Figure tailbone pain
- Tailbone - Os coccyxis
- Fifth lumbar vertebra -
Vertebra lumbalis V - Iliac crest - Iliac crest
- Sacrum-iliac joint
(Sacroiliac joint, abbreviated ISG)
Articulatio sacroiliaca - Hip joint - Articulatio coxae
- Pubic bone - Pubis
- Ischium - Os ischii
- Intervertebral disc -
Intervertebral disc - Iliac bone - Os ilium
- Lumbar cruciate ligament kink -
Promontory - Sacrum - Sacrum
- Pubic symphysis -
Pubic symphysis
Coccyx pain - coccygodynia
a - Nerve Pain - The region of the body
becomes of plexus of nerves
(Plexus coccygeus) supplied
b - inflammation of the tendons,
Muscles or bones -
chronic loads or germs
c - rectum and anus, chronic
inflammatory bowel disease
(Ulcerative colitis, crohn's disease)
d - Coccyx fracture, coccyx contusion -
Swelling, bruising (due to
Fall, kick, etc.)
e - pregnancy
(hormonal changes) -
usually in the 1st and 3rd trimester
f - sport - tensioning the ligaments
and muscles (e.g. cycling, rowing)
g - Lying for a long time - (older and
bedridden people)
h - microtraumas - prolonged sitting
on hard chairs
i - coccyx inflammation - redness,
Swelling, fistula (Pilonidal sinus)
You can find an overview of all Dr-Gumpert images at: medical illustrations
Related images
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Sacroiliac joint
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Lumbar spine
Pubic bone pain