Build condition


Condition training includes all training content, the aim of which is to increase conditional performance.
If you want to build up stamina, you should note that the stamina is not just about the endurance of an athlete. Unfortunately, this mistake is made too often and stamina is equated with endurance. However, it is the case that endurance, strength, speed and flexibility are summarized under the collective term condition. Condition functions as an umbrella term for the abilities just mentioned. However, condition can also be found as a sub-term in physical performance.

How do you build condition quickly?

In general, you build up stamina quickly when you start a sport and do it regularly and seriously. Sports such as swimming, running, hiking, inline skating, cycling and skiing are ideal for training your stamina. All aspects of the condition are addressed and trained more and more with each unit. So you can train continuously with the various sports in summer and winter.
It is a little different with ball sports, as not all fitness skills are developed in the same way. However, stamina is still an important basic requirement there in order to be able to deliver a good performance in these sports. As a football, handball or tennis player, you should also work a little on your condition if you want to be successful.

Since fitness is often mistakenly equated with endurance, the main focus when building up fitness is unfortunately often on endurance and the rest is neglected. Of course, training in strength, flexibility and speed should be as time-consuming as training in endurance.

The best way to train endurance is medium to long endurance running, cycling, or swimming. You can build in intervals (changing speeds) to train your specific endurance.

Read more on the topic: Endurance sports

The speed, strength and agility

The speed is mainly improved and trained through interval runs. This is a systematic alternation of different speeds and stress and recovery phases. A playful form of interval training is the so-called driving game, in which the change between stress and recovery phases is carried out independently and irregularly. The athlete decides for himself when to step up the pace and when to slow down in order to recover.

The conditional ability strength is best built up through strength training. Strength training lowers the risk of injury, leads to a more efficient running style, enables higher performance and speeds, increases calorie consumption and thus burns more fat. Shapes and firms the body.

The mobility of an athlete is made up of elasticity and flexibility and is an important component of athletic performance. Stretching units improve mobility and ensure optimal and efficient movement sequences. Above all, the mobility is most easily underestimated when it comes to the topic of "building condition".

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Fitness training

In winter, cross-country skiing is ideal for fitness training, as you can do interval training or driving games just like running. After a warm-up, different phases with different loads and rest breaks follow. An additional effect of outdoor fitness training in winter is the strengthening of the immune system through the cool air.

Stand-up paddling is a new trend in the fitness training industry. You are standing on an oversized surfboard and can determine the intensity and speed yourself. This variant of locomotion across the water is an effective full body workout.All large muscle groups are trained, which also includes strength and speed due to the movement of the sport. And since you complete the training session on a rather wobbly surfboard, you also train your balance and balance. This also has an impact on agility if movements are to be balanced.

Those who prefer to train in the hall or in a room can improve their fitness with sports such as Zumba, step aerobics, spinning or Thai Bo. The training is often carried out in groups, which increases motivation and keeps training fun. Zumba, in particular, is a good training option to get your stamina up to scratch or to build up. The body is quasi shaken to Latin American dance rhythms and combined with elements from aerobics.

Also read: Endurance training

What should you pay attention to during advanced training?

When building up your stamina, you should be careful to train more often and for short periods rather than inserting excessively long intervals.
You should also know your limits and set your goals realistically. Goals that are set too high can have a demotivating effect and lead to the termination of the training plan. It is also important to switch between the various conditioning skills. If you put more emphasis on endurance on one day, you can train more strength, speed or flexibility in the next unit. You should also include rest and training breaks in your plan, otherwise overload can quickly set in and the entire training will not run efficiently. Recovery is very important to achieve your goals. When designing a training plan, you should make sure that you don't increase the intensity and duration too quickly, but first reach and consolidate the targeted level before considering the next level.

Also read our topic: Strength as a conditional ability

What does a beginner need to consider when building up fitness?

Condition is often equated with the term endurance. In fact, stamina is physical performance in various areas, including endurance, strength, speed and flexibility. In order to build up a condition for a certain sport, one should identify the individual elements of this sport and try to continuously challenge and improve in the respective required areas. Beginners should have a lot of patience to build up stamina. Those who have no experience can also seek advice from a qualified trainer or sports therapist.

In the gym, but also in other sports, the correct execution of movements and exercises right from the start is crucial. In this way, the body learns movement sequences even under light stress and forms a correct movement memory. Weights, intensity or speed should be increased slowly and continuously. If you are overwhelmed, you risk injuries as a beginner. Beginners are often over-motivated at the beginning and do not see rest breaks as necessary for their further athletic development.

In order to build up a good condition and protect your health, you need patience, motivation, adequate sleep, a healthy diet, but also passive and active breaks. You should also make your sports program varied and try to face new challenges in all areas of fitness.

Also read our topic: Stretching and flexibility

What should you watch out for when training

When training the condition, you should generally make sure that there is variety in the training plan. That means not only the individual fitness skills should alternate, but also the duration and intensity of the individual training days.
A big mistake in creating a training plan is making the plan too monotonous. On the one hand, the body gets used to the training content after a certain period of time, and on the other hand, a monotonous training plan quickly leads to boredom. Constantly constant loads prevent the body from adapting. A varied training plan, on the other hand, always provides new stimuli that keep the body facing new challenges and forcing it to adapt again and again.

How do you build fitness for football?

Football demands top performance from athletes in almost all areas of fitness. Above all, this includes endurance, as well as speed and a certain degree of agility to withstand the rapid changes in direction. Strength in the legs is a prerequisite for shooting from a distance. Footballers should build up their stamina through regular running training. This includes running medium and long distances regularly.

In addition, short, fast sprints help to improve speed and further develop endurance. The increased energy and oxygen requirements activate the cardiovascular system and strengthen muscles. Footballers can also benefit from strength training, for example in the gym. The leg muscles in particular should be the focus, this promotes shooting power and also protects ligaments and tendons, which are particularly at risk of injury in football.

How do you build up fitness for jogging?

If you want to build up good stamina while jogging in order to be able to cover long distances with ease, you need a lot of patience in training. A good basic endurance builds up over a long period of time, especially beginners are quickly frustrated if they quickly run out of breath in the first running units. At the beginning you should take shorter distances, depending on your personal fitness, and run at a moderate speed. Switching between running and brisk walking can also be helpful in the beginning.

A good guideline is to be able to talk while you run. When jogging, in addition to good footwear and adequate clothing, correct breathing technique is an important prerequisite for top performance. Runners can also benefit from exercising in the gym and strengthening their muscles around the ligaments and tendons of the lower extremities to prevent injuries. A rest break of at least 24 hours is recommended, especially after long runs, to avoid excessive stress. In the ABC run, runners learn the correct running technique and can make their training more varied. Even athletes who have been jogging for a long time should regularly add challenges to their training, such as longer distances or short sprint units, in order to continuously improve their performance.

Read more about: To run

How do you build up fitness for cycling?

Above all, cyclists need good endurance to cover long distances. Speed ​​can also be important. Depending on the route, inclines also have to be overcome when cycling, which requires strong leg muscles. Cyclists benefit from endurance-promoting sports such as running, swimming or cycling. Sprint sessions can improve speed.

In the gym, you can strengthen your muscles by training on machines or with weights. Cyclists should exercise a lot outdoors and invest in a good size and weight racing bike. The fitness studio also offers indoor cycling courses. With motivating guidance, intensity and speed are increased and endurance is improved. Cyclists should also incorporate rest breaks into their training plan and listen to their bodies to prevent injuries and overuse.

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Can you build up stamina without exercising?

The condition is a term used in sports science to describe physical performance and resistance to sporting stress. In order to build up a physical condition, it is necessary to do sports and to improve in the areas of speed, endurance, flexibility and strength. In this sense, sport is indispensable.
In addition, however, there is also the concept of mental condition. In fact, mental strength and resilience can improve the sporting world. In addition to physical training, professional athletes therefore also rely on mental training, such as repeating sequences of movements in their minds. Positive affirmations and goals can also influence and promote athletic performance.

What does a smoker have to consider?

Smoking is harmful to your health: a fact that cannot be repeated enough. Those who want to maintain a healthy lifestyle should make an effort to ultimately quit smoking. On a physical level, smokers often suffer more from physical exertion, especially when running and running they quickly run out of breath. Smokers can also build up their stamina, but when they consume nicotine they never reach the level of non-smokers.

Athletes who smoke do not improve their lung function during endurance training to the extent that smoking is harmful. Smoking also puts a strain on the cardiovascular system and is more likely to lead to increased blood pressure, while endurance training usually lowers blood drunkenness. Quitting smoking can bring increased stamina and performance, it is worthwhile (not only as an athlete) to quit smoking.

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