The nutritional therapy of ADHD
Synonyms in a broader sense
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Fidgety Philipp Syndrome, Fidgety Philipp, Psychoorganic Syndrome (POS), Hyperactivity Syndrome, Hyperkinetic Syndrome (HKS), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD, Attention - Deficit - Hyperactivity - Disorder (ADHD), minimal brain syndrome with attention and behavioral disorder Concentration Disorder, Fidgety Phil, ADD.
Children with a pronounced inattentive and impulsive behavior can be under one ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity syndrome) Suffer. By no means all children who show such behavior can be classified as ADHD children immediately. It requires an extremely complex observation and diagnosis.
As a rule, a more precise diagnosis only begins when the inattentive and impulsive behavior has shown itself over several months (approx. Half a year) in various areas of life. Here you can already see that close contact between everyone involved in upbringing is important.
There are also children who suffer from such a syndrome, but who do not show any hyperactive behavior. This Attention Deficit Disorder Without Hyperactivity will be short ADS called. Mixing both symptom areas is also conceivable. In this case one speaks of the so-called Mixed form.
It is easy to explain that a changeable and sometimes even below average ability to pay attention can also be reflected in other learning areas. This is how ADHD children are often one LRS (= Reading and spelling weaknesses) and or Arithmetic weakness affected.
This does not mean that children with ADHD are generally not gifted can. Due to the accompanying symptoms, however, it is much more difficult to suspect giftedness. Not least because of this, intelligence measurement is given a place in diagnostics.
General information
In the context of ADHD therapeutic measures, a distinction is made between three different forms of therapy:
- Drug therapy
- Psychotherapeutic and curative education therapy with their different possibilities
- Nutritional therapy with its different possibilities.
Due to the fact that each form of therapy should be designed individually and offers the greatest chance of success if it is organized in many layers, therapy can never only relate to certain hours of the week. Rather, the promotion of the ADHD child must be recognized as a fundamental principle and implemented wherever the child is brought up. Thus, of course, the promotion of ADHD children in the home environment is of great importance.
Nutritional therapy
Nutritional Therapy - What is it?
The Nutritional therapy is a Form of therapy of classical naturopathy. In principle, is aimed at sick people who suffer from diet-related diseases.
As the name suggests, nutritional therapy and the associated food intake are intended to cure or alleviate the disease.
It depends primarily on the optimal composition of food which is targeted depending on the underlying disease. Nutritional therapy is therefore individually tailored and therefore belongs in experienced hands!
With regard to ADHD, there are different opinions regarding the use of a targeted nutritional therapy measure. Some of these measures may be very controversial or have been shown to be ineffective.
As mentioned above, nutritional therapy belongs in experienced hands, for example in the hands of a doctor or a nutritional therapist. A diet that is too unbalanced has been proven to damage the body and put it in unnecessary stressful situations.
General information on nutritional therapy can be found under our topic Nutritional Therapy.
Nutrient therapy (orthomolecular medicine, orthomolecular therapy)
This is based on the point of view of research, which says that there is an imbalance of messenger substances in the brain in ADHD Serotonin, Dopamine and norepinephrine is present. Research has also shown that in addition to the imbalance of messenger substances, ADHD patients also have a nutrient deficit in the form of a lack of certain minerals and brain fatty acids. This deficit should be compensated with the help of nutrient therapy and a special diet.
It is assumed that - especially in combination with a multimodal therapy (combined therapy), in the form of simultaneous application of therapeutic measures, Mood swings and aggression can be reduced.
Alternative forms of therapy
Important note on the alternative forms of therapy
Examples of nutritional therapy that supplement the diet are, for example, the following active ingredients: Vitamin E, zinc, magnesium, but also fatty acids (e.g. Omega 3) .:
Alternative forms of therapy:
In addition to the therapy options mentioned, there are other alternative treatment options. Alternative forms of treatment should always be viewed particularly critically, as their effectiveness has either not yet been scientifically proven or explicit warnings have been issued by science.
At this point, these forms are only discussed for the sake of completeness. Each form of therapy should be discussed with the treating (pediatric) doctor.
AFA - algae therapy
This is a blue alga from the American Klamath Lake in Oregon. As so-called Spirit Power, they promise a better ability to concentrate, which makes them suitable for people with ADHD. Although such preparations contain a high proportion of amino acids, enzymes, vitamins and trace elements, so far there has been no scientific confirmation in the case of ADHD.
Oligo - antigenic diet (Egger diet)
This form of diet is based on the assumption that ADD or ADHD is caused by a Food allergy triggered or conditional. In doing so, one does not start from individually underlying allergies, but rather restricts food intake to a few basic foods, which as a rule only very rarely trigger allergies. In the course of the Diets more and more foods are then added, foods that are suspected to intensify the syndromes in a special way (peanuts, wheat products, chocolate, corn, citrus fruits, ...) are avoided. If you choose such a form of diet, you should make sure that the diet is not too one-sided.
Diet according to Feingold
This form of diet is based on the assumption that ADHD is also caused by preservatives, coloring and flavoring additives in food. Avoiding these foods is therefore the basis of this diet.
Diet after oats
This type of diet is based on the assumption that ADHD is triggered and partly caused by a diet rich in phosphates. All foods with a high phosphate content should therefore be avoided.
Scientific studies have not been able to adequately prove the benefits of diets with regard to the therapy of ADD / ADHD, even if some affected people sometimes speak of an improvement and alleviation of the problem. Diets always involve the risk that the diet will be too one-sided. Therefore, this should be expressly pointed out at this point.
Furthermore, it is currently not clear to what extent the diets will have a positive effect on ADHD symptoms in individual cases. In addition, the effect of AFA algae therapy in particular has not been scientifically proven, and in some places there are even warnings against this form of therapy.
Important Information
For this reason, please note the following:
- Ask the attending physician and discuss such nutritional therapy with him in advance.
- In any case, avoid too one-sided diet.
- Put the therapy of ADHD on your feet and combine the individual forms of therapy in consultation with the attending doctor and / or therapist.
Other forms of therapy
- General information on dealing with ADHD children, in particular information for parents on ADHD therapy.
- The psychotherapeutic forms of therapy
- The curative educational therapy forms with their different possibilities.
- Nutritional therapy with its different possibilities.
- One way of supporting ADHD therapy through homeopathy.
- Since all therapies require parent and family support, learn more about ADHD and family here.
The additionally mentioned forms of therapy are not superfluous even with drug therapy. The medication should always be used as part of an overall therapeutic strategy - as a combination with home therapy, psychotherapeutic and curative education therapy and / or nutritional therapy.
Other ADHD issues
- ADHD causes
- ADHD symptoms
- ADHD diagnosis
- ADHD therapy
- ADHD curative education
- ADHD psychotherapy
- Depth psychology
- Behavior therapy
- yoga
- Autogenic training
- ADHD medication
- Methylphenidate
- Ritalin
- Antidepressants
- ADHD and the family
- Educational games
Related topics
- Poor concentration
- Reading and spelling weaknesses / dyslexia
- Arithmetic weakness / dyscalculia
- Giftedness
A list of all topics that we have published under our "Problems with Learning" page can be found under: Problems with Learning A-Z