Homeopathy for tonsillar angina

First phase of tonsillar angina

Homeopathic medicines

In the first phase of the disease, when the tonsils are red and swollen and swallowing hurts, the following fit homeopathic medicines:

  • Belladonna (deadly nightshade)
  • Phytolacca (pokeweed)
  • Apis mellifica (honey bee)

Belladonna (deadly nightshade)

Prescription up to and including D3!

  • The Pharynx are bright red swollen
  • Sensation of dryness in the throat and mouth with dry, red tongue. Mucous membrane hurts and you can hardly swallow or speak
  • Pain is made worse by cold drink, cold throat compresses, swallowing, and speaking
  • Face crimson, hot and sweaty
  • All complaints worse at night and from cold
  • You want to stay covered (despite the fever and heat)

Find application especially Drop D6.

Further information is also available at: Belladonna

Phytolacca (pokeweed)

  • neck and Pharynx are at the Tonsillitis (Angina tonsillaris) dark red with sharp pains radiating to the ear
  • General feeling of bruising and weakness
  • Redness dark red (Belladonna light red)
  • Later develop on the Pharynx white specks
  • worse Bad breath.
  • Right side sometimes more affected
  • Lateral cord angina with pain to the ear radiate
  • Tongue smeared
  • Fever with warmth in the head (rather cool on the body)
  • Need for exercise, but brings no improvement

Typical dosage of Phytolacca (pokeweed) with angina: Drop D6

More information on Phytolacca (pokeweed) you get under our topic: Phytolacca

Apis mellifica (honey bee)

  • The sting of the bee causes stinging, burning pain and severe pain swelling
  • The focus here is on the strong swelling of the mucous membrane in the throat
  • Moderate redness
  • Stinging, burning pain that is aggravated by heat
  • Neck wraps are rejected because the neck is very sensitive to touch and anything restricting it is perceived as uncomfortable
  • Great unrest
  • fever reaches its peak in the afternoon

General dosage of Apis mellifica (honey bee): Drop D6

Angines that match Apis are to be viewed more critically than Belladonna anginas.

You can find further information under our topic: Apis mellifica

Second phase of tonsillar angina

In the second stage of inflammation when on the Almonds white stipples, as a sign of the beginning suppuration, can be seen one chooses:

  • Mercurius sulobilis

Mercurius sulobilis

Prescription up to and including D3!

  • The Pharynx are dark to bluish red, swollen and show purulent spots and deposits
  • The tongue is whitish, swollen, with indentations on the side edges
  • Putrid Bad breath, copious thick mucus with intense thirst
  • The regional Lymph nodes are painful thickened heat and drinking aggravate the pain in the throat
  • Don't sweat that make it easier. Fever, pain, and restlessness are worse at night

With angina, Mercurius sulobilis can be used in the following dosage: Tablets D12 (not deeper!)