Diet pills


For many people, a slim body is the epitome of attractiveness. Many struggle with their own well-being and make numerous attempts to tackle excess fat deposits. Sooner or later, many people who want to lose weight reach their physical and mental limits and, after unsuccessful crash diets and excessive sports programs, resort to more extreme means. The industry supports the illusion that there is a shortcut to the dream figure without restrictions in eating behavior - so-called diet pills should make this possible.

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  • diet
  • Decrease with the help of tablets or capsules

What diet pills are there?

There are many diet pills on the market.Since obesity is widespread in our society today, the industry makes billions in sales every year with the supposed miracle drugs. In addition to pills and powders available in drugstores and supermarkets, there are even prescription drugs that are misused as diet pills. Its actual effect in the weight loss process is very questionable, but its sometimes considerable side effects are all the more dangerous. Below we introduce some of these diet pills.

  • Laxatives: Laxatives or laxatives are drugs used to treat constipation and accelerate defecation. Read more about this under: Lose Weight With Laxatives - Is It Dangerous?
  • Fat binders: Fat binders intervene in the metabolism and slow down the absorption and digestion of dietary fats.
  • Appetite suppressants: They are said to have a dampening effect on the feeling of hunger by being active directly in the hunger center of the central nervous system. Many are prescription-only, expensive, and can cause serious side effects.
  • Fiber: A balanced diet should be high in fiber, i.e. it should contain lots of low-calorie vegetables and healthy whole grain products. This creates a feeling of fullness quickly with a low calorie intake. Pills are also said to have this effect.
  • Carnitine: Carnitine is a natural actor in the energy metabolism of the body cells and acts as a receptor for fatty acids. In some places it is touted as a fat burner, a notable success by taking carnitine has not yet been proven.
  • Diuretics: Diuretics or water tablets are prescription drugs and are prescribed, for example, for severe heart failure. They reduce the resistance the heart works against by flushing water out of the body. At the same time, many electrolytes are lost, which can lead to severe cardiac arrhythmias.
  • Homeopathy: Friends of homeopathy will also find globules here that can support a diet. Globuli Fucus vesiculosus D6, for example, allegedly works as a metabolism booster, against the desire for sweets Argentum nitricum D12.
  • Herbal remedies: Substances from nature should naturally curb the appetite or stimulate fat burning. However, their effect in the form of non-standardized dosages that have not been proven in studies is questionable.

Read more about this: Fat blockers

What prescription diet pills are there?

A large number of the advertised diet pills are prescription drugs that have to be prescribed by a doctor. These preparations are usually used for other serious illnesses and Often misused as a weight loss product outside of the guidelines. These are highly potent drugs that are partly with significant side effects accompanied. Self-therapy with prescription diet pills should under no circumstances be carried out without medical supervision, as life-threatening conditions can otherwise occur. Prescription drugs that are misused as diet pills include Laxatives and diuretics, There are also Appetite suppressants.

Course of a diet with diet pills

Diet pills often promise significant success and without any action on the part of the consumer. Those who want to lose weight can lose weight simply by their supposed influence on the metabolism. In the best of cases, diet pills are an extra in the diet and support a change in diet. Unfortunately there is no getting around it. If you want to lose weight permanently in the form of fat, you have to consume less energy than you need.

Taking miracle pills alone does not lead to any success. Most diet pills are anyway completely ineffective, in the worst case even dangerous. So if you want to lose weight, you should change your diet. In some cases, even small changes such as leaving out sweet drinks and juices or sweets and chips in front of the TV can cause weight loss. If you want to achieve long-term success, you should eat a balanced diet, consume plenty of protein and sufficient healthy fats and reduce your intake of carbohydrates a little.

There is one important thing with every approach Reduction in caloric intake and an increase in the body's consumption of calories. If you want to increase your energy consumption, you should add to diet more exercise and physical activity set in everyday life. Endurance training also strengthens the cardiovascular system and strength training with weights builds healthy, lean muscles that have a significantly higher energy turnover than fat mass even at rest.

How do diet pills work?

To say that diet pills don't work would be negligent and untrue. Diet pills can namely life threatening side effects especially when it comes to prescription drugs that are misused.

Diet pills and the way they are marketed hide the consumer that a lifestyle change is necessary to lose weight. In addition, they make the wallet easier by a not inconsiderable amount every month. Diet pills have a lot of unpleasant to serious side effects, theirs However, the main effect has not been scientifically proven. None of the commercially available preparations has shown a significant effect on the metabolism in human experiments, even appetite suppressants can be ineffective due to years of neglecting one's own feelings of satiety.

Side effects of diet pills

Especially diet pills that require a prescription can have serious side effects. Diuretics can to severe irregular heartbeat as well as laxative abuse through loss of water and electrolytes. Numerous Appetite suppressants had to be taken off the market after it was too Palpitations, high blood pressure, pulmonary hypertension and even deaths have occurred.

To be able to achieve weight loss Dietary fiber supplements or carnitine provide maximum support, however, gastrointestinal side effects can also occur here. Weight loss can also be successful if you do not take diet pills, while the annoying to life-threatening side effects are avoided.

How dangerous can diet pills be?

Many substances that are misused as diet pills do not require a prescription for free. It is indicated for diseases that must be treated with strong drugs. Often is hers Ingestion associated with side effects. Laxatives, but especially diuretics, lead to an extreme loss of water with the loss of important minerals, which can lead to cardiac arrhythmias. In the worst case scenario, these can be fatal. Deaths have also been recorded among appetite suppressants. Diet pills can therefore be extremely dangerous. Since they have practically no part in weight loss, it is not morally justifiable to accept these serious side effects.

How much can I lose weight with the diet?

For diets with diet pills as an addition to a balanced diet and physical activity in everyday life, i.e. a change in the previous way of life, can work. However, the success is not due to the slimming pills. A Decrease always results from a calorie deficit, i.e. a deficit in the energy consumed through food and the energy used by the body during the day. Only in this way does the body go to its energy reserves and begin to eliminate fat deposits.

A healthy, balanced diet and moderate exercise is particularly effective with a high initial weight and radical changes in lifestyle. In the beginning, up to one kilo of body weight can be lost here. In the course of the diet and with decreasing body weight, the turnover also decreases, but with a calorie deficit there should be moderate weight loss. It should be emphasized again: These successes are not due to the effect of the diet pills, but to a change in lifestyle!

How can I avoid the yo-yo effect with this diet?

The dreaded yo-yo effect always occurs when you falls back into old habits. If you consume significantly more calories than your body consumes per day, you will inevitably gain weight. Only a fraction of this is due to the overall lower total sales after a diet due to the lost weight. However, this has nothing to do with a "fallen asleep metabolism", which is often warned about. If you want to avoid weight gain after the diet, you simply have to pay attention to it stay within your daily calorie budget. You can regulate your intake through a controlled, balanced diet, as well as increase your energy consumption through exercise and exercise.

Criticism of the diet form

Losing weight without changing your diet or increasing your energy expenditure through more exercise will remain a pipe dream in the near future. None of the so-called diet pills can have a real, significant effect if the basic conditions of the diet are not right. Most preparations are at best only ineffective and grossly overpriced, but prescription drugs in particular can be associated with significant to life-threatening side effects. Weight loss is maximally achieved by flushing out fluid or intestinal contents, as with diuretics or laxatives.

A certain placebo effect can of course be recorded. Those who believe they are consuming effective appetite suppressants may eat less accordingly in self-fulfilling prophecy. There is no scientific evidence for the effectiveness of the diet pills on the market. To suggest to the consumer that he can lose weight without restrictions just by taking slimming pills or dietary supplements is a delusion.

Medical evaluation of the diet by

The real effect of diet pills defies any scientific basis. Most of the time the expensive capsules are simply ineffective and pure money-making, in other cases they can even be dangerous for the consumer. From a medical point of view, diet pills to achieve weight loss are pointless and superfluous. Instead of deceiving consumers, more should be invested in educating them about a healthy lifestyle. Instead, the weight loss industry even has an interest in diets failing in order to keep selling products.

Not to meet the ideal of society, but above all from a health point of view obese people should be supported in their desire to lose weight. There must be more for healthy, balanced diet and exercise in everyday life to be advertised. Doctors who use prescription drugs outside of the indication to help their patients lose weight, act with gross negligence, support false illusions and accept serious to life-threatening side effects of the drugs.

What alternative diets are there?

It is important to follow a healthy, balanced diet when losing weight.

Diets that promise rapid weight loss are a dime a dozen. They all have one thing in common: The energy supplied is well below the energy the body needs on a daily basis. Many also rely on a strict reduction in carbohydrates. This measure in particular leads to severe weight loss, especially at the beginning of a diet: The body goes to the carbohydrate stores in the muscles and liver and at the same time loses a large amount of water. Especially the great successes through water loss motivate many people in a diet. Unfortunately, the calorie deficit is usually so high and the protein intake so low that motivation drops quickly, side effects from lack of sugar or frustration occur and valuable muscle mass is lost.

Read more on the subject at: Low carb diet

It is not uncommon for the diets to be thrown overboard and reverted to the old form of nutrition. The pounds lost quickly land back on the hips. A really successful alternative to crash diets or diets with miracle drugs such as fat burners can only be a change in eating habits in the long term. Whoever wants to lose weight has to be careful not to eat as much as he consumes. At the same time, the body must be supplied with all macronutrients, such as proteins, healthy fats and, in moderation, carbohydrates, as well as vitamins, trace elements and other essential nutrients.

The most promising are mixed diets, i.e. diets that allow all foods (see also: mixed diets). The lower the calorie deficit, the lower the decrease, but the more likely that frustration and hunger attacks will not occur. The Weight Watchers concept offers a good introduction to the subject of healthy eating. The most accurate is calorie counting.

Anyone who deals with the topic of nutrition, roughly adheres to the guidelines of the German Nutrition Society and also incorporates even more exercise into everyday life has good cards in hand to finally and permanently get the fat pads on the collar.

Another alternative way to bring your body into a desired shape and at the same time to achieve a long-lasting result is hypnosis. Read more about this under: Weight loss with hypnosis

What is the cost of dieting with diet pills?

The mostly ineffective and sometimes dangerous diet pills are mostly still grossly overpriced. The target group are people who are desperately looking for a solution to their excess weight and would pay almost any price for it. The cost of diet pills can skyrocket, depending on how long they are used.

A one-month application can also start at 20 euros are well above hundreds of euros. A change in diet, however, does not have to be associated with increased costs. Highly processed foods are often more expensive than unprocessed ones, and by omitting sweets and sweet drinks, alcohol or regular fast food visits, money can be saved. Investing in diet pills when dieting is simply unnecessary. Eating healthy and losing weight doesn't have to be expensive.

How do diet pills affect fat burning?

There are no diet pills with a notable effect on fat burning. Fat binders are supposed to intervene in the fat metabolism by slowing down the absorption and conversion of dietary fats. This principle is used therapeutically in the case of elevated blood lipid levels for the prophylaxis of atherosclerosis and secondary diseases such as heart attacks or strokes.

Obesity is not the result of excessive fat intake alone. If you want to lose weight, you cannot do without healthy fats such as vegetable oils, nuts or fish. Fat binders can interfere with the absorption of these vital nutritional components and to serious gastrointestinal side effects and too Vitamin deficiency because the absorption of vitamins E, D, K and A is fat-dependent. If you want to boost your fat burning in a natural way, you should rely on a controlled energy supply and increased turnover through exercise and sport.

Colon cleansing diet pills

Laxatives are preparations that used for constipation and speed up defecation. They are often used in hospitals, where patients experience the side effect of constipation from strong pain relievers. The so-called laxatives are also misused to reduce weight.

The assumption that you actually lose weight in the form of fat is simply wrong. A appears on the scales lower weight, which has to do with the loss of intestinal contents. The use of laxatives to detoxify is also questionable. So far, the effectiveness of this measure for eliminating supposed toxins has not been proven. The abuse of laxatives can lead to too Water loss and electrolyte imbalances with serious health consequences.