Apicectomy and smoking


The root tip resection usually represents the last step to save a natural tooth. Because of a carious infectionthat has worked its way through the tooth, the root canal has already had to be treated. It will inflamed tissues removed and with a Material filled.

In some cases, however, it may be due to retained bacteria that inflammation occurs again and the Root filling needs to be revised. The removal of the root tip is recommended if a Root canal treatment would bring no further success, an apical one Periodontal disease is present, instruments have broken off and remained in the canal or there are general fractures in the lower third of the root.

The apicectomy is a surgical procedure because the gums are cut away and bone must be removed. The inflamed tissue is removed and the tip of the root is severed. Also the Root canal filling will be checked again and renewed if necessary. In the end it will surrounding tissue folded back and sewn the spot.

An alternative to a root tip resection is usually only tooth removal (extraction).

Behavior after surgery

After the operation you should take it easy and eat pulpy food first so as not to irritate the wound.

After the procedure, you should save and the body do not burden too much. It can Swelling and Pain occur because there is a wound that needs to heal. This takes time and rest. The pain usually disappears after a certain time and the Sutures are pulled after about a week. If the pain persists, it is advisable to visit the dentist again, because possibly complications may have occurred. To relieve the pain, the dentist may use pain relievers, such as Ibuprofen, be prescribed.

Means with Acetylsalicylic acid are not recommended due to the increased Bleeding tendency. The food should also be used at first not too hard and tight be. It is better to eat pulpy food so as not to irritate the wound additionally. Sweet or sour drinks, alcohol and coffee should also not be consumed for the time being, as they also have a negative impact on wound healing and can cause inflammation.

Smoking after the operation

Even if many smokers find it difficult, smoking immediately after a root tip resection is important not to be advised or to be omitted. The wound takes time to heal, which is unnecessarily delayed and difficult by the influence of a cigarette. It is advisable, Refrain from smoking for at least the first two weeks. By inhaling the substances in the cigarette, like Nicotine, tar, heavy metals, carbon monoxide, ammonia, dust etc., unclean particles get into the mouth and lie on the wound.

These "impurities" can cause inflammation in the wound. You can think of this as an injury to your hand or leg, into which you then put “dirt”. In this case, too, the wound will become infected and thereby Cause pain. The edges of the wound do not approach and the tissue becomes irritated. In this case a dentist should be consultedwhich disinfects the wound and thus removes the impurities.

Another factor that is triggered by smoking is one decreased blood flow. The gums are not adequately supplied, so that wound healing is delayed. Adequate blood flow is important to achieve good healing. In general, it is advisable not to smoke after an operation, as the organism is weakened and circulation problems, nausea or vomiting can occur.

Effect of smoking on dental health

Smoking causes blood vessels to contract and teeth become more prone to tooth decay and inflammation.

Smoking can be harmful to oral health, and not just after an operation. Nicotine consumption is one of the positive influencing factors periodontal disease that eventually leads to Tooth loss can lead. The risk of inflammation of the jaw or gums is increased by five times. Here too she plays vdecreased blood flow a role. Nicotine causes the blood vessels to contract and the blood supply to the gums is poor. This makes it harder for important cells of the immune system to reach the gums and the immune system is reduced. What is particularly insidious about it is that a smoker's gums do not bleed as quickly and thus one Inflammation only apparent late becomes. This is usually already there at an advanced stage.

The healing of such inflammation proceeds in this case also slower. Furthermore, the susceptibility to Caries elevated. Caries continues to affect the tooth until it has penetrated to the pulp.

A root canal treatment or a root tip resection may be necessary. In the worst case, however, pulling the natural tooth. Should Smoke, it is important to spend extra time and value on a good one Oral hygiene to lay. A multiple professional tooth cleaning at the dentist is also recommended. This is the only way that the resulting deposits can safely removed. This not only encourages that Dental healthbut also the appearance of the teeth. These discolour faster through tobacco consumption. Especially between the teeth a yellowish film.

Read more on the topic: Oral hygiene

What happens if you still smoke after an apicectomy?

After an apicectomy, it is very important not to smoke for at least as long as the anesthetic is still effective. In general, it is strongly advised to refrain from smoking until the wound has healed. In most cases this is about 2 weeks. Smoking increases the risk of infection and inflammation by two to six times and slows down wound healing enormously. If you do smoke after a root tip resection, the risk mentioned above increases and you expose yourself to the risk of another serious infection, which can lead to tooth loss.

The nicotine constricts the blood vessels and thus reduces the blood flow to the tissue. As a result, too few cells reach the wound via the blood and the wound cannot heal sufficiently. Furthermore, too few immune cells get there and inflammation and the associated symptoms such as increased pain, redness, swelling and warming can occur.


Smoke can not only lead to an apicectomy, but also impairs healing after such an operation. The many different ingredients lay like a layer on the fresh wound and can therefore close Wound healing disorders to lead. After such an operation, you should first refrain from smoking until the wound has healed completely. If you are unsure or have questions aIt is best to contact the treating dentist.