Bach flowers in despair

Which Bach flowers are used?

The following Bach flowers can be used for people who suffer from despair and discouragement:

  • Crab Apple (crab apple)
  • Elm (elm)
  • Oak
  • Pine (Scottish Pine)
  • Larch (lark)
  • Willow (yellow willow)
  • Sweet Chestnut (sweet chestnut)
  • Star of Bethlehem (Doldiger Milchstern)

Crab Apple (crab apple)

  • You feel polluted, unclean or infected inside and out
  • Cleansing bloom
  • One strives for purity, order, perfection
  • One has a keen sense of mental hygiene, one feels sinful and defiled
  • You don't want any disorder in public or private life
  • Everything has to look like it's peeled from an egg (Addiction to cleaning) and one also strives for cleanliness in interpersonal relationships
  • Outwardly everything is fine (conflicts are swept under the rug!)
  • One is disgusted with dirt, insects, bacteria and also with one's own symptoms of illness (rashes, WasZen etc.)
  • This strong need for cleaning can lead to compulsive behavior (Neuroses how Compulsory washing, Order etc.)
  • People who Crab Apple need are often petty shopkeepers and pedants
  • You lose sight of the essentials and get irritated by little things

Positive development opportunities: Generosity, sense of general context, details become unimportant.

Further information on Crab Apple (crab apple) in case of despair and discouragement under our topic: Crab Apple

Elm (elm)

  • You have the temporary feeling that you are not up to your task, that you do not have the strength to do everything you want and need
  • Elm is the smelling salt of the strong in the hour of weakness
  • One has taken over
  • You have a sense of responsibility and ideals and tend to take on too much responsibility, you load yourself up a lot and risk being overwhelmed and overloaded
  • The breakdown is mostly on a psychological level (for example, a blackout during exams), but injuries due to excessive physical activity are also possible
  • Elm is usually a flower that is only needed temporarily.

Positive development opportunities: strong personality with strong skills, compassionate attitude, positive leadership personality.

More information about Elm (elm) in desperation under our topic: Elm


  • You feel like a dejected, brave fighter who continues anyway
  • You take responsibility voluntarily (Pine for example is forced to take responsibility), is active, persevering, wants to do everything himself
  • Oak personalities do not give up, they feel like the pillars, must not get sick, cannot delegate
  • Duty is more important. This results in excessive demands on your own person, you are exhausted but still carry on
  • Other people are pressured to be hardworking too
  • Diseases like high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis are common

Positive development opportunities: Strength, endurance, strength, perseverance, reason in relation to one's own physical needs (periods of rest).

More information about Oak in case of despair and despair under our topic: Oak

Pine (Scottish Pine)

  • You blame yourself, feel guilty
  • has the feeling of not being worth something
  • One has fear Made a mistake and fears punishment
  • You place the highest demands on yourself - more than you do on others - and feel guilty when you can't meet them
  • Pine personalities Often apologize, downplay their own performance, and sometimes feel responsible for others' mistakes
  • One is forced to take responsibility (example: single parents feel guilty about their children, are overworked and drained)

Positive development opportunities: Ability to recognize errors as normal

More information about Pine (Scottish Pine) in desperation under our topic: Pine

Larch (lark)

  • One has Inferiority complexes
  • Expectation of failure Lack of self-confidence
  • You don't trust yourself, you have too little courage, you have inner fears and you don't want to fail (you don't even try!)
  • One is afraid to embarrass oneself
  • You feel inferior to other people right from the start and don't doubt this attitude, but are convinced of your own inability
  • People in need of Larch often suffered from negative parental attitudes in childhood
  • The sense of achievement is missing and the self-esteem is broken (children don't dare to say anything at school because they are afraid of being laughed at)
  • Larch types appear very sensible, feel useless, are wistful, comfortable (inner comfort) but also vain
  • As physical symptoms are often used Back pain described (no backbone!)

Positive development opportunities: see things more realistically and more relaxed, do not let setbacks discourage you.

More information about Larch (lark) in case of despair and despair under our topic: Larch

Willow (yellow willow)

  • One is bitter, feels like a "victim of fate"
  • has self-pity
  • You have to give up privileges, life situation worsens (unemployed, chronically ill etc.)
  • You're in a bad mood instead of making the most of it
  • You only see difficulties and no opportunities
  • Compare to previous happy times
  • People who Willow need have often become mentally and physically immobile (illnesses that limit mobility).

Positive development opportunities: Personal responsibility, constructive thinking, how can I make the best of this situation.

More information about Willow (yellow willow) in desperation under our topic: Willow

Sweet Chestnut (sweet chestnut)

  • It is believed that the limits of what a person can endure have now been reached
  • Personality has run out of Latin and seeks help from other people
  • It is said: “I'm finished, I don't know how to continue”.
  • You are in an extreme mental state of emergency:
    with the move on the wall, between heaven and earth, in nowhere, at night, without day again!
  • People who Sweet Chestnut need, believe god forgot her.

Positive development opportunities: Learning that it has to be night to be day again. Get up like a phoenix from the ashes.

More information about Sweet Chestnut (sweet chestnut) in desperation under our topic: Sweet Chestnut

Star of Bethlehem (Doldiger Milchstern)

  • One has not yet coped with a mental or physical shock. "
  • The comforter of the soul "
  • You are in State of shock
  • Traumatic experiences that sometimes appear insignificant to the outside world cannot be forgotten
  • It has not been processed and is blocked
  • Often suddenly occurring diseases (Speech disorders triggered by shock, soft speech, frozen facial expressions).

Positive development opportunities: Awakening and reorientation.

More information about Star of Bethlehem (Doldiger Milchstern) in despair and discouragement under our topic: Star of Bethlehem