Mandragora e radice
German term
Use of Mandragora e radice for the following symptoms / complaints
- Catarrhs of the upper respiratory tract
- Numbness the whole body
- Constrictions and spasms of the small vessels (white fingertips)
- Cold hands and Cold feet
- hot head
- Circulatory weakness with cold sweats
- Nocturnal heart stitches with charisma to the left arm
- Feeling of fullness with lots of gas
- Belching of air, relieved by eating
- stomach pain 1-2 hours after eating
- Fasting pain, improved by bending backwards and after eating
- Fat, sweets and stimulants are not tolerated
- Nocturnal intestinal cramps
- Pressure in the liver area
- Persistent constipation with alternating bulbous stools Diarrhea (light yellow to gray)
- Muscle aches with leaden limbs
- Depressive attitude
- irritability
- Unwillingness to work
- Lack of concentration
- indifference
and - sleepiness
improvement through warmth, lying and rest (Gastrointestinal heart). Muscle pain improves with continued exercise.
Stomach and abdominal pain are relieved by bending back.
Use of Mandragora e radice for the following diseases in homeopathy
- tinnitus
- Tinnitus
Active organs
- Central and vegetative nervous system
- upper airways
- Vascular muscles
- Gastrointestinal tract
- liver
- Gallbladder
Usual dosage
- Tablets (drops) Mandragora e radice D3, D4, D6, D12
- Ampoules Mandragora e radice D3, D4, D6, D12