Duration of tonsillitis


The duration of tonsillitis depends heavily on the form and cause of the disease.

In the case of tonsillitis (medical: Tonsillar angina) are the tonsils (Tonsils) ignited.
In general, a distinction must be made between acute tonsillitis and chronic tonsillitis.

The almonds are part of the body's immune system, so they usually prevent infections from spreading throughout the body.
However, it can happen that the body's immune protection is insufficient and the tonsils ignite.

Usually bacteria are responsible for the inflammation of the tonsils. Depending on which bacteria are causing the inflammation, tonsillitis lasts differently.
In some cases it may be advisable to surgically remove the tonsils to avoid recurring inflammation of the tonsils.

The duration of tonsillitis depends largely on the form and cause of the disease.
In the case of acute tonsillitis, it can take about two weeks between the onset of symptoms and the healing of the disease, whereby the use of antibiotics can usually shorten the course of the disease.

Chronic tonsillitis has symptoms for 3 months and the disease can be cured by surgical removal of the tonsils.


Depending on whether it is a chronic or acute Tonsillitis different symptoms occur.

Of the Main difference consists in the Strength the perceived symptoms.
Patients who suffer from acute tonsillitis usually complain severe sore throat, difficulties swallowing as well as a high temperature.

A chronic tonsillitis Has milder symptoms and may have resulted from an acute tonsillitis.
Slight difficulty swallowing and a scratchy throat are typical of chronic tonsillitis.

The Duration of symptoms is a another distinguishing feature of the two diseases.
So should a acute Tonsillitis after about 2 weeks be healed while by definition a chronic Tonsillitis symptoms over 3 months shows away.

Figure tonsillitis

Figure tonsillitis

A - tonsillitis - Tonsilitis
B - Simple catharrhal angina -
Angina catarrhalis
C - throat findings in diphtheria
D - ulcers in bacterial
Forms of angina

  1. Palatine almond bay -
    Tonsillar fossa
  2. Hard palate -
    Palatum durum
  3. Posterior palatal arch -
    Arcus palatopharyngeus
  4. Anterior palatal arch -
    Arcus palatoglossus
  5. Palatine almond -
    Palatine tonsil
  6. Back of tongue -
    Dorsum linguae
  7. Uvula + soft palate
    (Soft palate) -
    Uvula palatina + palatum molle
  8. Meandering -
    Isthmus faucium
  9. Throat (back wall) -

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The Duration of tonsillitis is also used by the respective cause the disease determined.

This is mainly due to the good treatment option in acute tonsillitis caused by bacteria.

Especially in adults are mostly bacteria for inflammation responsiblewhich can be treated very well with the use of antibiotics.
Acute tonsillitis caused by bacteria usually heal with antibiotic therapy within a week from.

In individual cases it can take longer to fully recover, but the period should not exceed 2 weeks.

At a viral Tonsillitis antibiotics don't helpwhy this sometimes longer need to heal completely.
But tonsillitis is also usually a viral cause of inflammation healed within two weeks.

Sick leave

As it increases with tonsillitis uncomfortable symptoms like fever, strengthen Sore throat, Difficulties swallowing, as well as aching limbs and general exhaustion, normal work or school life is in many cases not possible.

In addition, tonsillitis highly contagious is and therefore also a Stay away from healthy people is advisable.

Depending on the clinical picture, the attending physician provides a so-called Certificate of disability over a few days out.
A renewal at the next appointment with the respective doctor anytime possible.

In addition to the sick leave, a follow-up appointment with the doctor also enables a Assessment of the treatment success and any necessary changes in therapy.


The use of antibiotics can significantly shorten the duration of bacterial tonsillitis.

The correct Therapy for tonsillitis is fundamental after the cause the disease.

So many acute tonsillitis are caused by bacteria that good with Antibiotics treated can be.
The Duration of intake of the drug depends on the antibiotic prescribed.

Usually become tonsillitis With penicillin treated, where a Use for 10 days should take place.
Even if the complaints already before should disappear after taking all tablets completely the drug over be taken so that the formation of Resistances prevented will and all bacteria eliminated become.

For viral tonsillitis antibiotics don't help. Usually the inflammation of a viral cause heals by itself and it can only Protection and medication for Symptom relief recommended.

In the case of recurrent and chronic tonsillitis, a operational Removal of the tonsils may be considered.

Treatment with or without antibiotics?

Depending on the cause of the occurrence of the inflammation, taking antibiotics may die Duration the disease reduce significantly.

So can a bacterially caused tonsillitis, which without taking of antibiotics over two weeks can persist due to the antibiotic much faster heal. Usually the symptoms of bacterial tonsillitis are caused by taking antibiotics within the first two to three days strong back.

Still one should taking the drug completely done to prevent the emergence of antibiotic resistance as well Recurrence or chronification to prevent the disease.
In the presence of bacterial tonsillitis should In any case antibiotic therapy to prevent serious late complications.

At viral tonsillitis can the Taking antibiotic on the other hand not recommended become.
Viral tonsillitis must be so from that body's own Immune systems are fought and usually heal within two weeks out.

Fever with tonsillitis

Since tonsillitis is an infection that often causes entire organism limited in its function is the occurrence of fever a common symptom of this inflammation.

Viral Tonsillitis often quit with a cold to which also with a fever can go hand in hand.

Bacterial Tonsillitis cause also feverwhen the causative bacteria enter the bloodstream.
In the case of bacterial tonsillitis, antibiotic therapy should generally be started also treated the fever.

For example, the fever can be treated with antipyretic drugs and antibiotics and should not last long.
In case the fever even during therapy occurs with antibiotics, it could be a viral inflammation or resistant bacteria.

In these cases it should consulted a doctor which the individual Adjust therapy can.

Duration in children and infants

Tonsillitis in children and toddlers are a very common Illness.

Depending on the age of the child, a diagnosis of inflammation difficult be.
An important indicator of the presence of tonsillitis is when children are no appetite show and in general don't want to eat anymore due to the Pain when swallowing.

Most are Children between five and fifteen years of age affected.
Both bacteria can also occur in children as well as Viruses can be responsible for the inflammation, with bacteria being a possible cause, especially in children.

A smear and a Assessment of Blood tests to distinguish between the two possible causes.

The duration of tonsillitis does not differ between children and adults.
So should tonsillitis within one to two weeks be healed.

Through the Taking antibiotics can have bacterial tonsillitis cured faster be than without taking the drug.
Especially because there is a risk of chronic tonsillitis, it should Illness taken seriously and an antibiotic should be taken if the cause is bacterial.

Duration of the risk of infection

If the symptoms of tonsillitis are still present, it must be assumed that there is still a risk of infection.

Tonsillitis is independent of whether it is viral or bacterial, highly contagious.

The Duration of infection However, it varies depending on the pathogen and treatment.
Viral tonsillitis are commonly longer contagious than bacterial inflammation of the tonsils.

Especially when one Taking antibiotics has occurred, bacterial tonsillitis is already no longer contagious after a short time.

To determine if a person has tonsillitis still contagious the complaints can be used for orientation.
are no more complaints is the probability of one Contagion rather low.

It should be noted, however, that a person can be contagious even when they are just infected but has not yet experienced any symptoms.

So the absence of symptoms can be used as an indicator only at the end of the illness be used.