Body measurements
Body measurements are the specific characteristics of a patient, such as height, weight, circumference, waist-to-hip ratio and shoe size. Normally, these sizes correlate roughly with each other, which means that a particularly tall patient usually also has a larger shoe size and weighs more than a patient who is 30 cm shorter. To determine the relationship between height and weight, there is the body mass index, or BMI for short.
Body height
The height of a patient depends on various factors, for example the genetic component and gender. On average, men are taller than women, although there are also differences here.
In general, women gain height by around the age of 15. Then there is a growth stop. This is due to the fact that the so-called epiphyseal plate closes in the bone, since the bone has grown from both sides and in the middle "bumps“.
The width of the epiphyseal plate provides information about how tall a girl or a boy will be.
In boys, the epiphyseal plate closes much later and the growth in length is not complete until around 21 years of age.
Once this body size, namely body size, has been reached, a patient retains his body size for a long time. Depending on the load on the spine, however, between 55 and 70 years of age the patient begins to shrink again, even if only by a few centimeters.
The reason for this is usually the fact that the spine cannot hold the load permanently and the pressure pads (intervertebral discs) between the bony vertebral bodies are pressed together more and more. As a result, the patient loses a few centimeters in the course of his life.
In addition, many patients in old age adopt a stooped posture, which then also leads to a few centimeters in height.
Overall, a patient can get up to 5 centimeters smaller as they age. The average height of 18-80 year olds in Germany is 1.72 m.
For women, the body size is slightly smaller, here the average height is only 1.65 m. At 1.78 m, men have an average higher body size.
The body weight
Weight has become an increasingly important body measurement, as many patients now suffer from significant overweight (obesity) and this is increasingly affecting their health.
The weight should always increase according to age and size until the patientFinal size" has reached.
The weight alone does not necessarily have to say anything about the patient's figure. Since muscle mass weighs significantly more than pure fat, it is possible that an unsportsmanlike person weighs less than a well-trained, athletic person of the same size. Nevertheless, the sporty person probably lives much healthier.
Therefore it is important not only to walk by weight, but at the same time the weight is a body measurement that is easy to control. The average body weight in Germany is 76.3kg. This means that Germany is slightly overweight due to the average height of 1.72 m, with a BMI of over 25.
In today's society, weight has become one of the most important body measurements, as being overweight is a risk factor for many diseases that are common in Germany (for example diabetes, so Diabetes mellitus, gout, Heart disease or Arteriosclerosis).
In addition to being overweight (Obesity) However, underweight also plays a role, often caused by anorexia (anorexia) or bulimia play an important role in our society, as the ideal of beauty embodies a clear underweight, especially in the media.
The Body mass index is also known as Body size index denotes and is used to calculate Over, under or normal weight. Based on Size of the patient as well as the Body weight The BMI calculates whether the weight measured against the patient's height is normal or whether the patient is overweight or underweight.
To calculate the BMI you have to use the Mass of the patient in kilograms through the Length squared share. For a 1.70 m tall patient who weighs 65 kg, this would mean 65kg: (1.70mx1.70m) = 22.5.
A BMI below 18.5 would mean the patient underweight is. A BMI value of 19-24,5 means the patient normal weight is. A BMI of 25-29,5 means the patient overweight is. From a BMI of over 30 is the patient very overweight.
The average BMI in Germany is around 25,9. At exactly 25, women have a BMI that is only slightly overweight and of normal weight, while men are more clearly overweight at 26.5. From this it can be concluded that the German population as a whole is slightly overweight.
In some countries, such as the USA, the average BMI is significantly higher.
Since the BMI only includes weight, but not the percentage of fat or muscle that determines weight, it is only of limited importance for determining over- or Underweight. Nevertheless, the BMI is a good unit of measurement to roughly add the body measurements in relation to each other.
How do I measure my body measurements correctly (chest / waist / bottom)?
The body measurements help in judging a person regarding their physique. Often the measurement of certain circumferences is more meaningful than the pure determination of weight. Three values are particularly important for this: the chest, waist and buttocks circumference. In order to get the correct values, there are a few things to keep in mind during measurements.
The different sizes are determined with the help of a measuring tape. The person who is to be measured must be unclothed in the appropriate places. Furthermore, he should be sober so that the stomach is not bloated. In addition, all muscles, especially the abdominal muscles, should be relaxed and the stomach should not be drawn in.
When determining the waist size, the person should have exhaled normally beforehand. To measure the chest circumference, the upper body must be undressed and the circumference measured at the level of the nipples. Women should keep their bra on.
The circumference of the waist is measured at the narrowest point. This is a few centimeters above the navel. In contrast, the buttocks circumference is determined at the widest point of the buttocks. For all three measurements, the tape measure should be wrapped tightly around the body without being too tight. You get the most exact information when someone else and not you determine your body measurements.
The scope
The size of a patient is a very important body measurement to determine the proportions of the body and is often more important than the weight, since in weight no distinction is made between fat and muscle mass.
However, if one measures the waist circumference, it quickly becomes clear which patient has their weight due to more fat mass and which patient is muscular and therefore weighs a little more. For the woman the girth becomes frequent 90-60-90 regarded as ideal, with the first 90 referring to 90 cm chest circumference, the 60 to 60 cm waist circumference and the second 90 to 90 cm hip circumference. These body measurements are not only unhealthy but also very difficult to achieve.
A healthy waist circumference depends on the size of the patient as well as on their physical activity.
Chest circumference
The chest circumference is determined with the help of a flexible measuring tape. The upper body should be undressed, and women should not take off their bra. Now the circumference of the widest part of the chest is determined.
This point is usually at the level of the nipples or a few centimeters above them. It is important that you do not inhale or exhale heavily during the measurement, otherwise the values will be falsified. The ideal chest measurements for men are 100cm and for women 90cm. However, the average values are slightly higher in reality.
Men have an average chest circumference of 106 cm, women just under 99 cm. A greatly increased size suggests obesity (adiposity) and increases the risk of various diseases.
waist size
The waist circumference indicates the circumference of the narrowest point in the abdominal area. This is also best determined with a flexible measuring tape. It is important that the person to be measured is undressed on the upper body. The waist circumference should be measured soberly. In addition, the stomach should not be pulled in, nor should the abdominal muscles be tensed.
The ideal waist circumference should be 80 cm for men and 60 cm for women. However, the average values in the German population are a lot higher. Men have an average waist circumference of 95 cm and women of 85 cm. It becomes particularly dangerous when the measurements exceed 94 cm for men and 80 cm for women. One is then considered overweight and has an increased risk of various diseases, such as diabetes mellitus or cardiovascular diseases.
The following topic may also be of interest to you in this context: How can I strengthen my cardiovascular system?
Buttocks circumference
The circumference of the buttocks is also determined without clothing and with a measuring tape. The widest part of the buttocks is measured. The ideal measurements are identical to those of the chest. For men, the buttocks circumference should be 100 cm, for women it should not exceed 90 cm. Here, too, the reality looks different and the average German exceeds these values.
On average, German men and women have a buttock circumference of 103 cm.An increase in this value speaks for obesity and increases the risk of various diseases.
What are the average body measurements?
Average body measurements describe the size of the chest, waist and buttocks that people have on average. For women, the dimensions 90cm - 60cm - 90cm are known, which are not achieved on average. The average body measurements for women in April 2009 were 99cm - 85cm - 103cm.
In men, too, the average values are higher than the ideal values. The ideal body measurements for men are 100cm - 80cm - 100cm. In contrast to this, an average German man has the body measurements 106cm - 95cm - 103cm in April 2009.
Overall, the values for chest, waist and buttocks have increased for both sexes. This suggests an average increase in body weight. Being overweight not only increases body size, but also the general risk of various diseases. These people are particularly at risk for cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and joint problems.
What are the body measurements of a model?
A model in our Western European society has to be tall and very slim overall. Accordingly, they meet the ideal measurements for chest, waist and buttocks. Thus, models have a chest circumference of 90 cm, a waist circumference of 60 cm and a hip circumference of 90 cm. Since models are usually very tall (often around 1.80) and even undercut these ideal dimensions for the various sizes, they are too thin.
However, this underweight of the models is tolerated from different sides and represents a wrong body image. A recent trend are the so-called fitness models, which focus on a well-trained, defined and rather muscular body. With this type of model, the values for the various sizes are often above the ideal measurements, although they are perfectly healthy and not overweight.
How are the perfect body measurements actually determined?
The perfect body measurements are increasingly determined by the media that we encounter in various forms in everyday life. The media are an integral part of our lives these days and often unconsciously influence our ideas. This also includes the image of the perfect body and the perfect body measurements.
The media usually show women who are not of the average physique. In the world of fashion in particular, there are more and more young women who are too light for their size and who also fall below the so-called ideal measurements of 90cm - 60cm - 90cm. This distorted body image can be found in advertisements, magazines, posters, films and even in mannequins.
The dangerous thing is that these apparently perfect body measurements are presented as the norm and especially young women strive for this ideal. In doing so, they completely ignore the fact that many models are much too thin for their size and suffer from underweight. Just like being overweight, being underweight also poses an increased risk of various diseases.
Often times, the methods to get this distorted body image are dangerous and against medical advice. Food intake is reduced to a minimum and, in contrast, excessive sport is practiced. Overall, young women in particular should take a critical look at the conveyed body image and scrutinize it closely. An informative discussion with a doctor can also help here.
This can provide precise information as to whether you are in the normal range in terms of body dimensions, body weight and BMI. A balanced diet is generally important here (see also: Healthy diet), regular exercise and plenty of drinking.
How do the body measurements of men and women differ?
The body dimensions differ fundamentally for men and women, as they naturally have different body statures. Men are usually taller than women and therefore generally have larger girths for the chest, waist and buttocks. In addition, men generally have a rather straight stature, as their waist is not as narrow as that of women. This is also reflected in their ideal dimensions of 100cm - 80cm - 100cm.
Often men also speak of the so-called V-shape, as many have broad shoulders but a narrow pelvis. Overall, women have smaller body measurements, as they are usually smaller than men and have a more petite physique. In addition, women have an overall curvier figure because they have a narrow waist and a relatively wide pelvis.
This is also evident in the ideal measurements, which are 90cm - 60cm - 90cm for women. The large buttocks circumference is due to the wide pelvis, which women naturally have and which are intended for natural childbirth. This difference between women and men becomes clear in the waist-to-hip ratio (Waist-hip ratio, WHR). With this quotient, the waist circumference is divided by the buttocks circumference. This quotient should be below 1.0 for men and below 0.85 for women.
What are the baby's body measurements?
A baby's body measurements are usually not given with the girth of the chest, waist, and buttocks. The decisive factors after the birth are the baby's body length, weight and head circumference. On average, newborns are around 50 cm tall and weigh around 3 to 3.5 kg.
Babies born prematurely (premature babies) are of course smaller and lighter. The average head circumference of a newborn child who is 40 weeks pregnant is between 35 and 37 cm. There is a rule of thumb that says babies double their birth weight after 6 months and tripled by one year of age.
However, this rule is only partially true, which is not a cause for concern. What is striking about babies in terms of their body size is that they have a large head for their short body length. Overall, they have a large skin surface for their size, which causes a rapid loss of heat.
Waist-to-hip ratio
The waist-to-hip ratio is also independent of the patient's body weight and is only based on that Circumference ratio between waist and hips.
However, the waist-to-hip ratio is also used regardless of body size. The ratio can also be used as the sole indicator to diagnose a patient as over, normal or underweight.
The Broca Index
In the past, in particular, the Broca index was often used to define body measurements and the patient as normal weight or over-or. to be classified as underweight. Here you take the Height of the patient and pulls 100 centimeters from.
With a 1.76 cm tall patient, 76 would remain. That would mean that the patient must not weigh more than 76 kg in order to still be of normal weight.
This index is particularly suitable for patients who "normal“Are big, but not for particularly large or particularly small patients. That is why the BMI or the waist circumference is used more often as the method of choice today.
The shoe size
The size of the feet, in everyday language the shoe size, can also be viewed as a body measurement. Depending on the size of the patient, the size of the feet usually increases as well.
Women on average have one Shoe size from 38, the average shoe size for men is around 43.
Especially in women, the feet get bigger in the course of life, especially if the woman has given birth to several children. The feet can thus up to 2 shoe sizes larger become.