their parents or grandparents have ever had a lipoma are likely to develop a lipoma in their lifetime.

In some patients you have a change on the Chromosome 12 detected. Since this change, however not in all patients occurs with a lipoma, it is doubtful whether this genetic change can really be regarded as the cause of a lipoma. However, it could be that there is a genetic shift leading to the Degeneration of fat cells leads.

During the Embryonic development, i.e. the period in which the child is born in the mother's womb, a series of change processes take place. It develops from a Kind of stem cell many different cells, e.g. cells for the Muscle building, Cells for the connective tissue and cells for the adipose tissue, so-called Adipocytes. It is believed that one cause that leads to lipoma is a Degeneration of this cell maturation and that in the course of life there is an increased change from former stem cells to fat cells.

However, one is not yet sure whether it is a Increase in fat cells acts, so that the fat cells increase in number (Neoplasia, i.e. new growths) or whether the existing fat cells are simply becoming much larger. Would it be a Cell increase one would act from one Hyperplasia speak. This example clearly shows that not much is known about the actual cause of a lipoma.

Falls and metabolic diseases as the cause?

Metabolic diseases like diabetes make you more likely to develop lipoma.

For example, some patients developed after a violent fall or after a very bad bruise a lipoma. This suggests that too external influences, in this case a violent traumatic influence, could be the cause of a lipoma or at least promote the development of a lipoma.

Furthermore, it is believed that too Metabolic diseases promote the development of lipomas. For example, it is assumed that the Diabetic patient (Diabetes mellitus) are more likely to develop lipoma than a healthy patient.

Also one Hyperlipidemia, a lipid metabolic disease in Fats not broken down properly and can be absorbed and therefore occur in increased amounts, seems to promote the development of a lipoma. Whether this metabolic disease is called The cause of the formation of a lipoma can look at seems questionable.

Rather, it seems that Combination of several factors as well as a certain genetic predisposition that promote the development of a lipoma.

Psychological / emotional causes

As with most Tumors go to the creation of a Lipomas from one multifactorial cause out. On the one hand, the degeneration of the fat cells (adipocytes) is apparent genetically conditionally, to play another Metabolic diseases like diabetes (Diabetes mellitus) or lipid metabolism disorders (e.g. Hyperlipidemia), but also strong ones Bruises or bumps play a role in creating one Lipomas. In recent years research into psychological and emotional influences on the emergence of benign Tumors like the lipoma but also malignant tumors (cancer diseases) come to the fore. With psychological influences one tries to explain why of all people who belong to a certain risk group for a certain type of tumor, only a few develop cancer and most remain healthy. So far is a significant relationship between psychological characteristics or stress and the occurrence of certain tumors like the lipoma not proven. In any case, are mental Causes however not alone sufficient for tumor development, but, if they play a role, jointly responsible as a cause in the context of multifactorial tumor development.

Figure lipoma

Figure lipoma

Lipoma - adipose tissue growth
a - epidermis (2 + 3 + 4) -
b - dermis (5 + 6) -
c - subcutaneous tissue (7) -
Tela subcutanea

  1. Lipoma -
    Adipose tissue growth
  2. Horny layer - Stratum corneum
  3. Cornifying layer
    (light layer
    and granular layer) -
    Stratum lucidum and
    Stratum granulosum
  4. Germ layer (prickly cell layer
    and base layer) -
    Stratum spinosum and
    Stratum basale
  5. Papillary layer -
    Stratum papillary
  6. Network layer -
    Stratum reticularre
  7. Fat tissue (fat pads)
  8. Fat cells - adipocytes

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More interesting information

Further information on this topic can be found at:

  • Lipoma on the back
  • Lipoma shoulder
  • Lipoma treatment
  • Lipoma breast
  • Remove lipoma
  • Lipoma pain
  • Lipoma homeopathy
  • Lipoma head
  • Lipoma arm
  • Lipoma OP
  • Lipomatosis
  • Lipoma sole of the foot
  • Lipoma thigh

A list of all the topics on dermatology that we have already published can be found at:

  • Dermatology A-Z