Acupuncture points


Acupuncture point: Chin .: xue - opening, access (e.g. to a cave) perforation, hole, tunnel; acupuncturePoint thus translation errors; actually "access to the depth"


According to the theory of traditional chinese medicine (TCM) the different sections of the organism are connected by a network of channels, capillaries and guidelines, which in German Meridians to be named. The English name is better "Channels and collaterals"because it corresponds more to a literal translation. According to the Chinese view, the so-called flow in the meridians "Qi", which means something like life energy or force. In TCM, the meridian is not viewed as an isolated structure, but as part of a system that is classified in the so-called 5-element theory.
One of the basic assumptions of TCM is that on these particular energy paths, the meridians, as a whole 365 acupuncture points are arranged. The points are connected to one or more organs or parts of the body and can therefore influence them. If disturbances occur at an acupuncture point, this also has an influence on the organ or the part of the body that is connected to this point. It has been proven that the skin resistance is reduced in the projection zones of disorders of internal organs (i.e. at the acupuncture points). The cause are different swelling states of the skin. One distinguishes twelve main meridiansthat are mirror images on both sides of the body. Additional acupuncture points are added due to eight extra meridians and extra points.
The meridians and acupuncture points are closely related to the system of yin and yang: the inside of the body as well as the organs in which substances are stored (so-called "Zang organs"), a yin quality. The exterior of the body and also the so-called hollow organs ("Fu organs") have a Yang quality. Both qualities have to balance each other out: If a yin organ is sick, the function of its yang counterpart has to be throttled somewhat so that a balance can reign. This works with acupuncture, since each organ is assigned to a meridian and certain acupuncture points that can be addressed by acupuncture. This idea of ​​a connection between the surface and internal organs seems very confused at first, as there is no comparable structure in the human body in the current anatomy (the way blood flows in the vessels, for example). However, investigations have provided interesting results: If, for example, iodine 125 is injected into various acupuncture points on the meridians, after some time there is a significantly higher storage in the respectively assigned organ - accordingly, an injection in Ma 36 (stomach meridian, point 36) showed one Storage in the stomach. Conversely, studies on rabbit ears with peritonitis caused by administered turpentine also showed changes in skin resistance in the corresponding ear zones. Since each meridian is also assigned to a specific pulse point on the wrist, a Pulse diagnosis Provide information about which meridian and thus which organ is malfunctioning.


In an excavation in the Changsha area, southern China, scrolls from the Han dynasty (206 BC - 220 AD), in which 11 meridians were described. It was remarkable that the meridians did not form a closed circuit and had no relation to the organs. Some Chinese authors are of the opinion that the 6 meridians of the lower extremity (spleen/pancreas, kidney, liver, stomach, bladder, Gallbladder) existed and only then did the 5 meridians of the upper extremity (Small intestine, heart, Large intestine, lung, Pericardium) were constructed on the basis of the analogy. It was not until the late "Neijing" period, the so-called spring and autumn period, that they were expanded to 12 meridians. Even then, the reflective relationship between regions on the body surface - the meridians - and internal organs was recognized. In addition, it was recognized that the 12 meridians form a closed circuit that follows a 24-hour rhythm. Looking at archaeological finds, one can see that the concept of the meridian course is much older and more important than that of the acupuncture- or meridian point. Modern medicine regards the meridians as the sum of the following systems: blood vessel system, lymph vessel system, peripheral and vegetative nervous system, interstitial connective tissue and muscle chain as a functional unit (kinetic muscle chain).

Important acupuncture points

With the abundance of different Acupuncture points It goes without saying that only a few examples can be added here to clarify the function and definition of the following terms.

Antique acupuncture points

As we have seen, all major meridians begin or end on the fingers or toes with the most distant points. Of these points, 5 special so-called ancient points are assigned to each meridian. In Chinese medicine, these are interpreted as individual stages of a waterfall. The 1st ancient point is the "Fountain" ("Jing"). It is farthest away on the arm and leg, usually in the area of ​​the nail fold. Later the water becomes the source, hence the second ancient point is called "Source" ("Ying"). The third point is called because the water continues to flow electricity ("Shu"). The water then becomes a river and the 4th ancient point is called accordingly Flow ("King"). At the knee and elbow the river finally flows into the sea, hence the 5th ancient point is called "Hey or Ho point" ("Sea").
Antique points can be used in particular for functional disorders and resistance to therapy. The toning and sedation points are recruited from the ancient points.

Toning and sedation points

There is one in every main meridian Toning and sedation point. Suffice it to say that toning points are used for weak symptoms and more chronic complaints (e.g. Lu9, Di11, Ma41) and sedation points for more acute complaints (e.g. Lu5, Di2, Ma45).

Further points

In the chinese medicine divide the various points further. At this point, however, reference is made to the corresponding in-depth literature. Just to name them: Yuan points (Source points, points of origin, regulate the flow of energy), Acute xi-cleft points (Split points, move the energy in a meridian), Luo points (Networking, transit and passage points, especially used for stasis and congestion) and Luo group points, He points (lower influential points, especially to be used in the event of disorders of the organ assigned to the meridian), Master Points (Meeting points, from here the energy can be mobilized for certain body and functional areas), Shu and Mu points (Approval and alarm points, Shu points can be assigned segmentally to one of the 12 organs and Mu points correspond to the so-called Head's zones) and Reunion points (Points in which all Yang or Yin meridians reunite).