These can be the consequences of anemia
Anemia is a disease that mostly affects women. This leads to a reduced concentration of red blood cells (erythrocytes) and / or the red blood pigment (hemoglobin) in the blood. The cause is usually iron deficiency, but chronic blood loss and other blood formation disorders can also be the cause of the symptoms.
Symptoms such as tiredness, paleness and headache are typical. The treatment consists of the therapy of the underlying disease, often iron must also be taken in the form of tablets or drops. The consequences of anemia are mainly based on a difficult oxygen transport, so that deficiency symptoms occur in different areas of the body.
Typical consequences of anemia
a headache
Racing heart
Angina pectoris
Heart attack
Poor concentration
Poor performance
Torn corners of the mouth
Mucous membrane defects (aphthae)
Brittle hair and nails
Dizziness is a very unspecific symptom that can indicate diseases of various organs. Common causes of anemia are an insufficient supply of blood and oxygen to the brain and excessive strain on the cardiovascular system. Anemia is often caused by a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin and erythrocytes (red blood cells). Hemoglobin is responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood. This transport is disturbed by the anemia, so that there can be a lack of oxygen in several organs. The brain is particularly sensitive to the lower amount of oxygen. This can initially lead to difficulty concentrating, headaches and dizziness.
The dizziness usually results from a dysregulation of different brain areas with each other. If individual areas of the brain are permanently undersupplied, the brain cells can die. The anemia also makes the cardiovascular system work harder. This can lead to a reduced blood flow. If the brain is not supplied with sufficient blood, the lack of blood and nutrients can also lead to dizziness and even fainting.
Find out all about the topic here: The causes of dizziness.
The shortness of breath
Shortness of breath is a typical symptom that can occur with severe blood deficiency. The missing red blood cells with their red blood pigment are responsible for transporting oxygen out of the lungs. In the case of anemia, this transport is disrupted. This can lead to shortness of breath, especially during physical (and psychological) exertion. The body tries to absorb more oxygen, which can be transported to the muscles, for example.
Angina pectoris
Angina pectoris is a symptom that indicates a decreased oxygen supply to the heart muscles. In the case of anemia, the symptoms are based on two different mechanisms. On the one hand, the heart has to pump harder so that all blood components containing oxygen and red blood cells get into the circulation. This makes the heart overwork and can cause angina.
In addition, the heart also needs a greater amount of oxygen due to its increased work. If this cannot be transported to the heart muscle due to the anemia, angina pectoris occurs, in the worst case a heart attack.
Read more about the topic here: Angina pectoris.
The poor performance
Inefficiency is often found in anemia and usually appears as one of the first symptoms of anemia. The underperformance can be both physical (physical) and psychological (mental).
This is due to a reduced supply of blood and oxygen to the brain and muscles. If there is too little oxygen, the muscles cannot work enough and they tire quickly. The brain also reduces its performance when there is insufficient oxygen, making it harder to concentrate.
The lack of concentration
The lack of concentration as a result of anemia can also be explained by the low supply of oxygen and other nutrients through the blood.
Due to the lack of erythrocytes (red blood cells) and hemoglobin (red blood pigment), not enough oxygen can penetrate all the cells of the brain. This slows down the processing processes in the brain and therefore also affects the ability of those affected to concentrate. In addition, there are often complaints such as tiredness, poor performance and headaches.
Find out more about the topic here: The lack of concentration.
Fatigue is a symptom that suggests the brain to take a break. The increased tiredness in anemia is caused by a lower supply of the brain cells with oxygen and other nutrients. This results in a slowdown in cell activity. It is not for nothing that yawning (a reaction of the body to insufficient oxygen in the brain) is a typical gesture when one is tired.
Chronic fatigue? More information can be found here.
The racing heart
The racing heart (also called tachycardia) describes an increase in the heart rate in adults to over one hundred beats per minute. The racing heart can occur, for example, as a result of anemia.
So that the body is adequately supplied with oxygen despite the reduced concentration of red blood pigment and red blood cells, the few erythrocytes that are present have to carry more oxygen or be loaded with oxygen more frequently. An increased heart rate is necessary so that the erythrocytes can be loaded more frequently and can reach the organs more quickly.
This article might also interest you: The racing heart.
The pale skin
The pale skin is one of the first symptoms of anemia, along with inefficiency and fatigue. Not only is the skin affected, the mucous membranes also appear less pink to pale. This can be seen particularly well on the conjunctiva of the eye or on the oral mucosa.
The oral mucosa can also be attacked in other ways by the anemia, this manifests itself in mucous membrane defects such as aphthous ulcers in the mouth.
The cracked corners of the mouth
Cracked corners of the mouth, also called rhagades, are a typical sign of anemia. This symptom occurs particularly with anemia caused by iron deficiency. The corners of the mouth tear at the transition from the upper to the lower lip. In addition to anemia, the reason for this can also be dry skin.
The cracked corners of the mouth are often painful and cause frequent problems, especially when eating and speaking.
Also read the article: The corners of the mouth torn.