Strengthening exercises for knee osteoarthritis
Knee osteoarthritis is a disease that occurs so frequently that the disease could almost be described as a true widespread disease. Almost every German over 50 years shows at least signs of the onset of knee osteoarthritis, many are already complaining of symptoms. The further the age progresses, the more patients become symptomatic, i.e. they present themselves to a doctor with painful, stiff knees, which are already massively disruptive and restrictive in everyday life.
In the terminal stage knee osteoarthritis often only helps one surgery with the aim of artificially replacing the damaged joint. Much earlier, however, with the right knowledge, the pain can be reduced and the course of the disease at least delayed. The goal for all osteoarthritis patients is Normal weight! Weight loss also relieves the knee and slows down osteoarthritis.
Special strengthening exercises (some of them presented below) can promote muscle building at home or under the guidance of a physiotherapist, which in turn stabilizes and relieves the joint.
root cause
In most cases, the cause of knee osteoarthritis is simply age-related wear and tear. They are to be observed when the Cartilage layer in the knee joint is destroyed. This is located as a kind of slide bearing between the bones of the thigh and lower leg and is also covered by synovial fluid. Once damaged or broken down, cartilage tissue only regenerates very slowly or not at all. There are further changes within the knee, which are then noticed as osteoarthritis.
Reinforced the damage to the tissue that leads to osteoarthritis is caused by several factors:
- already easy Obesity increases the load that is enormous on the knee joint and thus accelerates arthrosis of the knee;
- also competitive sportthat has been operated excessively for a long time as well as older, undetected or untreated injuries to the knee are to be named as risk factors;
- osteoarthritis often occurs Injuries how Cruciate ligament- or Meniscus damage both of which lead to a loss of stability in the knee and thus to increased movements with increased functional stress on the joint;
- there is a similar connection with long-term Misalignments of the leg axis (for example with X- or Bow legs) to observe.
I would be happy to advise you!
Who am I?
My name is dr. Nicolas Gumpert. I am a specialist in orthopedics and the founder of .
Various television programs and print media report regularly about my work. On HR television you can see me every 6 weeks live on "Hallo Hessen".
But now enough is indicated ;-)
The knee joint is one of the joints with the greatest stress.
Therefore, the treatment of the knee joint (e.g. meniscus tear, cartilage damage, cruciate ligament damage, runner's knee, etc.) requires a lot of experience.
I treat a wide variety of knee diseases in a conservative way.
The aim of any treatment is treatment without surgery.
Which therapy achieves the best results in the long term can only be determined after looking at all of the information (Examination, X-ray, ultrasound, MRI, etc.) be assessed.
You can find me in:
- Lumedis - your orthopedic surgeon
Kaiserstrasse 14
60311 Frankfurt am Main
Directly to the online appointment arrangement
Unfortunately, it is currently only possible to make an appointment with private health insurers. I hope for your understanding!
Further information about myself can be found at Dr. Nicolas Gumpert
The Osteoarthritis in the knee Like other forms of osteoarthritis, it is a degenerative disease that is associated with a inflammation and Pain - at first under stress, later also at rest. A classic sign of inflammation can be one swelling (tumor), one Redness (rubor), one overheat (calor), the pain (dolor) and a functional limitation (functio laesa) observe.
In the advanced stage of osteoarthritis, the Pain even without movement and often does not disappear at all. If osteoarthritis changes then progress further, inflammatory changes and infiltrates can occur stiffening and thus a Inability to move of the affected knee, which can usually no longer be reversed.
From what point in time should an operation with an artificial knee joint replacement take place and how long is targeted training therapy with knee strengthening exercises still useful? This can be assessed by an experienced orthopedist or a specialist in sports medicine after a detailed examination of the patient based on the pain described with the aid of an X-ray.
Here is the Type and frequency of pain as important as that Time of occurrence and the Strength. Of course, the patient's subjective assessment also has a significant influence on the decision for or against attempting therapy with strengthening exercises for knee osteoarthritis.
Those affected who flirt with a prosthesis as a knee replacement product right from the start and do not practice and train regularly will not achieve good results through strengthening exercises. You will undergo an operation sooner than the patient who enjoys movement and strengthening exercises (or who has discovered it for themselves) and would like to remain without an artificial joint replacement as long as possible.
In addition to the surgical treatment of knee osteoarthritis with an artificial joint replacement (partial or full prosthesis), there is the option of conservative, wait-and-see treatment. Depending on the needs, the patient can Painkiller take and / or the knee cool or to warm (depending on what is perceived as more pleasant).
In addition, there is a combination of regular, knee-friendly Endurance training (optimal: cycling, swim) and special strengthening exercises. The focus here should primarily be on the Muscle building of the leg muscles lie. Strong tendons and muscles, especially on the knee, support the joint and absorb loads better. Hence they are Thigh muscles and also that of the calf special training goal. Simply tensing and relaxing the muscle groups has already been shown to have a positive effect. This is of course even more pronounced when specific strengthening exercises are targeted, for example with a physiotherapist as part of physiotherapy or as a special Equipment training be performed in a gym.
Useful exercises to strengthen the thigh are, for example, properly performed Squats, depth Lunges or the so-called "Wall seat". Both knees and hips each form a right angle, while the upper body remains firmly against a wall. So you sit without something to sit on.
To strengthen the calf muscles, steady exercise is suitable Rocking up and down on one stepwith the toes placed on the step itself and the heels floating in the air.
Also a few Yoga exercises such as the Level scalesin which one leg carries the entire weight and has to maintain balance, while the other leg is stretched backwards, are ideal as strengthening exercises for knee osteoarthritis.
What should be considered during training?
The decisive factor in all exercises - especially if a joint is already damaged - is perfect form and execution of the exercise. No way should too fast or too much to be worked; absolutely no way allowed to perform the exercise unclean or even flawed become.
It is best to do one before training begins personal and highly qualified guidance an experienced trainer (ideally, these instructions are provided by a physiotherapist or doctor!) and regular success and form checks in the further course.
It should rather be with little or even no added weight be trained in the form of dumbbells or the like; your own body weight is already sufficient in most cases.
Furthermore, it is not recommended to train a lot or to your own limit in a short period of time: all exercises should in any case painless can be executed. A few, rather short sentences that are practiced regularly for this are ideal. A suitable training schedule for example, 15-20 repetitions of an exercise. The whole thing about three times (3 sets) in a row, about three times a week.
Combined with a Endurance sport how To go biking or swim this results in ideal protection and support for the knees.
After the strengthening exercises, that should of course also stretch will not be forgotten. All muscles that you have trained and want to build should be gently stretched after each workout so that they maintain their original length and remain functional for a long time.
If you follow this advice and listen to your body, which usually announces painful changes very early, nothing stands in the way of optimal training therapy with strengthening exercises.
Strengthening exercises for knee osteoarthritis are truly effective in some patients outstanding results. This form of therapy helps especially those who are otherwise active and have never been overweight. Patients who manage to shed their extra pounds on a permanent basis also benefit enormously.
Nevertheless, the exercises described above (and of course the large number of other exercises) are only one way to delay the progression of the disease. The real cause - the cartilage damage - cannot outweigh even the best training. Started early and combined with one appropriate pain medication If necessary, in many cases a high quality of life can nonetheless be achieved without a surgical joint replacement.
Strengthening training that stresses and trains the whole body and of course the thighs and calves is worthwhile even at a young age Joint stabilization and Health care. Especially those who regularly do knee-stress endurance sports (for example to jog, Karate, step aerobics, ...) should ensure that sufficient strengthening exercises are carried out as a counterbalance. It is particularly important to ensure that all exercises are carried out perfectly as instructed and are therefore gentle on the joints in order to avoid any damage caused by a Improper loading or one To prevent overload.
In addition, all overweight patients - as a therapy for osteoarthritis, but also for prophylaxis - receive a sustainable and permanent one Weight reduction recommended. Without the additional (superfluous) burden that the Obesity brings with it, the knee joint experiences immediate relief. If you are overweight, we recommend weight reduction knee-friendly, moderate endurance sports how To go biking or swim to lose weight. In case of doubt or uncertainty, a family doctor, sports doctor or physiotherapist will be happy to advise.