Dangers in the baby / children's bed


Babies sleep up to 19 hours a day in the first few months and thus spend more than half of the day in the cot. A safe sleeping environment for the baby is a prerequisite for a healthy and restful sleep. Many parents are concerned that the child could die of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Sudden infant death syndrome often occurs while sleeping and is the leading cause of death in babies. The exact cause has not yet been clarified. However, it has been found that a safe sleeping environment reduces the risk of sudden infant death syndrome. The dangers of sleeping in a cot can be avoided if parents observe a few sleeping rules.

Please also read our article on this Sudden infant death.

Which mattress is best?

Many parents think about purchasing the right mattress when buying their first equipment. Because at the beginning the baby sleeps a lot and spends a lot of time in the cot. In order to create an optimal sleeping environment for the baby, there are only a few things to consider when purchasing a mattress.
The mattress should be breathable to allow optimal air circulation. This prevents heat build-up and the baby from overheating while sleeping. Because this is a risk factor for sudden infant death syndrome. In addition, care should be taken that the mattress is not too soft. The baby shouldn't be able to sink in more than 2 cm. Because as soon as the baby can turn on its stomach on its own, it can support itself with a solid base. (s. When can babies turn?)
Most mattresses have a removable cover. This means that the mattress can also be easily cleaned if it is dirty.

What is to be considered?

Small children should initially sleep on their backs.

In order to avoid the dangers of sleeping in a baby bed, parents should consider a few things. It is recommended to let the baby sleep supine. This can prevent the baby from suffocating while sleeping. However, under supervision, the baby can also sleep in the prone position. The room temperature should be between 16 and 18 degrees. This will prevent the baby from overheating. A suitable sleeping bag and a breathable mattress also prevent heat build-up. Babies should not wear a hat or something similar while sleeping, this can also create a build-up of heat. A cot should be delimited by bars so that the baby cannot fall out while sleeping. The baby should also only sleep on the parents' bed or sofa under supervision or with sufficient restriction so that it does not fall off. In the room where the baby sleeps, better still in the whole apartment, there should be no smoking. Because nicotine increases the risk of sudden infant death.

That belongs in the cot

For a restful and safe sleep, the baby or toddler does not need many things in their cot. A suitable mattress belongs in the baby bed, regardless of whether it is a cradle, bassinet or cot. The mattress should fit into the bed and not slide around so that the baby cannot slide between the bed and the mattress. A removable cover on the mattress saves a waterproof pad. A suitable fitted sheet should be placed over the mattress. The ends of the sheet should be tucked well under the mattress so that the baby cannot pull the sheet over their face. It is recommended to use a sleeping bag instead of a blanket for the baby. This prevents the baby from sliding under the blanket unnoticed. The risk of heat build-up and the risk of suffocation is higher with a blanket than with a sleeping bag. Babies often feel lost in cribs when they are very young. A sky over the bed or a nest can counteract this. However, it should be ensured that the sky and the nest are securely attached and cannot be detached by the baby.

This is NOT allowed in the cot

So that the baby can sleep safely and unsupervised in his own bed, a few things should be observed. Except for a mattress, cover and a sleeping bag, there should be nothing in a cot.
Toys and small parts in particular should be taken out of bed while sleeping. Because there is a risk that babies and small children can put them in their mouths and choke on them. In general, children with small toys should not be left unattended. Furthermore, there should be no cuddly toys, music boxes, loose towels (including burp cloths) or additional soft, fluffy blankets in the cot. The child could pull this in front of their face while sleeping and be unable to breathe. In addition, there is no need to put a pillow, fur or another blanket underneath. This can namely also generate a build-up of heat.

Waterproof documents

From today's perspective, a waterproof pad between the sheet and the mattress is no longer recommended. Because waterproof also means that the base is usually not or only slightly permeable to air, which means that there is a risk of heat build-up. Then even the best breathable mattress is of no use. To avoid sudden infant death syndrome, it is therefore recommended not to use a waterproof pad. Therefore, when buying a mattress, it is advisable to make sure that it has a removable, washable cover.

Nest in the cot

Some studies have found that using a crib bed is a risk factor for choking in bed. Because while sleeping, babies can come face to face against the nest. The mouth and nose are covered by the nest and thus the airways are blocked. The baby is getting too little oxygen and can suffocate. If the nest is not sufficiently attached to the bed, there is a risk that the baby will pull the nest in front of its face. There is also a risk of suffocation here. Therefore, no nest should be placed in the cot.

Are bars dangerous?

Almost all cots and cribs have bars, and these are usually built in such a way that there is no danger to babies and toddlers. When buying a cot, care should be taken to ensure that the distance between two adjacent bars is at least 45 mm and at most 65 mm.
This ensures that the child does not get stuck with its head and suffocate. Furthermore, especially when buying a used bed, you should make sure that the bars are well attached and not damaged so that the child cannot loosen the bars by themselves. In general, care should be taken to ensure that the bed does not have any sharp edges or corners that could injure the baby. In addition, it should be made of a material that is harmless to health, free of harmful substances and tested. Parents can be sure that the baby can sleep in a safe environment.

Which sleeping bag is the right one?

In order to reduce dangers during sleep, parents are now advised to use a sleeping bag for their baby instead of pillows and blankets. The child could unhappily wrap itself up under blankets and suffocate. In addition, blankets increase the risk of overheating and thus of sudden infant death.
In order to take advantage of a sleeping bag for the baby, it should fit the baby properly. Because in a sleeping bag that is too large, the child can slide down and cannot breathe. The correct size for the sleeping bag results from the "formula": body length - head length + 10cm. There are also sleeping bags for summer and winter, each made of a lighter or thicker material.