Frequent urination


Having frequent urination or a Urinary floodthat are technically as Polyuria (Greek for a lot of urine), one understands one pathologically increased urine excretion.
Normally the daily amount of urine is about 1.5 liters per day, but it does occur when there is a flood of urine increased urination and urination with essential more than two liters in 24 hours.

A distinction must be made between pollakiuria (Greek pollakis for often and uria for urine), in which there is an increasing urge to urinate and frequent urination, but not more than two liters of urine in total, since only small amounts of urine are present be eliminated.


The Causes of a flood of urine are diverse, but has a polyuria almost always on one pathological process and should therefore medical to be clarified.

The Regulation of urine output becomes hormonal controlled. An important hormone here is that ADH (= antidiuretic hormone)which ensures that the water is retained in the body and less fluid is excreted. Therefore, if this hormone is missing, for example, a so-called. Diabetes insipidus to a flood of urine.

Read more about the topic here: Diabetes insipidus

Likewise introduces Alcohol consumption because alcohol inhibits ADH.

The kidney serves to filter the blood and thus frees the body from poisonous substances. However, at the same time it holds back important minerals and proteins in the body through various filter systems, so that if this functional system is lost, if the kidney structure is damaged by e.g. Drugs, poisons or other underlying diseases that also affect the kidneys can lead to polyuria.
Here is the Diabetes mellitus to call or take Diureticsthat lead directly to increased fluid excreted and for example at Heart failure can be used.

Other causes can be a Cystitis or too high calcium levels be in the body or it can be in the context of a acute kidney failure come to a phase of urinary flood, so-called polyuric kidney failure.


To be able to properly treat a urinary flood, it is important to find out the cause, because polyuria can as a symptom of many diseases occur.

Therefore it is relevant in the diagnosis according to the various underlying diseases that are necessary for increased urine output.
So the anamnese plays an important role with a specific question. For example, information about the duration, severity, accompanying symptoms and previous illnesses is important.
The question of current alcohol and / or medication consumption also plays an important role.

Then the urine and the blood on examined various parameters such as on glucose, minerals, creatinine, proteins, inflammation parameters, bacteria and on Blood in the urine.

Concomitant symptoms

A Urinary flood occurs as a symptom not alone on, but it comes in addition often at the same time to a Polydypsia (Greek for much thirst), so to one increased feeling of thirst. The reason for this is the attempt by the body to compensate for increased fluid loss.

If you still don't drink enough, it can lead to a Desiccosis (= Dehydration of the body) that come especially with older people a life-threatening problem can represent.
Because on the one hand there is a too low volume due to the lack of volume low blood pressure and with it a higher risk of falling. On the other hand, as a result of this strong loss of fluid, there is now rather the opposite effect, namely that less urine is produced. There is a risk of being poisonous Waste products subject to elimination of the body no more through the kidneys be eliminated can.

Another accompanying symptom of a flood of urine is secondary to the increased feeling of thirst and increased fluid intake. This creates a Thinning of the blood with a relative lower sodium concentration (so-called hyponatremia) and one Lack of other salts and Minerals. In the context of an underlying illness, the symptoms specific for the respective illness also occur.


The duration of a urinary flood is determined after the cause.
As long as this is not eliminated by appropriate therapy, there is usually no significant improvement in the symptoms.

Especially with one Metabolic disorder the symptoms can thus lasting from weeks to months to years exist as long as the person concerned does not recognize and treat this metabolic imbalance accordingly.

On the other hand, it can with uncomplicated urinary tract infections to a self-limiting healing come, so that a flood of urine can subside after a few days to weeks.


Treatment should primarily causal take place, i.e. it should try that Eliminate the cause of the urinary flood.

The most important thing for this is a thorough examination beforehand in order to find the correct diagnosis. So is with one Diabetes mellitus first goal be the derailed Blood sugar level back on Normal values adjust. Furthermore should diuretic substances largely avoided such as Alcohol or drinks containing caffeine.

Is the The cause is initially unclear, can hormonally treated become. For this it will ADH substituted, it will be a ADH analogue (desmopressin) given, which has a similar effect as the body's own hormone and thus counteracts increased fluid excretion.
If the salt and mineral balance changes, normal values ​​should be sought again.

As a general measure, for example, helps warm covers at nightbecause the blood is better distributed throughout the body and especially to the periphery, i.e. can reach areas of the body remote from the heart, such as arms and legs.

Frequent urination during pregnancy

As it is during pregnancy too various hormonal changes and to one changed metabolic state comes, during this time there may be a flood of urine due to pregnancy, which is called special form of diabetes insipidus can be viewed.

Because from the placenta becomes a enzyme released, the so-called. Vasopressinasethat leads to the ADH (= Antidiuretic hormone or vasopressin) dismantled faster becomes.
This means that the ADH, which prevents increased urination, is relatively less present. Thus it can become a more frequent urination come.

Furthermore, the kidneys react less to the antidiuretic hormone during pregnancy, this is known as ADH resistance.

Furthermore, all causes that are otherwise possible for a flood of urine can lead to increased urine excretion during pregnancy.

Frequent urination after childbirth

As part of the hormonal change to one birth There are numerous changes aimed at returning the body to its normal state. This process is called the puerperium. This leads to the loss of the hormones that emanated from the placenta during pregnancy.

During this time there is an increased water retention due to an increased production of Aldosterone, a hormone that influences the mineral balance and becomes a leads to increased sodium and water retention in all tissues.
These water build-ups are as Edema Noticeable in the body, these are visible and palpable swellings. This Edema become after birth flushed out of the interstitium (space between cells), on the one hand through increased sweating, but also through a Urinary flood.

Frequent urination if you have an arrhythmia

One distinguishes bradycardia Arrhythmias, i.e. those with a slowed pulse, from tachycards Disorders with an accelerated pulse.
Especially with the latter it can due to the increased stretching of the Atrial wall to a Urinary flood come. Because here a hormone is released, the so-called. ANP (= atrial natriuretic peptide), which diuretic acts and one increased fluid excretion causes to to relieve the heart retrospectively.

A very common one nowadays tachycardiac arrhythmia is this Atrial fibrillation, which affects around 1.8 million people in Germany. With atrial fibrillation, the heartbeat is too fast and irregular; symptoms such as palpitations, tiredness, fatigue, dizziness, loss of consciousness, shortness of breath and occasionally chest pain are noticeable in the patient.
However, these symptoms are not typical of atrial fibrillation but can also occur with other cardiac arrhythmias. Other relevant common tachycardia disorders are Reentry tachycardiase.g. AV node reentry tachycardia, in which there are recurring circular excitations between the atrium and ventricle.

Frequent urination at night

All circumstancesthat can be the cause of polyuria occurring during the day also at night lead to a flood of urine.
However, a Nocturia (from the ancient Greek nikturia for nocturnal urination), in which there is an increased nocturnal urination or a single or multiple interruption of sleep in order to urinate.

On the one hand, a Disturbance of the bladder function or e.g. a narrowing of the urinary tract in one benign prostate enlargement be the cause.
On the other hand lead some diseases to a increased nocturnal urine production. For example, it occurs as part of a Heart failure, i.e. a cardiac insufficiency, in the course of the day to the storage of water in the tissue to so-called edema, especially following gravity in the legs. Due to the horizontal body position, these are now increasingly washed out of the tissue while lying down while sleeping, since the heart no longer has to overcome the gradient to the legs. Due to the reduced energy consumption of the organs, the heart does not need as much pumping power at night as it does during the day, so that the increased fluid can be excreted better overnight.

Frequent urination in diabetes

A flood of urine can be a sign of a disturbed sugar metabolism or one derailed blood sugar levels occur.
So it can be in the context of an already known Diabetes mellitus to a Polyuria (= urinary flow) come from a poorly adjusted diabetic.

A Urinary flood along with one Polydypsia, i.e. an increased feeling of thirst, can also often be called Initial symptom one Diabetes mellitus occur. The body tries to get rid of the increased blood sugar level by excreting excess sugar through the kidneys. Since the sugar draws water with it, a flood of urine occurs.