Stress rash
The body's largest organ, the skin, is often the projection surface for processes that take place inside the body. Increased stress on the skin can also manifest itself through skin rashes (so-called exanthema) in some people.
The word “stress” is used very often, but the real biological meaning of it is ultimately how the body reacts to an external challenge.
A distinction is made between eustress and dysstress. Eustress is the "positive stress" that represents a challenge for the body, but is perceived as pleasant. It keeps the organism healthy and is of great importance for solving difficult tasks.
Dysstress, on the other hand, is perceived as uncomfortable and is accompanied by a feeling of being overwhelmed and threatened. If this persists for a longer period of time, it can lead to physical and psychological symptoms. The possible consequences of this type of "negative stress" will be discussed further in this article.
In terms of development history, this was important for our ancestors in order to have an increased willingness to flee or fight in dangerous situations. A stress reaction results in the release of stress hormones that increase the pulse and blood pressure, make breathing faster and increase muscle tension. In other words, they create perfect conditions for increasing physical performance.
In today's society, however, it is usually not appropriate to flee in stressful situations, which is why the stress often accumulates in psychological form and no longer finds any real exit. In the worst case, this can lead to burnout. However, preliminary stages of this can already be various manifestations in different parts of the body, such as the skin with a rash.
Since stress processes directly influence the immune function of the skin, problems can arise with prolonged exposure. Since stress hormones have a dampening effect on the immune system, constant stress can mean that intruders such as bacteria, viruses or fungi can more easily penetrate the skin and cause red, itchy or weeping rashes there.
However, stress reactions also affect the blood circulation in the skin and can thus lead to a reduced supply of the skin with important nutrients.
Since the connection between psyche and skin seems to be of particular importance, there is now even a separate specialist discipline in medicine that deals particularly with these clinical pictures. This relatively new branch of research is called psychodermatology.
Read about this too Rash around the eyes
The typical manifestations of stress on the skin are Hives (Urticaria), psoriasis (Psoriasis) and neurodermatitis. Acne can also become more pronounced due to stress.
Historically, this was important for our ancestors to have a increased readiness to flee or fight to dispose of. A stress reaction leads to Release of stress hormonesthat the Pulse and the Blood pressure increase, make breathing faster and the Muscle tension increase. In other words, they create perfect conditions for increasing physical performance.
In today's society, however, it is usually not appropriate to flee in stressful situations, which is why the stress often turns into psychic form accumulates and no longer finds any real exit. In the worst case this can lead to burnout to lead. However, preliminary stages of this can already be various manifestations in different parts of the body, such as the skin with a rash.
Since stress processes die Immune function of the skin influence directly, prolonged exposure can lead to problems. There Stress hormones on the immune system Have a dampening effect, constant stress can lead to intruders like Bacteria, viruses or fungi can more easily penetrate the skin and there red, itchy, or oozing rashes cause.
But stress reactions also influence that Blood circulation in the skin and can thereby become a decreased supply of the skin with important nutrients.
Since the relationship between Psyche and skin Seems to be of particular importance, there is now even a separate specialist discipline in medicine that deals particularly with these clinical pictures. This relatively new branch of research is called Psychodermatology.
The typical manifestations of stress on the skin are Hives (Urticaria), psoriasis (Psoriasis) and neurodermatitis. Acne can also become more pronounced due to stress.
Stress and hives
The name of Hives, also Urticaria called, is derived from the Latin term for nettle (Urtica), as the symptoms of this disease are very similar to those that occur after skin contact with this plant. It comes to one excessive release of histaminewhereby the Vascular permeability increases and thus it too Water retention in the skin comes. Except these Wheals usually show those affected red, very itchy rashes which they find less itchy by pinching or pushing their fingernails in.
causes for this increased release both a allergic reaction as well as external factors such as heat, cold, light, friction and pressure. It is considered certain that stress has an intensifying effect on the course of the disease. However, the relationship between stress in the development of the disease is still unclear.
Stress and psoriasis
The psoriasis / Psoriasis is characterized by severely reddened, flaky and sometimes extremely itchy skin irritations. Usually these are located at the Extensor sides of large joints, like that Knee joint or elbow joint, but sometimes also on belly button or the Scalp.
The Dandruff are formed due to a Disturbance in the skin renewal processwhich usually greatly accelerated is. If the scales fall off, the underlying skin appears, which has more blood and thus appears reddish. This is particularly sensitive and is usually injured if itching is present, which is why it often increases Bleeding comes.
This disorder can family-run occur, as genetic factors can also play a role in the development of the disease. However, it can also develop spontaneously due to various trigger factors, usually in the second decade of life. To this external stimuli just belongs stress just like certain Infections, hormonal changes or immunodeficiency. Those affected usually suffer less from the rashes themselves, they show much more psychological stress. They often suffer from feelings of inferiority and social isolation, which in turn favors the emergence of stress and has a negative effect on the course of the disease.
Stress and eczema
The Appearance of atopic dermatitis can vary widely, but are mostly found dry, very red and often inflamed rashesthat itch very badly. It can also generally be used for Thickening and crusting of the skin come on the affected areas, down to nodules. Usually the rashes are in the Flexor joints like the bend of the elbow or the hollow of the knee.
At Infants is often the face affected. The cause of this disease is a genetically predisposed, impaired barrier function of the skinwhich is why it reacts to mostly insensitive stimuli over-sensitive. However, genetic predisposition is not enough for the disease to actually break out. Rather, various triggers come into consideration, which as trigger factors actively promote the outbreak of the disease. This includes Allergens from the household or the environment, strong Skin irritation from cleaning agents, Cosmetics or woolen clothing, climatic factors such as cold, dryness and humidity and certain environmental toxins.
stress and others mental stress are of great importance in worsening the course of this clinical picture. And vice versa, those affected often suffer very severely from the persistent itching and physical disfigurement, which in turn favors the emergence of stress and thus the intensification of symptoms.
Therapy options
So is a concrete stress trigger recognizable or have already appeared symptoms that may be associated with stress should be over Methods of stress management to be thought about. The foundations for this are one healthy and balanced diet and sufficient physical movement.
There are also various stress management methods to choose from, such as autogenic training or meditation.
The Effects of exercise are also of paramount importance, as physical activity has been shown to help break down stress hormones and provide a possible exit route for the pent-up psychological stress. It also bends regular exercise not only for stress-related illnesses, but also for that Cardiovascular system and has a lasting positive effect on the entire body.
Basically, of course, it is important not to wait until the stress manifests itself in an organic form, but to recognize the problem at an early stage and try to counteract it at an early stage.
A number of herbal supplements are also suitable for strengthening the skin and supplying it with important nutrients and vitamins.
You can read more information on this topic here: Home remedies for a rash