Torn muscle fibers in the chest


The torn muscle fiber of the chest is one typical sports injurythat through a Overuse of the chest muscles comes about. Usually the cause is bodybuilding or excessive weight training. The diagnosis is usually made by the doctor through a physical examination and then means that the muscle is spared for weeks.


A torn muscle fiber is a typical sports injury. If a muscle is strained too much, muscle fibers will tear. The fiber tear is the increase in Muscle strain and describes the degree of damage. Usually so many muscle fibers are torn in a corresponding sports accident that one can also speak of a muscle bundle tear. So it comes to Destruction of muscle tissue and bleeding into the affected area. A torn muscle fiber can affect virtually any muscle that is overworked - including the chest. Especially in the area of Weight training or des Bodybuilding Torn muscle fibers in the chest occur because such stress on the chest muscles is rather unusual in other sports. Only extreme forces cause an actual tear in the muscle tissue and the associated bruise, as well as the associated pain.

You can find more information on this topic here: Torn hamstring


The main symptom of a torn chest muscle is that pain. Characteristically, it suddenly shoots into the affected muscle group and forces the athlete to stop immediately. Depending on the severity of the tear, just breathing can lead to chest pain.
Next thing slowly imagines bruise but its expansion can be reduced by rapid cooling. The function of the muscle is largely lost, but usually comes back slowly as the healing phase progresses. If the crack is particularly large, it can close Dents come on the surface. It's also possible for the muscle group to contract limply - this is probably one Torn musclewhere there is one more intensive treatment than required for a torn muscle fiber.

You can find more information on this topic here: Hamstring symptoms

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My name is dr. Nicolas Gumpert. I am a specialist in orthopedics and the founder of .
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As a passionate athlete, I have specialized in the treatment of sports diseases for professionals and hobby athletes.
The focus is therefore on diseases of the muscles, tendons and joints.

In order to be able to treat successfully in orthopedics, a thorough examination, diagnosis and a medical history are required.
In our very economic world in particular, there is too little time to thoroughly grasp the complex diseases of orthopedics and thus initiate targeted treatment.
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Which therapy achieves the best results in the long term can only be determined after looking at all of the information (Examination, X-ray, ultrasound, MRI, etc.) be assessed.

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Dent in the chest muscles

If there is a suspicion of a torn muscle fiber in the chest, the affected region should always be examined carefully. In some cases one of them impresses Dent in the musclethat is visible through the skin. This is the torn muscle fiber, on the one hand particularly lies superficially and on the other hand with a high probability relatively serious is. The dent symbolizes that the muscle tissue has contracted at this point. This is the natural response of a muscle when it is released from its attachment on one side. So if a dent in the muscle is noticed after an injury, it may be Rupture of a muscle bundle or even a muscle tear. This is important for the treatment measures and especially for the healing time (which is then significantly longer).

You can find more information on the subject here: Muscle tear


The seconds it takes for a muscle fiber tear to develop is offset by a healing phase that lasts for weeks. The better the Emergency care (for example, the cooling of the muscles), the faster the healing process will take place afterwards. It is very important to give the muscle a break so that the fibers have the opportunity to fully regenerate. By taking good care of the muscles, enough Relaxation and a sufficient one Resting phase the muscle can be fully used again after a few weeks. Torn muscle fibers in the chest usually take time to heal 4 to 6 weeks. However, it takes longer to train the muscle back to its previous level. During the month of break, the muscle tissue has broken down and this has to be trained again. Again, this can take a few weeks or months.

You can find more information on this topic here: Duration of a muscle fiber tear


The cause of a torn muscle fiber in the chest is this Overuse of the muscles. This can happen through too long training, by wrong movements or by too heavy exercises. If the training session takes too long, the muscles will eventually no longer be able to withstand the strain. Also wrong or unnatural movements can lead to a ruptured muscle fiber. The muscle is primarily specialized in natural physical movement and can be damaged by certain exercises. Finally, an overestimating behavior is often the reason for a torn muscle fiber. In the gym, exercising in a confined space with other athletes often leads to a certain competitive behavior.More and more weights are being packed onto the equipment or the barbell, without considering one's own physical limits.


Appropriately, the emergency treatment of a muscle fiber tear that has occurred is based on the so-called PECH rule. This is one Contingency planthat with many Muscle and joint injuries can be applied.

  • P stands for Break: The affected person must immediately stop any movement of the muscle to prevent the symptoms and damage from worsening. The muscle should immobilized become. There is also the possibility of taking pain medication if necessary and desired by the patient.
  • E. stands for ice: The affected muscle should be immediate chilled become. Everything that is at hand can be used for this purpose - whether a cold towel or, at best, an ice pack. By lowering the temperature, the cell breakdown in the muscle is reduced and, under certain circumstances, not as many muscle fibers are lost. The bleeding into the muscle tissue is also limited, which has a positive effect on the later healing process.
  • C. stands for Compression: If a firm bandage (compression bandage) is applied to the affected muscle immediately after the injury, this can limit the swelling and the resulting bleeding. However, this is difficult to do in the chest, which is why this point makes more sense for muscle injuries of the arms and legs.
  • H stands for Put up and get help: The injured part of the body should be raised and the return of blood to the heart improved. This will reduce the pain and reduce swelling. Since the chest muscles are above the heart, it is not possible to sit up. Getting help is particularly important if there are no medical personnel with the person concerned.

You can find more information on this topic at: PECH rule

Torn muscle fibers generally have one high rate of self-healing. Often the muscle only needs rest and relaxation, but usually over several weeks.
To relieve the muscles, kinesio tapes can also be placed over the affected muscle.

You can read more information on this topic here: Taping of torn muscle fibers

If there is a possibility that permanent functional impairment will be borne by it, i.e. that the muscle is permanently damaged and cannot function properly, an operation can be considered. (Professional) athletes are particularly often treated surgically, as their muscles are constantly challenged by constant training and uncomplicated muscle work is essential. After an operation on the muscle, it should last for about 6 weeks be immobilized.

Immobilization almost always results in one Muscle tissue regression with the following weakness the muscles and possibly bad posture. To counteract this natural process, athletes are already using a Testosterone supplement injected to slow muscle breakdown. testosterone is the male sex hormone and is responsible, among other things, for building and maintaining the muscles.

You can find more information on this topic here: Hamstring therapy and Homeopathy for a torn hamstring


First of all, as part of the diagnosis, the skin should be examined if a muscle fiber tear in the chest is suspected. If there are any superficial swellings or dents, it is probably one superficial or particularly severe injury. The muscle usually hurts when pressed. Even with deeper cracks, the bruise that was caused by bleeding into the muscle tissue. The extent does not necessarily have to correlate with the degree of damage, since faster cooling keeps the formation of the bruise within limits. By Movement or muscle function tests the extent of the restriction can be determined.
In order to examine the damage more closely, imaging methods must be used to help. The muscle can either use Ultrasonic examined or by means of MRI be x-rayed. The MRI image can usually depict the defect more precisely, but it takes longer and is more expensive. An MRI image should only be requested in the event of severe damage in order to exclude, for example, vessel or bone involvement.

Torn muscle fiber in the woman

When a woman has a torn breast muscle, there are a variety of alternative diagnoses. Normally, the affected woman can differentiate very well whether the pain is located under the breast tissue, i.e. in the muscle or bone, or in the tissue of the female breast. Come as so-called differential diagnoses (alternative diagnoses) mastitis (mastitis) or during pregnancy, for example Milk congestion in question. Because women less common Do bodybuilding or excessive weight training than men, women are far less likely to have torn muscles in the chest. If the injury has to be operated on is a different procedure than with men of necessity. The path to the muscle is deeper and it must be ensured that the aesthetics of the female breast are preserved.

Complications in the shoulder

The anatomical structures of the shoulder and chest are closely linked. The chest muscles start at the upper end of the humerus and are thus firmly connected to the shoulder. In almost all movements of the arms and upper body, the shoulder and chest region are included and a single movement of one of the two parts is almost impossible. For example, the exercises that led to the torn muscle fiber may have affected both chest and shoulder muscles.

You can also find more information here: Torn muscle fiber of the shoulder

There is also the possibility that the pectoral muscle Pulling pain into the shoulderwhich is simply due to the proximity of the corresponding muscle groups. If the pectoral muscle has to be immobilized after a muscle fiber tear, this will automatically also cause the Shoulder and arm muscles the same side dismantled.