Chest pain from thoracic organs
Chest pain caused by organs in the chest
It stands to reason that organs that are in the area of chest or des Rib cage are located, can also cause chest discomfort due to diseases. For this reason, one should also make this assumption when a patient comes across Chest pain or Tension in the chest complains. Diseases of Heart can cause chest pain. Here are the first Angina pectoris or coronary heart disease (CHD) that can cause such symptoms.
In the case of accompanying illnesses, such as high blood pressure, increased cholesterol in the blood, lack of exercise and Obesity the vessels that supply the heart with oxygen-rich blood can become clogged. One also speaks of atherosclerotic changes in the heart vessels.
If these vessels become narrowed, not enough oxygen-rich blood can reach the heart muscle. In this case the patient feels pain in the chest, which he feels as pulling or cutting, possibly in the left poor radiating. If an area of the corresponding artery is still open, the patient will probably not have any complaints at rest, but only when exerting. One speaks of a stable Angina pectoristo be examined. If the vessels become almost completely blocked, the patient will have symptoms even at rest (unstable angina pectoris). This is an absolute emergency as it will be life-threatening in the foreseeable future Infarct can result. The discomfort of an unstable Angina pectoris are usually stronger and require immediate treatment (first with glycerine strokes under the tongue). The Angina pectoris is diagnosed less by its painful nature than by its time of occurrence. Because chest pain of whatever kind, which mainly occurs during physical exertion, speaks very much for this clinical picture. Often only a feeling of pressure on the patient's chest is caused by a Heart disease described.
A patient with an acute heart attack complains of severe to extremely severe chest pain. In this state, the above-mentioned vascular constriction is completely closed. Parts of the heart muscle can no longer be supplied with sufficient oxygen-rich blood and die. The pain is described as life threatening. Most patients state that they have never had such pain in their life. The pain is usually associated with restlessness, sweating, tremors and possibly shortness of breath. Patients grasp the chest area. The pain caused by a heart attack can also radiate to the left arm, lower jaw, and upper abdomen. Nausea, which is statistically more pronounced in heart attacks in women than in men, is also described at times. Pulling, biting, cutting, the rib cage spanning and pain that moves to correspondingly wider regions is characteristic of an acute myocardial infarction, which is a life-threatening situation and requires immediate emergency treatment. The pain is not dependent on position or breath and is permanent. Lighter symptoms that do not correspond to the full picture of a heart attack do not exclude a heart attack and must also be checked.
Severe chest pain, which is also described as cutting or biting and which occurs depending on the breath, could have been triggered by a pulmonary embolism. Here, small particles of clotted blood close a vascular pathway supplying the lungs. Pulmonary embolism is a life-threatening infarction of the lungs, which in many cases is fatal despite immediate treatment. The patients complain of extreme pain in the lungs that is dependent on breathing and, in some cases, extreme dyspnoea and coughing. Sometimes the pulmonary embolism can only be felt by a pulling in the left chest. Often the symptoms appear for the first time after physical exertion or while using the toilet (strong pressing) on. Blood particles may or may not be mixed in with the cough. Typically, pulmonary embolism pain does not have the same distribution pattern as radiating to the jaw or left arm. Here, too, the accompanying circumstances are often decisive for the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism. Patients who have lived for a long time, e.g. who have spent little exercise lying down in hospital are always at great risk of developing pulmonary embolism.
Severe to severe chest pain that suddenly shoots in and occurs could also be caused by a so-called aortic dissection. This refers to a tear in the main artery (aorta), which runs from the heart in an arc towards the abdomen. If a layer of the artery tears and bleeds into the vessel, it is called an aortic dissection. This then usually also resolves after physical activities, e.g. Lifting heavy objects, this severe pain from. Often the symptoms also radiate into the back, which suggests an aortic dissection. If the main artery is completely torn or torn open, it is a life-threatening situation that must be treated surgically immediately. Patients with high blood pressure and a family history are particularly at risk for aortic dissection. However, this vascular disease is usually only discovered when the patient goes to hospital with the symptoms.
Read more on this topic: Aortic dissection
If one of the heart valves is narrowing (see aortic valve stenosis) or the mitral valve is bulging (mitral valve prolapse), the patient can also angina pectinous Feel discomfort with a feeling of pressure on the chest. If the aortic valve is narrowing, the symptoms usually occur at rest and then get worse and worse. In the case of mitral valve prolapse, the symptoms occur during exercise.
Chest pain can also be caused by inflammation of the pericardium (Pericarditis) to be triggered. Above all, the patient feels sharp pain. This pain can be aggravated when lying down and lying on your left side. If the patient sits up or turns to the right, the symptoms usually improve. Symptoms of pericarditis must also be considered in order to establish a diagnosis. Most patients also complain of a high fever.
Sharp chest pain can also be caused by something called a pneumothorax. The lungs are suspended from the rib cage by the pleura. There is a gap between the lungs and pleura, which is held together by a liquid and a negative pressure. In the event of a mechanical tear, fluid emerges from the gap, the negative pressure is lost and the lungs purr on one side, which, in addition to sudden shortness of breath and a massive drop in performance, causes stabbing chest pain. If the constricted lungs shift the chest organs in the opposite direction, a life-threatening situation occurs that must be treated surgically as quickly as possible (Tension pneumothorax). A pneumothorax can occur primarily after mechanical events (e.g. blunt injuries after a car accident or after a strong cough in young people).
Uncontrolled high blood pressure can also lead to chest pain. This is a so-called hypertensive crisis that causes pain mainly behind the breastbone, occurs suddenly and can also cause a feeling of tightness. Chest pain can also be caused by a variety of lung diseases, such as Pneumonia, bronchitis and lung tumors. In contrast to tumorous diseases of the lungs, chest pain in inflammatory diseases of the airways is more fluctuating and dependent on coughs. Chest pain caused by a tumor is mostly caused by a displacing or ingrowing process.
Disorders of the esophagus can also cause chest pain. A tear in the esophagus (Mallory Weiss Syndrome), which occurs especially in alcoholic and vomiting patients, can cause tearing, pulling and stabbing chest pain. A feeling of pressure or breathing-dependent discomfort or pulling in the left arm tend not to occur. A tear in the esophagus is also often associated with bloody vomiting, which is absent in the other diseases that cause chest pain. A movement disorder of the esophagus (Achalasia) can also cause cramp-like chest pain when eating. There were also complaints here, as with the Angina pectoris described.