The best ways to remove dark circles
In order to effectively remove dark circles and prevent the formation of new dark circles, you have to find out the cause why the dark circles were created. Dark circles are the result of an insufficient supply of oxygen from the blood to the eye area. In order to compensate for the lack of oxygen, the blood is transported faster and the vessels are filled more. Since the skin around the eyes is particularly thin, the blood vessels appear as dark shadows under the eyes.
Various factors can be the cause of this lack of oxygen; so in order to remove dark circles, these factors must be eliminated.
Cause lifestyle
Lifestyle plays a crucial role in the development of dark circles under the eyes, because too little sleep, alcohol and drug abuse lead to a lack of oxygen in the blood.
Spending a lot of time in front of the computer or television and little time in the fresh air has the same effect.
The dark circles that have arisen as part of such processes can easily be reversed by changing one's lifestyle. With enough sleep, the eye area has enough time to recover. You can also remove dark circles by drinking enough and reducing alcohol consumption.
Cause deficiencies
Another cause of dark circles are Deficiencies and that doesn't mean lack of sleep, but rather a Lack of vitamins and trace elements. So if the dark circles persist despite adequate sleep and a healthy lifestyle, a should Consulted a doctor be that by a Blood test can determine whether the body is missing vitamins or trace elements.
You can easily do this via a healthy and balanced diet to lead back to the body and thus the dark circles disappear again. If the deficiency of these substances is particularly pronounced, it can happen that the patient takes the vitamins or trace elements to lead over tablets or the like must to compensate for the deficiency and remove the dark circles. A healthy diet should be observed to prevent this condition.
Cause overpigmentation
If the dark circles appear despite all of the above measures, a genetic overpigmentation the skin or the Skin changes with the aging process to have. The dark circles caused by a budding illness are more serious. In these cases it is more difficult to remove the dark circles. At this point you should have the dark circles clarified by a doctor and not self-diagnose.
Remove dark circles with home remedies
There are still numerous tips to remove dark circles. First of all, there are numerous home remedies for removing dark circles.
A particularly popular home remedy are tea bags with black tea or mint tea, which are first boiled in hot water and then placed on the eyes in a cooled form until they warm up again.
In addition, many vegetables can help remove dark circles. Tomatoes, for example, in the form of tomato juice (1 teaspoon) mixed with a teaspoon of lemon juice and applied to the dark circles using a cotton swab, can lighten them. After 10 minutes the solution is rinsed off again with water.
Potatoes have a similar effect if you squeeze the juice out of them or rub it on the dark circles and rinse off after 15 minutes.
Cucumber slices also have a cooling effect if you place them on your eyes for about 15 minutes. This helps in removing dark circles.
It also helps increase blood flow to the skin around the eyes to remove the dark circles. This can be achieved by gently massaging the skin with almond or saffron oil.
In addition, putting on cotton pads soaked in rose water reduces the dark circles under the eyes.
Another home remedy for removing dark circles is a mixture of egg white (1 tablespoon) and low-fat quark (3 tablespoons), which is applied as a paste to the dark circles and the eyelids and carefully removed when the paste has dried on. This serves to supply the affected area with moisture.
In the field of naturopathy, the so-called Schüßler salts are recommended to remove dark circles. The different salts are used depending on the color of the dark circles, because the color should provide information about which minerals the body is missing.
Read more on the topic: Home remedies for dark circles
Remove dark circles with creams
Furthermore, the dark circles can reduced or removed with the help of creams become. Many such creams work cooling and relaxingwhat also decongestant can work.
In addition, the creams contain Vitamins and nutrients, being especially vitamin C and Vitamin K are helpful to remove the dark circles. Even creams with a low content urea are recommended, as these promote water retention in the skin and thus help the skin to look fresher.
Creams that also work caffeine or Aloe vera contain, invigorating for the sensitive skin around the eyes. In addition to these ingredients, many creams also have one Anti-aging effect.
Ultimately, there is an enormous market for creams against dark circles in a wide variety of price ranges, which is why it is best to test the personal benefits and tolerability yourself.
Inject under dark circles
If the dark circles are perceived as particularly annoying, there are other ways to remove the dark circles.
An operation on the edges of the eyes should only be considered if the skin is already very slack and an eyelid lift would have to be performed during the operation.
If this is not the case, injections with certain active ingredients are more suitable for removing the edges of the eyes. There are numerous different options that must be discussed in a previous consultation.
There are three different filling materials, which are injected directly into the lower eyelid using a syringe.
On the one hand, hyaluronic acid is used, which lifts, rejuvenates and brightens the skin, thereby removing the dark circles. For one application, 0.25-1ml hyaluronic acid gel is injected per eye. The treatment must be carried out again after 2-3 months in order to guarantee lasting success of the therapy.
Another filler is a botox treatment (Botulinum toxin) to remove dark circles. The skin appears refreshed and relaxed.
Another possibility is to remove the dark circles by injecting your own fat, which does not last as long as a treatment with hyaluronic acid.
Even if these interventions are carried out on an outpatient basis and the patient is discharged immediately afterwards, the side effects of the applications must be pointed out. The injection may initially cause a black eye, but this will heal again over time. In addition, irregularities on the lower eyelid may appear immediately after the injection. The attending physician must estimate the amount of the active ingredient very precisely in order to avoid damage.
The removal of the dark circles is not permanent with these methods and after a while the dark circles return.At this point, a warning must be given against addiction, since the patient's self-perception can be disturbed and the costs are affordable.
Depending on the active ingredient and its amount, the costs vary between 10-15 € (one unit of Botox) and 400 € for 1ml hyaluronic acid. Depending on the patient's situation, the total costs are between 200 and 850 euros, depending on which means the patient wants and is best suited.
Read more on the topic: Inject under dark circles