Carbohydrates after exercise
When exercising, the human body consumes various resources that should be replenished after exercise. Next Fats, Proteins and a variety of Minerals play the carbohydrates a very important role as an energy supplier.
Carbohydrates can be divided into single, double, multiple and multiple sugars. glucose (Glucose) and Fructose (Fructose) are well-known examples of Simple sugars. lactose (Double sugar) is a milk sugar and Strength is a Polysaccharides.
These different carbohydrates have more or less important functions in the body and should therefore always be sufficiently included in the diet. Carbohydrates are in the Intestines in the blood circulation recorded and then transported to the appropriate locations in the body.
The has an important role for the energy balance in the body animal starch (Glycogen). It mainly comes in Muscles and the liver and is an important supplier of energy. During physical activity, glycogen is burned in muscle cells to generate energy.
Carbohydrates are particularly suitable for burning, as the energy supply is faster than with fats and proteins and is more effective. Depending on the intensity and duration of the exercise, the body's glycogen stores may be depleted to a greater or lesser extent. After a training session or a competition, it is particularly important to recharge your energy stores.
It will now be the Effects of high carbohydrate food intake explained and then different recommendations for different types of training presented.
Effects of a high carbohydrate diet
If one assumes a maximum workload in a training or a competition, the assumption is obvious that the Glycogen stores of the athlete are almost used up and now the Supply of the missing nutrients should be done.
In addition to sufficient liquid should high carbohydrate foods are now increasingly supplied. Oatmeal, pasta, rice, white beans, lentils and kidney beans are recommended because of their carbohydrate content over 50% per 100 grams lies.
A targeted intake of carbohydrates after exercise can ensure that the body replenishes its energy stores and a optimal regeneration is made possible. The empty carbohydrate stores in the muscle cells can regenerate between five and seven percent within an hour, so it over 20 hours can take until the energy stores in muscles and liver are fully replenished.
Especially with long-term training goals, it is of great importance to ensure complete regeneration, otherwise training effects weaker fail or even no effects occur. Carbohydrates in the form of Glycogen refill the stores and prepare the muscles for a coming load so that a slightly higher level is made possible. Through many training units with corresponding regeneration breaks, the athlete's level of performance is increased bit by bit.
The Storage capacity of muscle glycogen increases and the breakdown and transport mechanisms are optimized and adapted to the greater demand. Also the Muscle building benefits from a high-carbohydrate diet following a workout. Even if often no feeling of hunger occurs immediately after exercise, for a successful recovery it is important to consume carbohydrates and sufficient fluids immediately after a workout.
Carbohydrates play a role Endurance exercise plays a very important role, so the intake of carbohydrates is of fundamental importance after such an exercise. A general recommendation for the intake of carbohydrates can be made at six to ten grams per kilogram of body weight per day can be specified. This is the case for an average adult man weighing 75 kg 450 - 750 grams Carbohydrates per day.
With intensive endurance training you should ten grams per kilogram of body weight of carbohydrates are supplied per day in order to fill the stores and ensure the best possible regeneration. When doing endurance performance, make sure that you before training or competition Eats enough carbohydrates so that the stores are well filled for the exercise. Memories are taught during physical activity.
There are often incorrect assumptions about a high-carbohydrate diet after endurance exercise: The assumption that the intake of carbohydrates after exercise is mainly converted into fat is wrong. Carbohydrates that are consumed after endurance exercise are used to replenish the Glycogen stores in the Musculature.
If this did not happen, the body would start collecting proteins from the muscles (Muscle tissue) to refill the memory. This only happens in the case of a complete emptying the glycogen store. To prevent this and to be able to build new muscle tissue, a direct intake of carbohydrates is necessary after endurance exercise very important.
The muscle protein is spared, regeneration accelerated and ideally the muscle mass is increased. A high-carbohydrate diet then plays an important role in endurance training and constant stress.
Different recommendations for different types of training
in the Strength training and Body building the focus is heavily on that Muscle building and the regeneration. To build new muscles, you need one Training stimulus and a Carbohydrate and protein-rich diet.
Carbohydrates are of course just as important here as they are with endurance exercise. However, protein intake also plays an important role. Carbohydrates have the same tasks in strength training as in endurance training, only that the focus is more on the growth of muscle tissue. In addition to the energy from carbohydrates, the body also needs this Egg whites.
Muscle cells consist of a high percentage of protein and carbohydrates and proteins are needed to build muscle. The daily protein requirement is approx. 60 grams for the average adult.
Even after intensive strength training, this value does not have to be increased at all or only slightly to ensure muscle growth. It is only important that carbohydrates are added to the proteins in order to have energy available for muscle growth. The ratio of the intake should be with four to one in favor of carbohydrates fail because too much protein builds muscle slow it down can.
Carbohydrates are therefore of great importance when it comes to training. Carbohydrate intake is especially important after a workout or exercise. The type of training does not play a major role. Regardless of the sport, carbohydrates always have the same tasks after physical activity. You are supposed to Glycogen stores replenish the muscles and accelerate regeneration. The topic "Coal hydrate table"helps you to become more familiar with this area.
In combination with protein, the formation of new muscle cells is stimulated and thus the Muscle growth promoted. This has an important function, especially in strength training. In addition, the energy supply system in the muscles becomes more effective and the glycogen stores can absorb more glycogen.
However, this effect cannot be extended to infinity. What should not be forgotten given the many positive properties of carbohydrates: A lot doesn't always help a lot. This means that an excessive intake of carbohydrates has no major effect on regeneration and muscle growth. If the glycogen stores in the body are full and carbohydrates are still being supplied, it can happen that there is excess glycogen in Adipose tissue is converted.
Additional information on carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are often said to make you fat. This claim cannot be valid, as one should differentiate between different high-carbohydrate foods. Whole grain bread, pasta and rice do in appropriate quantities by no means thick.
However, you should be careful not to get your carbohydrates through Chips, ice cream, candy and pizza to include, since this is "bad“Carbohydrates act, which slow down fat loss.
Especially Single and double sugar have a negative effect on fat loss. Care should always be taken more long chain carbohydrates to take in. examples for this are Plant and cereal products, meat and fiber.