Arm muscle training
Areas of application
The isolated training of the upper arm muscles is used particularly in the area of muscle cross-sectional enlargement and advanced fitness training. In various athletic throwing and thrusting disciplines, as well as in martial arts, training the arm extensor is particularly useful, as high end speeds of the arms are required.
Arm muscles
- Two-headed upper arm muscle
(Biceps) short head -
M. biceps brachii, caput breve - Two-headed upper arm muscle
(Biceps) long head -
M. biceps brachii, caput longum - Upper arm muscle (arm flexor) -
Brachialis muscle - Three-headed upper arm muscle
(Triceps) side head -
M. triceps brachii, caput laterale - Three-headed upper arm muscle
(Triceps) long head -
M. triceps brachii, Caput longum - Three-headed upper arm muscle
(Triceps) inner head -
Triceps brachii muscle,
Caput mediale - Knobby Muscle - Muscle anconeus
- Elbow - Olecranon
- Upper arm spoke muscle -
Brachioradialis muscle - Long spoke-side hand straightener -
Muscle extensor carpi radialis longus - Spoke-sided hand flexor -
Muscle flexor carpi radialis - Superficial finger flexor -
Muscle flexor digitorum superficialis - Long palm tendon tensioner -
Palmaris longus muscle - Extensor tendon strap -
Retinaculum musculorum extensorum - Short spoke-side hand straightener -
Muscle extensor carpi radialis brevis - Elbow-sided hand flexor -
Muscle flexor carpi ulnaris - Finger extensor -
Muscle extensor digitorum - Trapezius -
Trapezius muscle - Deltoid -
Deltoid muscle - Pectoralis major -
Pectoralis major muscle
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Definition of muscle building
Muscle building training is about targeted muscle building with various objectives.
This can be for purely aesthetic reasons, especially with arm muscle training, but at the same time therapeutic effects can also be used that can be achieved through improved muscles. By building muscle, chronic complaints, for example in the spine, can be alleviated or completely eliminated.
Of the Washboard abs, a well educated Chest muscles and exercising upper arms through arm muscle training are the priorities in the training schedule of most male gym goers. Even if this muscle group does not work out health-promoting aspects arm flexors and arm extensors are trained in a variety of exercises. Since the training mostly takes place while standing, it is important to pay particular attention to the correct technique in order to avoid injuries to the spine.
An isolated training of these muscle groups is not absolutely necessary, since all pulling movements of the biceps muscle and all movements in which the weight is pushed away from the body stresses the triceps.
The front part of the upper arm muscles forms the biceps arm muscles (M. biceps brachii). It is mostly through the Biceps curl, or doing variations of the biceps curl. The back of the upper arm muscle, the three-headed arm extensors (M. triceps brachii) is mostly through the Triceps extension or the nosebreaker trained in isolation.
Find out more about this muscle group at: Upper arm muscles.
For many people, the training of the arm muscles is an important part of the workout, because defined upper and lower arms not only look beautiful but the arm muscles are also not completely unimportant for a wide variety of everyday tasks. The exercises can be divided into three areas, exercises for the biceps, triceps and forearm muscles.
Muscle exercises for the biceps
The biceps is for that diffraction of the arm and actually smaller in volume than its counterpart, the triceps. The most famous exercises for the biceps are pushups and Biceps curls.
- Biceps exercises that are performed with the dumbbell are characterized by a free exercise, that is, the movement is not guided by a device, but must be freely balanced and coordinated in all dimensions.
Therefore, these exercises are more suitable for advanced strength athletes.
- Hammer curls are a comparatively simple biceps exercise in which the biceps, the arm flexors and the upper arm spoke muscles are trained. The long and short radial hand extensors, the ulnar hand extensors, the common finger extensors and the little finger extensors have a supportive effect.
- The concentration curls are also a good entry-level exercise for the biceps. The target muscles of this exercise are the biceps and arm flexors, which are supported by hand and finger extensors as well as hand and finger flexors.Concentration curls on the deep block are performed on one side and are more suitable for experienced athletes.
- The classic biceps curls are another exercise that is well suited for beginners. Arm flexors and biceps form the target muscles, which are supported by the upper arm spoke muscle, round inward rotators, and finger and wrist flexors.
- Barbell curls can be performed with the EZ bar or a barbell bar.
- Scott curls with the SZ bar on the Larry Scott Bench are a simple exercise for the biceps and arm flexors. As a variant, the Scott curls can also be performed on a device.
- For reverse curls you need a barbell or an SZ bar. The target muscles for this exercise are the biceps, arm flexors and the upper arm spokes.
- Drag curls
- Biceps curls with the Theraband, on the deep block with a barbell or on the incline bench. Biceps exercises on the cable / block can be done on the same or both sides. Biceps and arm flexors form the target muscles in this exercise.
Other exercises are biceps curls on two deep blocks, Lying biceps curls on the deep block and biceps curls on two tall blocks.
Muscle exercises for the triceps
The exercises for the triceps are always stretching movements in which the arm is stretched against a weight or resistance. In contrast to the biceps, which has two heads, the triceps is a three-headed muscle and makes up the greater part of the upper arm circumference.
- Arnold flat bench dips are good practice for beginners. In this exercise, the target muscles are the triceps, cartilaginous muscles, anterior part of the deltoid, and pectoralis major.
- Cable triceps extension is another easy exercise for inexperienced athletes. Triceps and cartilaginous muscles are the target muscles in this very effective exercise.
- Triceps extensions with a barbell or an EZ bar on the flat bench are triceps exercises that are more suitable for advanced strength athletes. The EZ bar is preferable to the barbell bar for this exercise because of the stress placed on the wrist and should be grasped by the inner portion of the bar. The target muscles for this exercise are the triceps and cartilage muscles.
How to lose weight on the upper arm, read under:
How can you lose weight on the upper arm?
- Triceps extension over the head on the cable pull is a similar exercise and also targets the triceps and cartilaginous muscles. In this exercise you sit with your back to the cable tower and all three heads of the triceps are stressed equally.
- At the one-armed triceps extension while lying down Triceps and cartilaginous muscles are trained the hardest, with all three heads being stressed equally with the triceps. To perform this rather difficult and rarely seen exercise you need one Dumbbell and a Flat bench.
- The one-armed triceps extension with the Theraband is an effective exercise in which all dimensions of movement must be controlled, which makes it very effective. In this exercise, which is more suitable for experienced athletes, the triceps and cartilaginous muscles are the target muscles that are most used. The advantage of the Theraband is the flexible adjustment of the load by shortening or lengthening the Theraband.
- Triceps kickbacks with the Theraband are another exercise for the more advanced. This exercise is performed alternately and only one arm is trained at a time, which makes it more of a long-term exercise.
- Other simple triceps exercises include:
- Forehead press
- tight bench press
- Triceps pushups
- dumbbell triceps extension with both arms
- Kickbacks
- one-armed triceps extension
- Dumbbell forehead press
- kneeling triceps press on the cable
- Even for experienced strength athletes, there are other exercises for triceps training:
- One-armed triceps press on the cable pulley
- Forehead press on the deep block
- Dips
Muscle exercises for the forearm
The exercises for arm training also include the forearms in the program. For one, the muscles of the forearms can be broken down by many Grip exercises that we have already seen with the biceps (for example, with the curls).
There are also many Curl exercises which only relate to turning the forearms. By rotating the wrist, the different muscles of the forearms are contracted to a greater or lesser extent.
The forearm muscles consist of two muscle layers. If you let the arm hang down loosely on the body, then on the inside are the flexors that bend the arm and on the outside the extensors that stretch the arm.
- The Wrist bends with a dumbbell or barbell is good exercise for advanced athletes. This exercise works the inner part of the forearm muscles, hand and finger flexors. The palm of the hand points upwards and the wrist is maximally bent up to the very top and then returned to the starting position. When bending, the athlete is seated and the wrist is stretched downwards. When inhaling, the wrist is now maximally flexed; when exhaling, you return to the starting position.
- The Wrist flexing with the barbell can also while standing behind the back performed, exercising the flexors of the forearm. In the starting position, the palms point backwards. From this position, the hands are rolled into a fist and the hands are bent upwards.
- The flexion exercises can also be trained with other aids in addition to the dumbbells. Tera bands can also be used, for example.
In addition to the flexion exercises, there are also stretching exercises for the forearms:
- The Wrist stretches can with a dumbbell or a barbell are executed. The dumbbell is gripped from the top so that the back of the hand is facing up towards the ceiling and the inside is facing down towards the floor. In the starting position, the wrist is bent downwards and from this position extended upwards with the exhalation. Finally, the wrist is bent down again. When doing the stretching exercises, make sure that the wrist is only stretched out of the flexion so that it forms a line with the forearm.
- The Barbell curls In the overhand grip are another exercise that primarily trains the hand extensor and arm flexor.
The execution is very similar to the normal barbell curls and you start the exercise in a stable stance. The barbell is held with straight arms in the overhand grip and from this position slowly bent upwards, the wrists remain extended. Then the dumbbell is slowly returned to the starting position.
By not fully extending your arms in the starting position and maintaining a small amount of flexion, you can reduce recovery and thus increase the intensity of the exercise at will.
Further information
You can find more information on individual muscle groups with different types of exercise here
- Arm muscle training
- Abs workout
- Leg muscle training
- Chest muscle training
- Fat burning
- Back training
- Shoulder muscle training
- Neck muscle training
- Training plans
- Weight training without equipment
- Strength training exercises
- Washboard abs
- Washboard abs exercises
- Fitness gloves
Training with the expander