Removal of corns

Synonyms in a broader sense

Crow's eye, corpse thorn

Medical: Clavus / Klavus

English: corn

Therapy of corns

First and foremost, the therapy of a corn consists in the fact that the causal activity is stopped or reduced. In addition, self-treatment is available for removal with Salicylic acid in the form of solutions or plasters, which can be purchased at the pharmacy and applied locally to the Horny layer dissolve.

It is important that the healthy skin when removing the corn Not comes into contact with the agent, as otherwise it can be affected. If this does not improve the situation or if you want professional assistance for other reasons, a so-called Podiatrist (a trained podiatrist) should be consulted. He knows his way around corns and can order an individually tailored therapy or carry it out himself. This therapy always aims to remove or dissolve the horn wedge of the corn and thus remove it (for example with the help of tweezers).
If the corn gets infected, this will inflammation directly treated, which often requires the involvement of a doctor, because Antibiotics must be used.
In the case of very deep-seated lesions, it may be necessary to surgically remove the corn. Even if certain Toe or foot misalignments If the corns are triggers, an operation may be indicated.

Tea tree oil as a home remedy

A well-tried home remedy to remove corns is tea tree oil, which you can now buy for little money in the drugstore or pharmacy.
Tea tree oil is obtained by steam distillation from the leaves of the tea tree native to Australia and has long been used as a remedy for a wide variety of skin diseases. The important ingredient terpinen-4-ol gives tea tree oil its characteristic ethereal smell. Tea tree oil is said to have an antiseptic (effective against bacteria and viruses) and anti-inflammatory effects. A corn is not inflammatory (caused by viruses or bacteria), however tea tree oil helps as a home remedy to remove corns by softening the keratinization.
Applied undiluted and punctually in the evening before going to bed, it should help to make the corn disappear. However, the tea tree oil should not be applied undiluted to healthy skin, as it can severely irritate and dry out the skin and possibly trigger a contact allergy.
A foot bath with a few drops of tea tree oil has also proven effective against corns. After the foot bath, the calloused skin is softened and you can try to tackle the corn with a pumice stone, for example.

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Removing corns in children

Children have one very sensitive skinwhich is why particular caution is required here. Medicines containing the ingredient Salicylic acid should not be used in children due to its aggressiveness.
This includes many over the counter Corn plastersintended to soften the corn and thus enable its removal. Also Home remedies that consist of supposedly harmless herbal ingredients, are with caution to enjoy. So The use of tea tree oil, celandine or Swedish herbs should be avoided.
For all other home remedies, a very low dosage should be chosen. If the corn does not go away, a dermatologist can be consulted. He can get the corn off one for sure wart delineate and choose the appropriate means of removal. It is also important to check whether the corn in the child, for example, from too tight or small shoes caused, which can be the case more often with growing children.

Pain when removing corns

As a rule, the distance of a corn no pain occur because it is merely a thickening of the insensitive Cornea acts. Pain occurs when surrounding living (vital) tissue injured will, which is usually too Bleeding as this tissue carries through in contrast to the dead cornea Blood vessels is supplied. In particular, corns that reach deeper should therefore be removed by a specialist who is responsible for the surrounding area, also to prevent a dangerous infection skin under sterile conditions is working.

Corn removal cost

If that Corns as cosmetically disturbing is felt and otherwise does not cause pain or impairment of function, then the patient pays the costs removal by the dermatologist (Dermatologist) or Podiatrist (Specialist in podiatry) himself. The costs vary from practice to practice, as an orientation one can use costs of 30-60 € count per treatment. If the corn has only been around for a short time and does not cause pain or other restrictions, it may be worthwhile to try some tried and tested home remedies to remove it before consulting a specialist.


The diagnosis Corns Thanks to the characteristic image of a corn, it can usually be made by the doctor or even the person affected as a visual diagnosis. What is important is that one Corns not to be confused with a viral or plantar wart which happens easily once, especially on the sole of the foot. Especially if there are more suspected corns, you should consult a doctor in order to rule out the presence of a viral infection. Depending on the localization of the corn and also on the degree of development of the Skin changes the doctor can distinguish between different forms and then begin appropriate treatment.